Chapter 4: The Boiling Rock part 1

Finally i have submitted my new Wattpad chapter for GATE and Avatar, this time it'll focus on Sokka and Zuko as they infiltrates the most notorious prison of in this Region... The Boiling Rock Prison! Let's see how Zuko will helps Sokka to rescue his father Hakoda and they ill meet someone who's familiar with.

Also you can checkout the part 2 of my story on my DeviantART, But...... BEWARE ON SPOILERS! NO SPOILING DAMN IT!

Update: I fix some minor errors and added the image of Suki along with Hakoda and Watanabe (OC).


Katara's Narration/POV: 

" Water....




Long ago, the four nations used to lived together in Peace and Harmony. Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar, an airbender named Aang. And although his Airbending skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to save anyone. But I believe Aang can save the world...... Not until one day, when we are close to our victory in the Invasion of Fire Nation's capital on the day of Black Sun, Something went wrong, It was Azula managed to sabotage our Invasion trapping our allies, leaving Me, Aang and our remaining allies to be demoralized after our defeat. How could the Fire Nation knew this and how did they managed to trapped us? How did they invented a new weapon that can kill a bender within matter of weeks before our invasion and how they even managed to capture Half of the World?

Even though, we have a new ally and that is Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, he wanted to convince us that he is not our enemy but rather a friend, I was still not convinced because i still remember all of the bad memories of him in the past months, then I later heared the news about the Fire Nation leading an expedition to the holy Wu-Yang Hill, this believes that Aang in his visions as told by Roku himself that was the World where the so-called Men-in-Green will assist Aang to end the war once and for all to restore Peace and Order in this World, Which i really hoped for and he can finally save the World. "


Insert theme

Gate ost 09 Kore made no Ikisatsu ~ Avant

Katara's Narration/POV:

" The Fire Nation attacked Japan with an intention to conquer the Other world, however their invasion Attempt was failed thanks to Marcus Griggs, Paul Jackson and Jacob Clarke the Three members of the US Marines, Afterwards the 6 Nations consisting of United States, Australia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Israel pledge their support for Japan to fight against Fire Nation in the Earthrealm to bring the Perpetrators to Justice. In the aftermath of two Battle of Wu Yang Hill, the JTF dispatched a Recon Mission led by Youji Itami and his Recon 3, which later they arrived to Senlin Village and make a peaceful contacts with them. However the Village was suddeenly attacked by the Fire Nation soldiers who were raiding the area in search for Rebels, fortunately thanks to the wise leadership of Lt. Itami the Recon 3 successfully repelled the Fire Nation and successfully saved the Villagers as they called for Reinforcements.

Meanwhile, Sokka and Zuko managed to sneaked out of the Temple and went into the most Dangerous place on Earth..... The Boiling Rock Prison. "


June 8 2017

07:30 - 08:00 AM

Fire Nation territory, Earthrealm

At the Fire Nation's aerospace, Zuko and Sokka in the air in the war balloon. Zuko blasts fire into the tank to keep it moving. A moment of awkward silence between the two follows.

Sokka: " Pretty Clouds eh? " He said.

Zuko: " Yeah... fluffy. Wait what? " the Prince replies as Sokka whistles.

Sokka: " What? Oh, I didn't say anything. You know, a friend of mine was actually designed these War balloons. " He said.

Zuko (replies): " No kidding?! " he said to Sokka.

Sokka: " Yep a balloon... but for war and destruction. " He said sarcastically.

Zuko: " If there's one thing my dad's good at, it's war. " The Prince replies as he blasts more fire into the tank.

Sokka: " Yeah, it seems to run in the family. " He replied with sarcastic tone.

Zuko: " Hey, hold on. Not everyone in my family is like that. " the Prince replied as he at Sokka, defensively.

Sokka: " I know, I know, you've changed. " Sokka replies.

Zuko: " I meant my uncle. He was more of a father to me. And I really let him down. " Zuko replies as he downcast himself and tells about his uncle.

Sokka (replies): " I think your uncle would be proud of you. Leaving your home to come help us? That's hard." Sokka says.

Zuko: " It wasn't that hard. " the Prince replies.

Sokka: " Really? You didn't leave behind anyone you cared about? " He asks Zuko

Zuko: " Well, I did have a girlfriend. Her name is Mai. " he commented.

Sokka: " That gloomy girl who sighs a lot? " He said with a smiling looks to Zuko with interest.

Zuko: " Yeah. Everyone in the Fire Nation thinks I'm a traitor. I couldn't drag her into it. " Zuko replied as he smiles a bit.

Sokka: " To tell you this... My first girlfriend turned into the moon. " He replied with a sad tone, as he remembers his first love, Yue turned into Moon.

Zuko: " That's rough, buddy... " The Prince was shocked for a moment. Then he looks up at the sky briefly, before glancing back at Sokka.

Then the Two continued to their Journey into their own destination, However someone is following them in the Air...


Opening theme:

GATE S1 opening Sore Wa Akatsuki No Yo Ni by Kisida Kyodan & the Akeboshi Rockets. 

" Long ago I desired nothing

I knew my limits

Even so, I don't want to give anything back

It appears that I'm suppose to be a good child

Protecting something is unexpectedly difficult

But I won't give up

At the end of the blue sky - where the roads connected

I'm fine if people don't understand each other

The opened door will go on changing everything

Just like dawn "


June 8 2017

08:00 AM

JTF Forward Operating Base, Earth Kingdom

 It's been a Day since after the siege of Senlin village was ended and the Recon 3 was finlly relieved for their Duty, they managed to stopped a raiding force of Fire Nation soldiers though they still suffered a slight casualty as Jackson ws hit by an Enemy fire during the defense of the Village. But in the bright side, they saved every single Civilians and managed to contact the Base for the Air support.

At the medical ward of the Base, Sergeant Jackson is lying at the bed, Although he was injured in the middle of a gunfight, but he still choses to get up in his bed and then his fellow team Checks pays a visits to him.

Kuribayashi: " Thank goodness you're safe Jackson, we thought we've lost you. " the Female sergeant said.

Itami: " Hey sergeant! I know you're kind injured in the Battle yesterday, but why are you getting up already? " Said by the Japanese lieutenant to his American counterpart.

Jackson: " Lt. Itami, you don't have to worry about me. I'm alright, it's just a Wound it will heal. Say Looks like everyone is here. " the American sergent replied.

Tomita: " To be honest, we would like to thank you for saving our lives during the battle and without you probbably we're gonna roasted by those Firebenders. " Said by Sgt. Tomita complimenting Sgt. Jackson.

Jackson: " Nah, you don't have to thank me. You should thank Santos for providing a Sniper support for the Team, without him probbably we're all surrounded by them. " Jackson replies.

Ling: " By the way we Just brought some Lunch and Beer, so we can drink all together. Hope you're alright here. " She said.

Clarke: " Yeah, besides we're relieved in Duty for a construction work for the Civilian refugees as we helped the Engineering team to build their temporary shelters. " Said by the US Marine private.

