Chapter 1

According to national tv 1,039,161,032 people died in 2018 alone. While we would love to focus on all of them, we will just be focusing on four  of them. One of the people that we will be focusing on is Paris, Paris a senior in high school with a four scholarship waiting. Paris is a typical blonde, skinny but intelligent person, but Paris does have some issues such as drinking and smoking, which will lead to her unfortunate demise.

Next we should talk about my favorite based on her story, Sterling was a 21 year old genius that is building rockets at Nasa, but I never said she was innocent, actually sterling was actually the opposite of that. Sterling was a party girl but actually died with a lot of honor. Sterling after her passing the town she lived in built her a statue.

And nobody could ever forget about the inspiring Blair, who was basically like the Marie Curie of  2018 Blair she fought for women rights. She stud for many things in her time, so she was like a solid bar of gold in the women's community. This brunette, slim young 22 year old was actually a scientist, she said she wanted to become high in the community to freely move on women's rights.

And last but certainly not least Adam, The 79 year old war hero. Adam was awarded all of the metals of honor, like I said  Adam the red headed, tall genius did a lot for his country. Adam was the hero of his time, but was a little unhinged. Adam for one wasn't letting anyone step over him, secondly he wasn't going to let just any one tell him what to do.

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