Joined a Discord?!?!

HamNoir is canon king babey
And Seymour has no rights
Everyone's short as hecc
Except SpiderHam, he's freaking 5'2" guys
I'm just tired, sent help
Sang my lungs out tonight, feeling better than alright
Probably gonna write a song but scared I'll get the words all wrong and tell my feelings to the wrong angel, what feelings, are they there? Don't see why you need to know my every breathing thought and why does it matter to you if I'm not your poster child, I have my own story to tell and you're not part of it but she might be and if she is she could change my whole history but if not I'm kissing a stranger whose just going to tell my secrets to the stream and water is going to pour on me like a hurricane of which there might not be an eye, no calm gold sky. If there is does that make me the pupil in the eye or just a candle in the whipping wind, the match burning down to my fingertips to see if I still know how to feel. If I do it will be pain but if I don't I know I'm already gone. I still feel the warmth though, surprised because I didn't eat the fire but it's burning in my lungs leaving me to wonder why I'm not exhaling like a dragon and surrounding you in smoke while I guard my gold and in the meantime rather than smoke I let out the word vomit and I can't tell if it's heaved dry or if I have an hour left in me because it's late and the fire is leaving slowly, the screen swaying beneath my fingers. I realize it's not the screen but me and my exhaustion so good night, good night, and good night to you all.