Bautista: " Also me, Tuka, Lelei and Alvarez were helping for the Kitchen staff to cook for a food for them, If you see those kids' face as they enjoy the meal and you'll loved it. " Sid by the Filipino sergeant.

Jackson: " WOW! You really helped those people we've saved yesterday to start all-over again. Say, where's Santos and what's gonna happen to the Village anyway. " the American sergeant asks on what happened yesterday and asking where was Corporal Santos is.

Kurokawa: " I say, Ed was going for a duty at the Watch Tower in the base, you know sniper's duty to guard. Also the Village will become a temporary Base for the JTF but they will keep the buildings intact and fix the damages once that the Villagers can finally return. " the female Medic said.

Jackson: " I see. It's a good thing to have security for the Village, to protect them all once the War was over. " the US Marine replied as he was relieved.

Griggs: " I know About it Jackson, anyways you're not taking a rest aren't you? you're getting up now eh even without an Order from the Nurse. " the US Marine said as he wanted his comrade to take a rest for a while.

Jackson: " I said, I'm okay Sarge you don't have to worry about me. Besides no one can kill me and we have mission to do within next few days. " he said.

Griggs: " Okay, if you said it. Just don't force force yourself in. " he replied.

Jackson: " I know, i'll be careful then. " the US Marine said.

Afterwards, everyone opened their Beer cans and they drink together as they celebrate their victory.


June 8 2017

06:50 - 07:00 PM

Outskirts of Boiling Rock Prison

Insert theme: 

Stealth Music - Ghost

Nightfall. Sokka is asleep, snoring loudly. Zuko continues to keep the tank full. He stops to look out in the distance. Then Zuko finally wakes up Sokka as they finlly arrived to the Boiling Rock Prison, the most notorious Prison in the Earthrealm.

Zuko: " There it is! There's plenty of steam to keep us covered. As long as we're quiet, we should be able to navigate through it without being caught. " Zuko said as Sokka looked at their destination.

Zuko tries to raise his Balloon's altitude, However as they enter the volcano's steam, the balloon begins losing altitude quickly.

Zuko: " Damn it, We're going down! The balloon's not working anymore! " Said by Zuko as he tries to blast flames into the Tank.

Sokka: " The air outside is just as hot as the air inside so we can't fly! " Sokka explains to Zuko that Hot air on the outside cannot let them fly.

Zuko: " So what are we supposed to do? " He said as the balloon falls to the side as the balloon tips

Sokka: " I don't know! Crash-landing? " he replied.

The balloon skids along the boiling water, splashing Sokka's hand, which he shakes while blocking his mouth to prevent himself from screaming. The balloon hits the base of the rock, ejecting the two from it.

Zuko: " How are we gonna get off the island if the balloon won't work? " he said as he looked at the destroyed War balloon.

Sokka: " We'll figure something out! I suspected it might be a one-way ticket. " he said as he tries to think another plan.

Zuko: " You knew this would happen and you wanted to come anyway? " the Prince said.

Sokka: " My dad might be here! I had to come and see! " Sokka repied as he walks to the destroyed balloon.

Zuko: " Uncle always said I never thought things through. But this ... this is just crazy! "  said by the Prince.

Then he proceed to sink the destroyed Balloon as he gathers parts from the balloon together. in the lake as he push it through, but the steam touches Sokka's hand.

Sokka: " Hey, I never wanted you to come along in the first place! And for the record, I always think things through! But my plans haven't exactly worked, so this time, I'm playing it by ear. So there. "

Zuko: " What are you doing? " He said.

Sokka: " It doesn't work anyway, and we don't want anyone to find it. " Sokka replies as he sinks the Balloon in the water.

Zuko: " I hope you know what you're doing. There's no turning back right now. " the Prince replies.

Unknown to them, someone is watching them in the Air... In a Thermal vision.


June 8 2017

11:00 PM - 08:00 AM

UAV control room, JTF Forward operating base, Wu Yang Hill, Allied Airfield

At the JTF UAV control room, UAV Flight operators were all busy looking for the Fire Nation's Military activity as well as they trying to find the Avatar and his companions on how they could find and help him. Then one of the UAV operators talked to his superiors.

UAV Operator #2: " Ah sir, we've just lost a contact to the War Balloon. Seems that they've been landed to a Lake, although we managed to see them through Thermal visions sir and managed to found them. " Said by the Predator UAV operator.

USAF Colonel Brooks: " Okay proceed then Lieutenant, you must track and follow those two Boys, I believe that they were the key to find the Avatar or other people they've been captured. It's a good thing to keep an eye on them. " the US Air Force colonel said, whose name is Col. Ryan Brooks.

UAV Operator #2: " Yes sir, i'm looking forward for it. " he replied.

Then the UAV operators continued to monitor the movements of Sokka and Zuko.


June 9 2017

08:00 AM

Boiling Rock Prison, Fire Nation territory

After that night, Zuko and Sokka have entered the prison, and come out of a supply room filled with reserve guard uniforms. Both of them wear prison guard uniforms as well as Muskets and their newly mass-produced Automatic Weapons based on MP5A2's, M16, Type 64 and Type 89.

Meanwhile, the UAV is keeping an eye of them as the UAV operators were keep watching them since overnight.

Zuko: " I hope these disguises work. " He said.

Sokka: " We just need to lay low and find my dad as soon as possible. Also it's my first time to use a Rifle before. " He replied as he holding a Type 64 Battle Rifle replica.

Zuko: " I know, me either. No wonder why the Fire Nation wants to surpass any form of Bending with an exception of Firebending " the prince replies as he holds an MP5 replica.

Then a group of guards run by. One of them runs back and looks at them.

Male Guard: " Guards! There's a scuffle in the yard. Come on. " Said by the Guard holding his Automatic musket.

Then the two go to the yard. Prisoners are gathered in a circle as the Guards holding their own rifles and SMG's while moving through to the inside.

Prisoner: " I didn't do anything! I'm going back to my cell. " Said by the Prisoner whose name is Chit Sang.

Guard #2: " Stop right there, CHIT SANG! " the Guard said as he whips a Flames on him pointing a Pistol on Chit Sang's face.

Zuko tries to approach, However Sokka grabs his arm to stop him and warned.

Sokka: " No.... We can't blow our cover. " He said as he warns Zuko against unwanted confrontation.

Guard #2: " I've had it with your unruly behavior! " the Bully Guard angrily said to the Prisoner.

Chit Sang: " What did I do? " he asked.

Guard #2: " He wants to know what he did. Isn't that cute? " He said as he points out to Zuko and Sokka while gives them look when they said nothing.

Zuko: " Uh, very cute, sir. " He replied.

Sokka: " Yeah, Super cute. " He replied as well.

Guard #2: " You didn't bow down when I walked by, Chit Sang! " the Guard says as he walks to Chit Sang.

Chit Sang: " What? That's not a prison rule. " The Prisoner complains.

