Chapter 1. The confusion

Hello everyone! Here in this day October 12th, I bring you a new story. Actually, is a translation of another story I wrote. I really hope you'll like it!

Well, I'd like to give a special thanks to Drummergirl. She's amazing! Without knowing anything about Asterix, she accepted to edit the translated story so I could bring you the best possible version. I'm really, really, really grateful to her, she's awesome!

Okay after say all this, here you have the first chapter of this story, I hope you all will like it!


The year is 50 BC. Gaul is entirely occupied by the Romans. Well, not entirely...

The sun rose in the east as every morning. Its rays gradually illuminated a small village that was on the shores of the ocean while a soft wind carried with it the final remains of the mist that always formed at dawn. The village was populated by indomitable Gauls who still held out against the invaders. This small village was surrounded by four Roman camps, Totorum, Aquarium, Laudanum and Compendium. Behind the walls of this small population, there lived people who weren't willing to join Roman Empire, or submit to Julius Caesar.

What was the secret of that resistance? How could simple villagers so masterfully resist such a great opponent? The answer was found in a magic potion – a potion that gave superhuman strength to anyone who drank it. The hamlet druid prepared it for its inhabitants, and over the years had endowed that town with the fame it now so well deserved. But it wasn't only the potion that made the village famous. Some of its inhabitants, specifically two of them, were known for the many adventures they had experienced over the years. Naturally if someone asked for them, their names are: Asterix and Obelix.

These two men have always been friends, from the moment they were born – because in them there was the unusual case that, despite belonging to different families, they were born on the same day and at the same moment. That generated in them a strong bond of friendship that to date has never been broken. It was true that sometimes they argued, but deep down they both knew whatever the other said, he was never serious.

The same was true of the rest of the villagers. They were all friends, although many times there were discussions... especially about how fresh the fish Unhygienix sold were. These discussions were normally initiated by the hamlet blacksmith, Fulliautomatix and the already named fishmonger. Their discussions used to grow into fights that ended up involving the entire village. But contrary to what anyone could think, for the villagers, these fights were pure fun, and after each one, they always reconciled and went about their routines as if nothing had happened. The chief Vitalstatistix, despite having that title, was one more inhabitant of the town, and everyone considered him a friend, although, of course, they showed him loyalty and submitted to him as ruler of the hamlet.

On the other hand, there was the bard, Cacofonix, who seemed to live slightly apart from the rest of the village; not because the others despised him, but rather because none of the inhabitants seemed to share his musical liking. For this reason, the man lived in a cabin on top of a tree – a place in which, as he said, it was easier for him to be inspired to compose his odes and songs.

These were the main inhabitants of the hamlet, all of them with their routines and their chores. Everything seemed to be as it always was. It seemed that nothing was going to truncate that peace and tranquility that the village enjoyed. Little did they know what was going to happen...

That morning, the druid Getafix was in his cabin experimenting with new potions. In his last meeting with other druids to celebrate their periodic contest at Carnutes – the druid's forest – Getafix had presented his famous magic potion, a potion that led him to victory. The druid thought that, for the next time, he wanted to bring a new spell or potion. To do so, he thought of something that might be useful. One of the druids that took part on the contest presented a potion that allowed him to take food from boiling water without burning. Ingenious! It was a simple potion, but truly useful for everyday life.

Getafix thought that he, too, wanted to do something useful for everyday life. He thought about it for a long time until finally an idea came to mind: make a variant of his magic potion. While it was true the potion provides superhuman strength, it is also true the drinker didn't feel the potion had any effect on his being. Realizing this, the old druid began to think about the possibility of making a potion that would make the person feel more rejuvenated and able to endure the work of the day.

That would certainly be of great help, especially to people who considered themselves more of a hindrance than a help since they tire so easily. If his potion produced the effect he hoped for, that could be one of the greatest achievements ever.

With this idea in mind, Getafix had inadvertently spent the whole night working in an attempt to achieve this goal, although he still hadn't obtained the expected results. When the man realized that it was already dawn, he also found the villagers slowly beginning their daily work routine.

Getafix smiled to himself. At this point he couldn't remember how long he had lived in the hamlet, but he did remember that he had seen almost all of its inhabitants grow. He had taught them... had educated them... shared his knowledge with them... opened their young minds to the world around them. And he had helped them defend themselves against the Romans with his magic potion...

Thinking about the magic potion, Getafix checked his supplies of the potion ingredients and saw that some of them were starting to run out. It was time to go for more. Fortunately, he always kept a spare pot for emergencies, as well as a canteen for Asterix since the warrior, given his adventurous spirit, had become accustomed to always carrying his personal supply of magic potion.

