Sunday, November 19th

Gene turned around, extremely caught off guard by Finny's comment. "Wh- What?" Finny turns to look at his poochie hoochie badoochie. "You heard me correctly. I'm thinking I'm gonna do it." Gene gasped. He couldn't even COMPREHEND why Finny would ever want to get rid of the chest dumpussy he's got. Gene found Finny's lack of appreciation for nature giving him such a large chest so ungrateful. "How could you! I love that about you so much..." Gene's protest trailed off as he realized that Finny was being dead serious.
Finny was absolutely SICK of having such large a pair of knockers.

"I just can't bear the weight of these anymore..." Gene had never truly considered how difficult having such bazingers could truly be. Finny has stage 5 chronic scoleosis from the sheer weight of his babas. You constantly have to feel the weight crushing your spine.

"But... you can't!! I love them!!" Gene whined in protest. Finny shrugged and slightly frowned. "You just don't understand how difficult it is to have them..."

Gene gasped. Not understand? But he's got the biggest dumptruck in all of Devon! "H- how could you even say that!" Gene exclaimed angrily. "Do you think having such a big ass is easy? I have to wear SEVEN pairs of pants to keep from bouncing around everywhere. The teachers have to get me a different chair because my cushiony cheeks elevate me. This is not an easy life." Gene argued. Gene and Finny both had unbalanced spines, causing severe back issues. It was not an easy life.

Finny looks up at his poo poo baby. He never knew that having big asscheeks could be such a problem for his pooker. He always thought that having huge cheeks was WAY better than titties. "I'm sorry Gene... I didn't know your absolutely massive dumptruck was so difficult to live with..." Finny said, his voice quivering. Gene's ass wasn't a dumptruck, it was the entire land fill. He looked down, awaiting Gene to start yelling at him.

Gene grabbed his daddy's hands. "It's okay dear, I forgive you. You just didn't know." A tear escaped Finny's blue green orbs. "If you decide to get a breast reduction I'll donate my ass fat to starving children in Africa." Gene proposed. "No!!" Finny was adamant that Gene keeps his ass. He wouldn't dare let him loose any of that badussy gafussy.

And so, Finny kept his billy billy bong bongs, and Gene kept his landfill.