Guard #2: " Do it! " the Guard demanded.

Chit Sang: " MAKE ME..... " the Prisoner said.

The bully guard walks away, but as he is leaving, he whips fire at Chit Sang. Chit Sang blocks it, and redirects it at him. The guard breaks the blast with a kick then he aims his Pistol and fired on Chit Sang's but only misses.

Guard #2: " Tsk, tsk. You know that Firebending is prohibited. You're going in the cooler. You! Help me take him in. " said by the Guard as he points his fingers to Sokka.

Sokka: " Meet me at the back here in an hour. " he whispered to Zuko and runs up to Chit Sang and the Guard.

Then Sokka follows the Guard as they take Chit Sang to the Cooler which serves as a Brig. for the undisciplined Prisoners.

Hours later. In the yard, the warden arrives on the gondolas. Meanwhile, Sokka and the bully guard continue to stand guard by the cooler. Sokka is looking inside at Chit Sang who is shivering.


08:10 AM

UAV control room, JTF Forward operating base, Wu Yang Hill, Allied Airfield

UAV operator #2: " Sir, we've just lost a visual on those two, what are we gonna do? " Said by the USAF lieutenant.

USAF Col. Brooks: " Then try find them, we need to track those two Teenagers because they're the key for the location of the Avatar is. We must find him immediately! " Said by Colonel Brooks as the American lieutenant nods in.

UAV operator #2: " Yes sir, i'll try my best to find them. " the lieutenant replied.

Col. Brooks: " Good! Once we find the Avatar, we must report it to Lt. General Suzuki and MGen. Wilson " the commanding officer commanded.

UAV operator #2: " Roger that, will do! " said by the lieutenant.

Col. Brooks: " Okay, what about the Military activity in the Fire Nation's capital. Haven't you send a drone there officer? " Said by the American colonel.

UAV operator #3: " Sir, we've already sent a drone there sir. So far, the Fire Nation is only preparing their Airships there are atleast Hundreds of them ready to be sent here or to the Ba Sing Se as well. " Said by the another UAV operator as he conducts a recon mission to the Fire Nation's airship base at the outskirts of Capital city.

Col. Brooks: " Good work, give me an update if there's a mobility okay?! " Col. Brooks replied as the third UAV operator nods.

Then, the JTF drone operators keep watching nonstop as they continue to watch the Fire Nation's military activities.


08:30 - 08:50 AM

Imperial Palace, Fire Nation Capital

Insert theme

Stealth Music - Corruption

Ever since Ayumi becomes a Personal servant or " Slave " by Princess Azula, she is doing her chores similar what she doing back home, the only difference is. It's a difficult task. Like cleaning the laundry, drying-up the clothes and most of all Preparing a meal for the Princess.

After she cooked the breakfast for the Princess Azula just as she requested for, Ayumi takes a rest for a while. Then the doors were opened and the Princess has arrived in the Dining table followed by her personal two Dai Li agents.

Ayumi: " Your majesty, your breakfast is ready! " She bows down to her captor, along with her fellow Fire Nation maids.

The Japanese girl served different Japanese dishes such as Nikujaga a meat dish mixed with Hippo cow beef, Miso Soup, Fried rice and Tea for beverage.

Azula: " Good, now take a seat Ayumi. " the Princess said as she commands her slave to take a seat and eat.

Ayumi: " Bu-but why your highness? Is there something wrong? " the Japanese girl asking her captor.

Azula: " I said... Take a seat, NOW! No questions asked " Azula ordered her maid to take a seat, although Ayumi was frightened but she shows a little courage to take a seat.

Ayumi: " Y-yes, your majesty. As you wish " She replied.

Azula: " GOOD! Now tell me Ayumi, you're a Japanese right? I wanna know what is your country looked like and i wanna know everything about your world. Don't you dare lie to me, because you know what will happens when someone would lie to me? Don't be shy, here you can eat with me. " the Princess said as Ayumi went gulped whereas Azula offers her a food to comfort her.

Afterwards, Ayumi take a seat in front of the Royal Princess as they eat together for Breakfast, the Princess took a bowl of Fried Rice and grabs a pair of wooden chopsticks then she take the Nikujaga and miso soup.

Ayumi: " Okay your majesty. I'll tell you everything about my world s well as my country, the State of Japan. " Ayumi said then she continues. " You see, Japan is a country located in East Asia it was neighbors with Mainland China a communist state, Taiwan known as the Republic of China, Republic of South Korea and Democratic People's Republic of North Korea. My country has Four seasons such as Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring, one of my favorate season is Spring because me and my family walk together at the park especially after we visit at the Shrines during Spring festival. My country is the one of the most riches countries on my world, it is believed we're the Third riches in Asia. Our economy is based on Tourism, Export goods and most of all Anime. " She explained.

Azula: " Okay, go on. Tell me about Anime, what is Anime you talking bout? this is intriguing was it Food or something? " the Princess ask as she continues her servant to talk.

Ayumi: " You see, Anime is a term for Japanese animation or cartoon for short. It was originally started in the year 1905 or in the year 1917 which was happened almost One hundred years ago. You see many people in my world loved Anime, it is one of the best you can try to watch it on Television or in the Internet, unfortunately since you don't have an electricity here or Television we cannot watch Anime here. Among the examples of the Anime i would tell you is: Naruto, One Piece, Dragon Ball series, Sailor Moon, Mei Company, Attack on Titan, Date A Live, Bleedman's the Powerpuff Girls D, Black Clover which will air on October this year and Bleach. Most of the Animes were either originated from Lightnovels, Manga or Comics, Videogames, Cartoons or Webcomics. " She said.

Azula: " Intresting... So tell me Ayumi, Is it true that Anime were popular in your world and how it become part of the Japanese people's way of life? " Said by the Princess as she went intrested into Anime.

Ayumi: " You see, Ever since that Anime becomes popular along with the Western Cartoons. It was become a widely phenomenon, many people would love to contribute on Anime industry such as Cosplaying meaning Costume and Playing, Dubbing which is giving a character's voice which includes the Japanese seiyuus or Voice actor and actress who were all celebrities in my country, writing a Light Novel, sketching a Manga or drawing a Fan-Art. " the Japanese girl explained as Azula listening while eating her breakfast.

Azula: " I see... To be honest, you weren't a bad slave after all Ayumi, It seems that you gave me a valuable for some information. Now tell me Ayumi, can you give me an information about your Nation's military? " the Princess asks Ayumi about the Japan's military..... known as the JSDF.

Ayumi (in her thoughts): " No, i can't tell anything about the JSDF especially about my Father, as well as the first GATE nor the new Countries appeared. I can't tell anything about her, Why did she focus on another question? " said by the Girl as she cannot tell about the JSDF, even though that her father is an Air Force Colonel, and a member of 6th Tactical Fighter Squadron, then she feel bit nervous.

Azula: " I'm waiting... Ayumi, don't keep me waiting! " The Princess was now seemingly impatient.