Getafix also knew it wouldn't be long before the blond Gaul came to him to ask him for a new consignment of the liquid that had freed them from so many dangers to date. He prepared a green canteen for when Asterix arrived and also put the remains of the potion he had been working on in another canteen, this one brown. Later, he would carefully study the ingredients he used – the quantities of these elements – and would test to see if the effects were what he expected or not. He hung both containers together near the fireplace and while waiting for the warrior's arrival, he prepared what was necessary to collect the ingredients he needed to make more magic potion.

"Good morning, Getafix! Oh druid, how has your night been?" The village warrior suddenly greeted from the door of the hut. The druid looked at him with a smile and replied:

"Good morning Asterix, the truth is that, thanks to Belenos, I've advanced a lot in my new potion."

"Really? By Tutatis, don't tell me you've spent the whole night working." said the little Gaul with genuine concern for his druid.

Getafix looked at Asterix. The Gaul was not very tall. He was actually quite short for his age, but the old druid considered him one of the greatest men he had ever met.

"Asterix, you don't have to worry about me. You know druids can handle more than the others." the older tried to reassure him.

"It may be so, but you are still human. And you too should rest, oh druid."

"I'm close to success. As soon as I succeed, then I will rest, Asterix. I promise you. Now, I'm sure you're here for the magic potion, aren't you?" Getafix said trying to change the subject of their conversation.

"That's right. Obelix says that he has to deliver a couple of menhirs this morning, so we've agreed that I'll go for breakfast and we'll eat it together in my cabin. But as you know, against Romans, it's best to take all precautions."

"Certainly, Asterix," the druid replied as he unhooked the brown canteen and handed it to the warrior. "But remember that the potion is only an aid in the fight against the Romans. In my opinion, the most important thing is what we have in our hearts and minds – that is, courage and intelligence, and you have both, my friend."

"Thank you, Getafix." replied the blond Gaul as he tied the canteen on his belt. Then he said goodbye to the druid and went to the forest to hunt a couple of wild boars for breakfast.


When Asterix reached the forest, the warrior inhaled the pure air. He had always found the forest very pleasant. As a child, he had gone loads of times with his friends and played there while his parents fought... or rather, crushed the Romans. The forest was always a pleasant place to go, except when Cacofonix decided to compose new songs. On those occasions, the forest was the least advisable place to be.

Asterix walked among the trees looking for his breakfast when a Roman patrol appeared before his eyes. Oh well, I'll be able to have some extra fun, the Gaul thought. The patrol spotted the blond warrior and their faces immediately blanched until they almost looked like corpses. Instantly they took a desperate flight while the Gaul in turn took chase. In the process, he grabbed the canteen and took a drink from it.

What happened next was totally unexpected for both the Romans and Asterix himself. First, as soon as the warrior took a sip of the drink, he immediately realized that the taste was quite different from what he was used to. Strange, he thought, but almost immediately he realized it wasn't so strange. He came to the terrible conclusion that what he had just drunk wasn't magic potion, but was probably the new potion that Getafix had been working on. Asterix didn't know what that potion would do exactly. He only knew if the Romans realized that it wasn't magic potion what he had taken, he would be in big trouble...

Before he could make a decision, Asterix noticed a sudden pain in his chest. That pain made him stop, and when he stopped, the Romans also stopped, surprised that the little warrior hadn't reached them yet. Then the legionaries witnessed something incredible: the Gaul was on his knees, with one hand resting on the grass and the other clutching his chest tightly. His face had taken on an expression of what seemed like deep agony. It was surprising to see one of the most feared Gauls – Obelix undoubtedly ranked first – in that position. Suddenly, Romans watched in amazement as the warrior's body began to decrease in size, his mustache disappearing as Asterix was getting smaller and smaller. Also, the clothes that the man wore didn't change, so they were increasingly larger for the warrior's body.

"By Jupiter! Does anyone know what is going on here?" one of the legionaries asked.

"Well, the truth is that I have no idea, what about you?" another replied.

"No, no idea."

"I don't know either."

"What do we do now?"

The patrol was stunned at the spectacle they were watching. When it was all over, Asterix passed out because of pain and what the Romans saw before their eyes was a three-year-old boy.


Well, here ends the first chapter. What do you think about it? Asterix will be in a big trouble, won't he? Or maybe the Romans – knowing how dangerous the Gauls are – won't do anything to him so this way they surely won't pay the consequences? What do you think they'll do?

Also, what do you think of this potion? Do you think it have more effects than just change body's size? Is it temporary or permanently? We'll find out in next chapters! Have a nice day!