Ayumi: " Okay will tell you about the Japan's military. In my World we called them as Jietai or the Japanese Self-Defense Force they serve as our country's protectors, they along with our ally the United States of America, i only know that my country's military is only tasked for National Defense rather than in Offensive role, unless that we're under Attack, that's all i know. " said by the captive Japanese girl to the Princess.

Azula: " Oh really? Was that all? " the Princess said as she insist for more questions to her captive.

Ayumi: " Y-yes, that's all i know. " She replied, a bit nervous.

Azula: " Alright, if you insist. Well thank you having a breakfast with you, it's a very wonderful experience to chat and eat with you ever since my brother was gone. " The Princess generously thanked Ayumi-chan.

Ayumi: " Y-you're welcome? Your highness? " the girl replied bowing her captor.

Azula: " Well now you excuse me. I have a meeting with my personal Army. Okay Ayumi, please clean the table after you take a breakfast. " the Princess immediately leves the Table as Ayumi was still nervous.

Ayumi: " Yes your majesty. " the Japanese girl replies.

Then the Princess went into the Fire Nation Army boot camp to see the training of her new Soldiers.


PS: That's right! I included the fictional anime series called Mei Company, one of the favorate show of Youji Itami and Derek Westbrook as well.

Also the Webcomic series by Bleedman known as The Powerpuff Girls D is also an Anime in this universe a crossover of Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon in a same universe, along with the upcoming series Grim Tales: From Down Below which will premiers on 2019, although both series has a different continuities so they don't share in a same universe.


09:00 AM

Fire Nation Army bootcamp, Fire Nation Capital

As the Princess arrived at the Bootcamp, she saw many of the new recruits of the Fire Nation Army consisting of both Frebenders and non-Benders all of which were now armed with Guns instead of Swords and spears, as well as they were trained in Hand-to-hand combat. although they are allowed to keep their daggers as a meelee weapon. The Princess saw the potential of the new Weapon which was now used by the Armed Forces especially the new Elite Force she requested to be made.

The Fire Nation soldiers were firing their replicas of MP5A2, M16A1, Type 64 and Type 89 as Princess Azula along with her personal Dai Li bodyguards, War Minister Qin, General Shinu, General Bujing and many Fire Nation military officials were watching the weapons demonstration of the guns used by the Fire Nation soldiers.

Insert sound effect

Type 64 | Gun sound

HOWA TYPE 89 CUSTOM Highlights | Warface | PyroCC

War Minister Qin: " Impressive isn't it? These Soldiers can no longer rely on on their Swords and spears as they can finally face some Earthbenders and the Rebels as well. " The War Minister said.

Azula: " YES Indeed, these non-Bending Men were now more capable of taking down any Benders since they can finally fight with these Guns. Especially the ones I taken back in my Maid's world. " the Princess replied.

War Minister Qin: " I know right? In fact these Soldiers can finally take down a single regiment of Earth Kingdom's Army and Resistance fighters, as well as some the Avatar and his allies. " the War Minister said.

Azula: " Speaking of which, did you get my request to recruit one of the best Soldiers in the Army? I need a unit to take-down the Avatar and his allies, once we find him. "

War Minister Qin: " Of course your majesty! In fact i selected one of the best soldiers in the field. " Said by the War Minister, follow me.

Azula: " Good! I wanna see them right away. " the Princess commented.

War Minister Qin: " This way your majesty. " the War Minister said as everyone followed.

After that the group follows the War Minister to Another bootcamp, where Soldiers were trained in an Extreme condition. Their training were looked similar to the former Imperial Japanese Army as well as the North Korean People's Army both these soldiers both Firebenders, Earthbenders and Non-Benders were using Guns shooting their targets all of which literally hit the image of Avatar Aang as their target.

War Minister Qin: " Here they are, one of a kind Soldiers. They were obidient and always take orders without any questions, these men are the battle hardened soldiers were fought against the Earth Kingdom's army for years plus additional former Earth Kingdom soldiers who defected for us, now they were Ready to take your command your Highness. " Said by the War minister.

Then he Introduces a group of Soldiers consisting of 610 Non-benders, 340 Firebenders and 50 Earthbending defectors, both of which armed with a replicas of MP5's, M16's, Type 89's and Type 64's.

Cpt. Jinhai: " I Am Captain Jinhai reporting for duty, I'm a former regimental commander of the 316th Battalion of the Fire Nation Army's 2nd Infantry Division. I am here along with my Men to fight for you, What are your orders you majesty? " Said by the Fire Nation Army captain.

Azula: " Well then, Your task is simple: FIND AND KILL THE AVATAR AND HIS ALLIES! " Said by the Princess as she Orders the Captain to find the Avatar and Kill him along with his allies.

Cpt. Jinhai: " It will be done your majesty! " the Captain said.

Azula: " Good! From now on, you and your troops will follow my command as we strike to the Hideout of the Avatar. I will call you the 21st Elite Regiment " said by the Princess ordering her own personal troops.

Cpt. Jinhai: " It would be an Honor to serve you, Your majesty! " Said by the Fire Nation captain.

Afterwards all Fire Nation soldiers saluted to Princess Azula as they like to hail her as their new Firelord, then the Princess smirked with a slight laughter in her face.

However, They were seen by the UAV drone of the JTF as it flying above on them.


09:25 AM

UAV control room, JTF Forward operating base, Wu Yang Hill, Allied Airfield

After what they saw at the Fire Nation's bootcamp, the UAV opertor reports immediately to his commander on what he saw on the Enemy camp.

UAV operator #3: " Sir, You won't believe this. According to the Intel, Princess Azula of the Fire Nation is preparing a Personal Army herself. I believe it was her own Task Force, It seems her plan is to track and eliminate the AVatar as soon as Possible. " the UAV operator reported.

Col. Brooks: " This is really bad, We need to report this to Lt.General Suzuki and MGen. Wilson, that the Princess is mobilizing her own Task Force. " He said.

UAV operator #3: " Yes sir, I'm on it! " the UAV operator replied.

Col. Brooks (Thoughts): " Okay... What is the Princess of the Fire Nation is doing? Is she creating a her own Personal Army to eliminate the Avatar and the Resistance? It could it be. " Said by the US Colonel.

AS the Joint-Task Force UAV operator units continues their Monitoring at the Fire Nation, especially for Azula who was created her own Special Forces to kill the Avatar, the JTF is making a Next move.


02:00 - 03:00 PM

Boiling Rock Prison, Fire Nation territory

After Zuko talked with the Prison Guards on how Prisoners would attempt to Escape as well as Sokka learns the existence of the Cooler, a type of Solitary confinement for the Bad prisoners and after the arrival of the Chief Warden. After of which the two along with other Prison Guards immediately went into the Firing Range for the Weapons trining, the Two immediately called and went to the Firing zone to test the new Weapons they've took and reversed-engineered in order to learn how to Fire and defend themselves as well, even if they have to Kill some Prison guards in exchange.

Chief Warden: " Okay, RECRUITS! You are here to witness one of the Greatest invention ever made by the Fire Nation. BEHOLD.... The Guns! the Revolutionary weapons that could be surpass the Bending ability and to KILL! These are the Weapons we've been used against the Invaders during the Day of the Black sun along with other weapons that has been captured by our Great Army during the Invasion of the Other world. As you can see these weapons were designed to kill either a Bender or a non-Bender, but to learn how to use it, our Weapon instructors will help you to use these weapons in order to defend yourself against the Waterbenders, Earthbenders and Non-Benders as well. " Said by the Chief Warden as he introduces not just the Musket but also the captured weapons in the Umeda.

Sokka (Whispers): " No way! look Zuko, it seems that the Fire Nation captures an example of Guns that used in Wu Yang Hill. " he said to Zuko while whispering.

Zuko (Whispers): " I know right? I've Never seen like that before. " Zuko replies whispering.

Chief Warden: " Listen here, Troopers! In order to learn how to use these Guns. You all must go over the Proper stance and the Holder, the Grip and the Barrel. Look into the direction that you've been shooting in and so for the stance, begin in your Right foot and then look into your target! then put a slight bend on your own Knees and then lean forward into your Target. " Said by the Warden as the other non-bending Prison Guards were in their Firing positions.

Then a Prison Guard came in as he loads the magazine of his Automatic musket Rifle, then he cocks-in and immediately aims position as they demonstrate on how to fire, followed by his fellow Guards doing the same thing by loading the Magazine of their MP5, M16, Type 64 and Type 89 replicas.

Insert vid

This is how ArmaLite AR-18 works | WOG |

Chief Warden: " The reason that you must lean forward, Is simple: Because you all getting a recoil that is going to be coming along the axis that the physical energy and it's going to be coming back to you and if you're not leaning forward, which your guns will bumping back. So go into your forward lean, which will make sure you'll keep your baseline steady. So for the Grip is so easy to use. You're gonna make sure your fingers will off the Trigger right before you shoot, while your left hand will place it up in the front, middle or close into your magazine. " Said by the Warden as the Prison Guards continue their firing, then he continues. " If your left hand is pulling the Gun into your shoulder, make sure you have a solid contact with buttstock and your shoulder, This is what gonna happens if you don't have that such good contact and if there's a space when you shoot. You're going hit by your Enemies, whether they're Benders or Non-benders, especially the Avatar himself and then you'll be driven back. Make sure you're going to stay Stable and look into your target, Go ahead and load your Weapons! " then the Chief Warden finishes his explaination.

After that the Two along with other Recruits grab the Magazines of their matched weapons, since Zuko is armed with MP5 replica, he chooses the small magazine with 9mm bullets and Sokka with the magazine for his Type 64.

Then the two, immediately aim on the iron sights of their Guns to the target and fires. Both Zuko and Sokka fired their Guns non-stop, both of them switching from Semi-Automatic to fully-automatic, the two did not stop until they finally learned how to Fire.

After that, the Two went into their Barracks as they take a rest for a while  and skipped for a day.


03:00 PM

UAV control room, JTF Forward operating base, Wu Yang Hill, Allied Airfield

While the Fire Nation's Prison Guards were testing their new Weapons. The UAV control room is monitoring the Prison activities especially on how the Fire Nation demonstrate it's Weapon capabilities, especially the Mass Produced firearms they've been used based on the captured guns on the Umeda.

UAV Operator #2: " Sir, I believe that the Fire Nation is now arming not just their Soldiers and Naval personnel, but also their Police Force and the Prison Guards, I think that the Boiling Rock's Prison Warden is demonstrating their new Firepowers as they'll try to overpower the Earthbenders and Non-benders of the Earth Kingdom. " Said by the PRedator UAV operator.

Col. Brooks: " This is bad. If any Prisoner were tries to escape in their cells. They would be shot right? " Said by the USAF Colonel.

UAV operator #2: " Affirmative sir, I would believe that the Fire Nation Prison Guards were indeed using Guns to kill any suspecting Prison Escapees. Even if the Lake in a middle of a Volcano is too Hot to swim. " the UAV operator replied.

Col. Brooks: " Good work lieutenant. If you find those two boys, report on me and we're going assist them if they're going to escape.

UAV operator #2: " Roger that! " the lieutenant replied.

After that the UAV operator/lieutenant return to his monitoring post.


June 10 2017

07:00 AM

Courtyard, Boiling Rock Prison

In the Next day. After Zuko and Sokka were finally learned how to used their Rifles in their training, Unfortunately the both learned that there are no Water Tribe prisoners here as well which makes Sokka frustrated. However to his Surprise, someone is actually there at the Prison.

Sokka: " Maybe we haven't failed after all! " he said.

Zuko: " Yeah, That's the Spirit! I can't believe tht worked. Wait, I didn't know even what i'm saying? " The Prince says as he Folds his arms while looks down.

Sokka: " No, what you said made no sense at all. But look... It's SUKI! " He said as Sokka points his finger to the Yard, looking to a girl with a short hairstyle as he points to Suki.

That's right, Suki the girl that Sokka he meet before right after they split-up since Serpent's pass. However she was captured by Azula and her friends while defending Appa the Flying Bison

Prison Guard #3: " PRISONERS! GET BACK INTO YOU CELLS! " Said by the Prison Guard as he rings the Bell for the Prisoners, while the Guards were pointing their Guns on them.

Then the prisoners start to walk back inside. Cut to a frontal shot of Zuko and Sokka. The latter's eyes are now rapidly blinking pink hearts, while Zuko gives him a conspicuous look. Sokka does not pay attention and lowers the visor of his helmet with a smile before dashing out of the scene with a surprised Zuko quicking turning his head and looking after him. Cut to the prisoners' housing area. Then the scene slowly pans to show a guard mopping the floor and another one doing his rounds, the other one is Aiming his sights to see any Prisoners who are trying to escape. Cut to Suki lying on her bed and staring at the ceiling in sadness. The door to her cell opens and closes, illuminating her face as her eyes turn to the door. Cut to a further off side-shot of Sokka entering Suki's cell.

Suki: " What is it? Did I do something wrong? " Said by the Kyoshi Warrior.

Sokka (Disguised): " You mean you don't recognize me?! " Said by the disguised Sokka holding his rifle.

Suki: " You people all look the same to me. " She replied.

Sokka: " Oh? Then maybe you'll recognize this... " said by Sokka as he removes the mask on his face in an attempt to kiss her.

Sokka purses his lips and attempts smooching sounds as he leans in to kiss Suki. His lips are suddenly grasped by a hand. Then the scene switches to the side-shot as Suki violently shoves him against the door.

Suki: " Sokka, It's you! " She said as she runs into Sokka's direction.

The Frontal shot of Sokka as he makes contact with the door, his helm flinging off in the process. He looks bewildered to Suki. Cut to a close-up of Suki, her left arm still stretched out in the move she used to push him away. Her angry expression instantly brightens.

Suki rushes to pull Sokka into an embrace. Still bewildered, he does not immediately return the gesture. Cut to a frontal shot of Sokka, Suki resting her head on his shoulder, and he mellows into the embrace, returning it in all honestly while closing his eyes. Cut to a close-up side-shot of Suki, who is tearing up out of joy.

Sokka: " Where are the other Kyoshi Warriors, are they here? " He asked.

Suki: " No. I don't know where they are. They locked me in here because I'm the leader. " she replied with a slight disappointment to Sokka.

Sokka: " Well, you won't be here for long. I'm busting you out. " He places his right hand on Suki's left Cheek.

Suki: " I'm so glad to see you again Sokka. I knew you'd come. " she replied as she places her hand over Sokka's face and closes her eyes.

Cut to a side-shot of the now-reunited couple as they gaze lovingly at each other. They release hands, placing them on the other's arms, and lean in to kiss; Suki throws her arms around Sokka's neck. 

Cut to a close-up frontal shot of Zuko standing guard outside the cell. He suddenly looks to his right. Cut to a further off shot, showing the entire hallway, revealing that the sound that drew Zuko's attention was a guard ascending nearby stairs. He taps on the cell door to get Sokka and Suki's attention. Cut to inside the cell where the couple stops kissing, Sokka casting a suspicious look to the door. Cut back to outside the cell, where the female guard approaches Zuko, who is standing in front of the cell door, his arms crossed behind his back. He turns to her as she pulls up next to him.

Female Guard: " Excuse me, I need to get into that Cell. " the Fem. Guard says.

Zuko: " No, you can't go in there! The lights were out. I believe the Prisoner could sneak up on you. " The Prince lied to his fellow Guard as he knocks in.

Female Guard: " Step aside, fool... Hey, hey, what are you doing? " said by the Female guard ignores Zuko but Zuko grabs her arm and slamming the Female guard into the door.

She turns to retaliate against Zuko's action. Cut to inside the cell, where Zuko's head can be seen through the looking hole as he is slammed against the door. The scene Sokka and Suki pushed against the door, looking up in worry. Sokka's expression turns serious as he lowers his gaze and puts on his helmet. Cut to a close-up shot of the guard's right calf as Zuko plants his own leg behind it. Then, Zuko grabs a hold of the woman's right arm, disarming her Pistol and forces her to bend backward, thus averting her sight from the door that slides open. Sokka quickly exits the cell and shuffles away, his back pressed against the wall. The female guard manages to push Zuko's face up with her left arm, regaining a more leveled pose herself. Cut to a close-up side-shot of her from underneath Zuko's arms as she looks to her right.

Female Gurd: " Guard, help! I think he's an impostor! Arrest him! " Said by the Female guard as Sokka looks at the struggling Female Guard, while looking unsure.

Then Sokka, made a bad descision to subdue Zuko as he knocks him down.

Female Guard: " Get him off me and arrest him! " She said.

Sokka: " You're under arrest! " He said as he pretends to Arrest Zuko, then he whispers. " Don't worry, I'll figure it out. "

At the Prison Cell where Zuko after taken into custody by the Prison Guards and was isolated, the Warden immediately arrives as he heared the news about Zuko is arrested for disguising himself as one of the Guards. Then the Door opens and it was the Warden who arrived immediately.


10:00 AM

Interrogation room, Boiling Rock Prison

At the Prison Cell where Zuko was in custody by the Prison Guards and was isolated, the Warden immediately arrives as he heared the news about Zuko is arrested for disguising himself as one of the Guards. Then the Door opens and it was the Warden who arrived immediately.

Chief Warden: " Well, well, well. I never thought I'd find you in here, Prince Zuko. " Said by the Warden as he smiles evilly, then walks into the cell.

Zuko: " How did you know who I am? " He asks.

Chief Warden: " How could I not? You broke my niece's heart. " the Chief Warden replies.

Zuko: " You're Mai's uncle? But I've never meant to hurt her. " the Prince calmly interjects.

Chief Warden: " Quiet! You're my special prisoner now. And you'd best behave. If these criminals found out who you are, the traitor prince who let his nation down, why they'd tear you to shreds. " said by the Warden, threathening Zuko.

Zuko: " So what's in it for you? Why don't you just tell my father to come collect a reward? " The Prince said as he folds his arms.

Chief Warden: " Oh don't worry your Highness, in due time, believe me, I intend to collect it! " the Warden said as he grinned as he leaves the cell.

Then the scene turns black.


11:30 AM

Hallway, Boiling Rock Prison

Few hours later, Sokka while holding his Rifle he immediately comes down and sees Zuko and Suki mopping and cleaning the floors.

Sokka: " Oh, good, you guys have met. " he said.

Suki: " Actually, we met a long time ago. " She replied to Sokka.

Zuko: " We did? " the Prince replies.

Suki: " Yeah, you kind of burned down my village. " Said by the Kyoshi Warrior to Sokka as she remembers Zuko burning her Village.

Zuko: " Oh, sorry about that. Nice to see you again. "  the Prince apologizes and greets Suki in a decent manner.

Both Zuko and Suki were stop mopping the floors and quickly hide from the other Armed guards beside a staircase.

Sokka: " So, listen, I think I have an escape plan. I checked out the coolers again, and the point of them is to keep firebenders contained, right? "

Zuko: " Yeah... right?! " the Prince replies.

Sokka: " So, they're completely insulated and sealed to keep the cold in. Well, to keep the cold in, it also has to keep the heat out, right? " Sokka explains on how the Firebenders being insulated and sealed to keep the Cold in and also keeps the Heat out.

Suki: " Just get to the point, Sokka. " the Female Warrior said.

Sokka: " It's a perfect boat for getting through the boiling water. " He explained.

Zuko: " The cooler as a boat? Are you sure? " the Prince replies.

* Flashbacks: Sokka was walking around the island conducting a small reconnaissance as he walks around the Prison's lake while he was being monitored by the Predator UAV in the Air, when he saw an opportunity he then puts a miniature boat in the water and watching it float away. *

Sokka: " I'm telling you, it'll work. I walked around the perimeter. There's a blind spot between two guard towers. It's the perfect launching point. I already tested it out. We'll roll the cooler into the water and just float with the current. It'll take us straight across. As long as we don't make a sound, no one will notice. " Said by Sokka in a flashback an Hour ago, as he explains on how they're gonna escape the Prison.

Suki: " But how are you going to get the cooler out? " the Kyoshi Warrior asks.

Chit Sang: " Yeah, how are you going to get the cooler out? " said by Chit Sang from the Staircase as he jumps down.

Sokka: " What? We didn't ... w-we didn't say that. " Sokka lies.

Zuko: " Yeah, you heard wrong. " the Prince pretends like nothing.

Chit Sang: " I heard you hatching an escape plan, and I want in. " Said by the Male prisoner who wanted to escape.

Zuko: " There's nothing to get in on. " Prince Zuko said.

Sokka: " Yeah, the only thing we're hatching is ... an egg? " He lied, but the two quickly facepalmed.

Zuko lowers his head and Suki covers her eyes while they both sigh in annoyance. Cut back to Chit Sang.

Chit Sang: " Okay, well, I come with you or the warden, hears about this egg, too. " the Prisoner said as he was Unconvinced who's trying to tell the truth to the Warden.

Suki: " I guess we have no choice. " the female warrior said pointing to Sokka.

Sokka: " Okay, you're in. Now first we need someone to unbolt the cooler, from the inside. " Sokka said as he gives a wrench to Zuko.

Chit Sang: " Oh, I can get you inside. " the male Prisoner said.

Switch to a view of the stairs as two armed guards look down at the prison area. Chit Sang walks out from behind the stairs and stands in a spot. Zuko pretends to be mopping and " bumps " into Chit Sang.

Chit Sang: " Hey! What are you, stupid? Watch where you're going! " the Prisoner said as he shoves to ZUko.

Zuko: " Hey, you watch who you're shoving! " Zuko interjects.

Chit Sang: " I think you mean whom I'm shoving! " Chit Sang yelled.

Then the two scuffles as the prisoners cheer them on. They break apart and Zuko goes for a punch. Chit Sang throws Zuko onto the floor.

Sokka: " I need backup over here! " He yelled as he called for backup and pretending to aim his rifle to the two.

Zuko dodges Chit Sang as he tries to elbow him. Zuko blasts fire at Chit Sang.

Guard #4: " No firebending! Into the COOLER! " Said by the Prison Guard holding his rifle while pointing his comrade to Zuko.

And then Zuko is taken down and escorted away by two guards. Sokka looks at Suki, who is mopping and looks back, as he walks off. Later, Sokka opens the cooler.

Sokka (pretending): " I can take you back to your cell if you've learned your lesson. "

Zuko: " Yes, I have ... completely. " Said by Zuko as he raises his head while breathing flames as he warms himself-up, then he reveals all the removed bolts and screws, which makes Sokka smile.

Sokka: " I got Suki and Chit Sang out of their cells a few minutes ago. They'll be waiting for us at the shore. "

Zuko: " Someone's coming! " Zuko said as he takes Sokka inside of the Cooler and closes the door.

As the door of the Cooler closes, they saw the two guards walking together and hearing what they said.

Male Guard #5: " Yeah, new arrivals coming in at dawn. " Said by the Guard.

Female Guard #2: " Anybody interesting? "

Male Guard #5: " Nah, just the usual. Some robbers, a couple traitors, some war prisoners, although I did hear there might be a pirate and most of all a Prisoner that came from another World. " the Guard replies to his partner.

Female Guard #2: " No fooling! " she replies.

Then the two looked into each-other.

Zuko: " War prisoners. It could be your father. " the Prince said to Sokka.

Sokka: " I KNOW! plus they also bring a Man from another world as wwell. " he replies.

Zuko: " Well then, what should we do? Are we going ahead with the plan or are we waiting another night? " Zuko said as he going to wait for another night.

Sokka: " I don't know! Is it right for me to risk Suki's freedom, all of our freedom on the slim chance that my dad is gonna show up? " Sokka said as he made a doubt that his father would Arrive.

Zuko: " It's your call, Sokka. " said by Zuko as he wants Sokka to decide.


03:00 AM

Outside of the Boiling Rock Prison.

Few Hours later. At the outside of the prison, night time. Suki and Chit Sang are waiting for Sokka and Zuko until they hear them above, rolling the, now detached, cooler down the hill. Suki and Chit Sang move to help.

Chit Sang: " What took you guys long enough. Oh By the Way this here's my girl and my best buddy, they're coming too. " said by the Prisoner as he bring his Girlfriend and his Best Friend as well.

Sokka: " Fine. Everybody in the cooler. Let's go. " Said by Sokka as he immediately Move the Cooler into the water, then he quickly lift a rock where he hide his clothers and a sword, while holding his Rifle.

Zuko: " Are you sure you wanna go? You're the one who said you wanted to redeem yourself. Redeem your honor. Rescuing your dad is your chance. " Zuko said as he tries to ask Sokka will go back to rescue his father or not.

Suki: " Your dad? " Suki replied as she approaches to Sokka.

Sokka: " If I had just cut my losses at the invasion, maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. Maybe sometimes it's just better to call it quits before you fail. " Sokka said as he turns to Zuko.

Zuko: " No, it's not. Look Sokka, you're going to fail a lot before things work out. " He replied.

Sokka: " That supposed to make me feel better? " he asks.

Zuko: " Even though you'll probably fail over and over and over again... " Zuko said as Sokka walks away.

Sokka: " Seriously, not helping! " He interjects.

Zuko: " You have to try every time. You can't quit because you're afraid you might fail. " Zuko said as he grabs Sokka's shoulder, then Chit Sang interjects.

Chit Sang: " Hey, if you two are done cuddling, can we get a move on? " He said as he standing in the Cooler boat.

Sokka: " No. I'm staying. You guys go! and Suki, you've been here long enough. " Sokka said as he turns to Suki convincing her to escape.

Suki: " I'm not leaving without you, Sokka. " the kyoshi Warrior said.

Zuko: " I'm staying, too. " the Prince replied.

Chit Sang: " Well not for me! I'm outta here. Let's roll, baby " Said by the Prisoner as Pushes the cooler into the lake and jumps as he leaves.

After that the trio proceed to the another plan.... And that is to rescue Sokka's father.


June 11 2017

05:00 AM

Outskirts of the Boiling Rock Prison.

As morning arrives, the cooler holding Chit Sang, his buddy, and his girlfriend is still within the perimeter of the prison. The current escapees are sweating as the cooler slowly floats with the current.

Chit Sang: " Aah, this current is so slow. I can use this to paddle. " said by the Male prisoner as he and his companions were being sweaty, forcing him to remove a piece of the cooler. When he puts the piece of metal in the water, the steaming water splashes on to his hand, causing him to scream loudly. 


A watchman catches notice, he heared a noise. Two watchmen hit an Alarm bell as the warden approaches, while the other Guards armed their guns readily in case that Chit Sang could Firebend.

Chief Warden: " Guards! Secure the perimeter and lock down the prisoners! Now! " Said by the Chief Warden.

Many guards appear to lock down the prisoners as we see one guard use a fire whip to control the prisoners, while other Guards aim their Rifles to the other Prisoners. Cut to the scene outside of the prison walls as the scene switches down to Sokka, Suki, and Zuko.

Sokka: " The plan failed! They're caught! " Said by Sokka.

Cut back to the warden near a launcher.

Chief Warden: " Get the fugitives and throw them in the cooler! " the Warden said as he ordered to take them into the Cooler.

Male Guard #6: " Uh ... Sir, they are in a cooler, sir. " Said by the Guard as he turns to the Warden while turning down the steering wheel.

Chief Warden: " One that's bolted down and not floating in the water! This is a lockdown! We have new prisoners arriving! Everything must be completely secure! " Said by the Warden as he orders him to take the Prisoners.

Afterwards the Guards were fired their warning shots to the Escaping Prisoners, only misses a bit.


05:00 AM

UAV control room, JTF Forward operating base, Wu Yang Hill, Allied Airfield

At the Base, the UAV operator reported his observation to his commanding officer.

UAV operator #2: " This is bad. Sir, It seems that our Targets missed the opportunity to escape. It seems that they have a second Plan, however one of their other comrades were captured by a some sort of a Ballista sir! " Said by the UAV operator as his commander Col. Col. Brooks went frustrated.

Col. Brooks: " This is a disaster! Lieutenant, ready the Missiles in case of Emergency. " Said by the USAF colonel as he orders to fire a Missile in case that mission went wrong.

UAV operator #2: " Roger that sir. " he replied.

Col. Brooks: " Hope those two kids were alright, because we need them to find the Avatar as soon as Possible. Once that they've been captured, it's over. " Col. Brooks said to his comrades.

UAV operator #2: " Yes sir, we're on it! " said by the Predator UAV operator

After that the USAF Commander watches the current situation at the Monitors.


05:10 AM

Boiling Rock Prison entrance

As the Cable car of the Gondola arrives as the Prison's entrance, many Prisoners stepped off at the Gondola coming first was a large man with a tattoo and nose ring comes out.

Zuko: " Is that him? " he asks.

Sokka: " My dad doesn't have a nose ring? " he said as he continues. " Where is he? That's it? That can't be it! " Said by Sokka as he was disappointed on what happened.

After the arrival of the Prisoners, It seems that Sokka's father wasn't one of them.

Suki: " I'm sorry, Sokka. " Suki said as she conforts Sokka.

Sokka: " Oh, no. " Sokka says.

Male Guard #6: " Hey, you two! Get off the gondola! " Said by the Guard to the other prisoners.

Afterwards, it was Hakoda and Sergeant Akira Watanabe.

Sokka: " Dad.... and who is that guy? " Said by Sokka as he surprised that his father was there along with the Japanese man.

Then it confirmed. Hakoda was the new Prisoner arrived, alongside with him is a Japanese National who was captured in the battle of Umeda as he accompany Hakoda in the Prison, How will Sokka rescue his Father and what is Watanabe doing here too?


Ending theme

Avatar the Last Airbender II ANIME OPENING (fanmade) | VIP by Sid.

Next time: The Boiling Rock Prison, Part 2.

After learning that Hakoda is the new Arrival prisoner, along with him is a Japanese Police officer that has been captured in the Umeda inccident, how Sokka, Zuko, Suki and the rest will escape in this Hellhole? and how Watanabe will explains that he was not from their world but rather from another World?



06:00 AM

Imperial Palace, Fire Nation Capital.

Fire Lord Ozai is sitting on his Flaming throne as he remembers on what War Minister Qin says him about the State of Japan and it's most powerful ally the United States of America.

Ozai: " So, this nation called Japan. It seems that the Fire Nation and the country of the Green Demons both shares a similar History on what my War Minister says, No wonder why they are so Powerful along with their ally the United States of America and how they deny the existence of their Crimes in the Past, maybe we can Negotiate peace with them if they have the Avatar. " Said by the Fire Lord in his throne.

Then, a smile smirked in his Face as he remembers the War Minister Qin said to him.



June 07 2017

Imperial War Room, Fire Nation Palace

Three days ago, at the War Room of the Imperial Palace. Fire Lord Ozai and his military advisers were listening to War Minister Qin's knowledge about Japan, as well as what their country looked like.

Ozai: " So tell me War Minister Qin, about what their World what does it looked like? and what is their Purpose as they arrived in our World? " Said by the Fire Lord in his sinister tone.

War Minister Qin: " I will tell you everything that i knew from our Interrogators your majesty. As you can see, their nation is called the State of Japan or simply Japan and Nihon itself. It's a country existed in their world, it looked similar to ours the Fire Nation as well as Earth Kingdom, in terms of both History, military, industrialization and economy, their government is a Constitutional monarchy and it was led by the Emperor who's both head of state and a symbolic leader and A Prime Minister which leads both the Government and it's Military. Japan is located on a continent they called Asia, they neighbors with China, Taiwan, the two Koreas known s North Korea and South Korea, as well as Mongolia in the North East and Philippines in the South East. Japan has four seasons similar to ours, they have Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn, their military is what they called the Self-Defense Force that military was succeeded the former Armed Forces of the Japanese Empire which they used to back in the day they were once a mighty empire, until they were defeated in a war called Second World War as of today, many of their so-called " Leaders " deny the existence of their War Crimes and Atrocities in the war similar on how we did to the Air Nomads over a Hundred years ago, but instead they do honor them in a Shrine as Heroes while blaming their victims and changing the Historical references in their Textbooks. Even though, there are a small portion of their population and other nations that were not all of them do believe on their government's denial of their Crimes as well as they oppose their Military action on what they called Special Region of Falmart. " Said by the War Minister.

Ozai: " And tell me what is Falmart you say? " Said by the Firelord as he asks his War Minister.

War Minister Qin: " My lord, Falmart is a continent in another world similar to ours, it is located on a First gate except it's a bit smaller unlike to Wu Yang Hill. In that world it has no technology nor bending exists there, In fact Japan and it's allies the United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and France were currently fighting against the so-called Saderan Empire although their hostilies were ended and recently signed a Peace negotiation and Sadera agreed to pay reparations to Japan with different kinds of resources, Japan and it's allies were fighting aginst the remnants of Prince Zorzal's armies, especially on how they bombed a nest of a Giant Insects that are similar to the size of a Canyon crawler and facing on what they called the " Gods. " said by the War Minister.

Ozai: " Interesting... So how we could deal with the Japanese? Also i'm interested on what they called Falmart. " Said by the Fire Nation.

War Minister Qin: " It's easy my Lord, why don't we send an Envoy or what they called an Ambassador. We should call for a diplomacy and once we get their side, we could return their People. If they have the Avatar, I do believe that the Avatar woud be with them and that's what i heared. " Said by the War Minister suggesting a surrender of the Avatar in favor Peaceful diplomatic solution against the JTF.


After a few Flasbacks, Ozai has made a descision....

Ozai: " And if they don't give us the Avatar, Well then.... Bring it on.... " Said by the Firelord in his sinister voice.

As the scene ends as he looks at the Map of his new Empire under his own Banner whereas he leads not just the Earthrealm but also in Japan as well.



PS: I decided to skip a day for both Sokka and Zuko where they need to train how to fire their Guns first, instead of meeting Suki in One day after they infiltrate the Prison just like the Canon, i also decided to keep it by tommorow untill the arrival of Hakoda and his Japanese friend Sergeant Akira Watanabe. Who later tells everything about Aang about his country once they arrived.
