
Another day another event to this rich ass school.. skating towards the main entrance just to see the other students and some shipment trucks everywhere..

"What the actual f^ck is going on!?" I exclaimed earning stares from the peasa— people around me

I approached one of my guests who happened to be there on what is going on and he answered with delight "It's the 43rd Ouran Fair princess.. have you forgotten?" I gave him my smile and i nodded my heard then headed towards the central salon since it's the biggest indoor space..

I stopped on my tracks as soon as I met Haruhi and Kyoya..

"Oi.. glasses! what is the meaning of all of this?!" I shouted and raged towards them

"It's actually what you can see.. a fair.." He replied cooly

"Don't reply with that bastardy look bastard! This is not even close to a f^cking school fair" I yelled as Haruhi tried to calm me down..

"Yeah.. aren't fairs supposed to be student made designs and made with the affordable yet premium products?" Haruhi supported

"That ladies is the normal fairs held by common schools.. The Ouran fair serves as a development of one's leadership and negotiating since the students here are the second bearers of their parents' companies.. this will be their chance to prove to their parents what they're worth.." Kyoya replied closing his pocket planner..

"That would make you like the head of this event right? since you are mostly doing all the things to make this event successful.." I asked but he just went past us..

"Maybe.. maybe not.. this is still compared to nothing.." he replied waving us off

Haruhi and I looked at each other with confusing looks but we shrugged it off and wandered outside..

A clamping sound can be heard as Mori-senpai and Hikaru drove what it seems like a french style carriage..

"Nee, Haru-chan! Lia-chan! let's ride the carriage together!!" Honey-senpai squealed as Tamaki babbled something about a rehearsal

"First the grand shipments for a grand salon.. now, you show me a freakin' carriage?! please tell me this isn't from France.." I scoffed as the hosts sweatdropped and averted their eyes..

"Geez.. you guys are some spoiled brats.." I sighed but still went with them to ride the carriage..

"Look everyone.. it's the host club!"
"Kyaaa.. they look like royals"
"This is the best!"

Some of the students squealed as the carriage passed them..

"Hey.. you're quite good at this Hikaru.." I praised as he beamed..

"Well, even twins will start to have different interests and strong suits.." Kaoru replied as I gave them a thumbs up..

"In the actual parade tomorrow, We'll wow them with our medieval french suits.. we even have a flashy costume for the two of you girls.." Tamaki said as Haruhi sweardropped.

Ok now to think of what kind of 'Flashy' does he mean..

The school's big ben rang to 10 am as Tamaki announced the start of the opening ceremonies. We were dressed in fine clothes in the central salon as the host club is open for the general public. Orchestral music was played and some of the students are in for the dance..

I placed the pastries in the food cart and serve them out to the guests

'Remember, as a special event during the school fair, the host club will be open to the parents and the visitors.. so, for today and tomorrow, we will entertain them even more extravagantly and in full bloom than usual'  Tamaki's words flashed in my head as I passed some of the hosts taking action to the guests with their usual yet formal hosting skills..

After making rounds and distributing sweets, I met up with Haruhi next to Kyoya's table..

"I have to say.. this sure is a ritzy event.. It's too much money spent in just a school fair" Haruhi sighed as I leaned on the post..

"What are you saying? This grand campaign strategy is a chance to show off the charm of the host club to everyone!" Tamaki exclaimed appearing randomly on Haruhi's back

"Geez.. just for that? you spend a lot of our budget" I replied when Haruhi pinched Tamaki's hand

"You girls are right, in that we've overspent our budget on this.. Using the salon and we have a classic carriage flown all the way from France.. As always, I don't know how to deal with all of your capricious plans.." Kyoya spoke with a blank face as Haruhi agreed walking away...

I turned my head to a table since I got the feeling of being watched by a devious aura and found out that we are thoroughly observed by a fine young maiden with opera glasses..

I raised my brow and was about to head to her but Haruhi beat me to it.. She must have noticed..

I unknowingly reached for my dress pocket to get my phone out and then it hit me..

Where do I start with the objective.. to think that the others might have forgotten already..


"Father!"  Tamaki shouted which made me hide my phone and looked at the direction of the door.


That's Tamaki's father?

Now that I remember, I never payed attention to their surnames..

"Father is too familiar.. address me as superintendent while in school.. besides, I'm here as a guest today.." Mr. Suoh said as Kyoya headed out to greet him..

Oh so are parents involved in this things? I would have told my parents not to come even if they aren't coming..

As Kyoya took care of Mr. Suoh and Tamaki watching by the chandelier.. Wait how the f^ck did he get up there!?

Dammit.. now a song about swinging on chandeliers is repeating on my head..

"Haruhi.. you have a request!" Kyoya called which made Tamaki fall and made me stop in my tracks

Kyoya went near me and signaled Mr. Suoh's table..

Oh yeah.. the sweets..

I served them a slice of Dandee cake while Mr. Suoh greeted me with his usual sparkles..

I bowed and hurriedly went far from them to check my phone..

"Dammit.. If only you would specify your stupid objectives.." I whispered as I closed it and went with the twins and the seniors..

"Come to think of it Lia, where are your parents?" Hikaru asked as I just stared blankly at them

"I did not tell them since I didn't know parents are involved with this.. plus if I did tell them.. I would have said that they shouldn't come here" I replied when an echoed smack was heard

We turned to the direction of the sound and watched as Kyoya's I suppose was his father slapping him..


Kyoya picked up his glasses and stood up like nothing just happened...

They seemed to be having a short talk as his father went up ahead.. The hell? who would hit an outstanding child?

I hurried at him and patted his back. He glanced at me with those empty eyes and back at the far distance of his father and Mr. Suoh talking..

"Kyoya.. don't be acting sh't like nothing happened.. you should really let some things out.." I said as he gave me a weak smile and gazed on the other hosts that came towards us..

"Kyoya.. are you okay?" Tamaki asked worriedly..

"Yeah Tamaki.. like being f^cking slapped is nothing.." I gave him a sarcastic look as Kyoya replied with him being okay and sh't..

"Did he hit you because you are in the host club?" Haruhi asked making Tamaki and I a little worried..

"It's alright.. I've been expecting it.." Kyoya stated and waved us off.. the others seemed to go to their desired places but Tamaki and I remained..

"It was because... of the host club?" Tamaki trailed off..

I sighed patting his back when Mr. Suoh passed us.. I gave him a little wave as I headed to the windows hiding in one of the pillars..

Now that I think about it, is it Kyoya's world i need to fix? or is it Tamaki's?

The giant oak doors opened once again revealing a fine old lady in a kimono...

Who is it now?

I went with the others still eyeing the old lady..

"Grandmother! You were good enough to come!" Tamaki exclaimed and assisted his grandma..

'Good enough? what is that supposed to mean?' I thought when Haruhi joined us...

"Wow, that woman is Tamaki-senpai's grandmother?" Haruhi asked which was replied by Honey-senpai saying that they hate that woman..

Now what is this supposed to mean?

"Come, have a seat inside.." Tamaki welcomed which was turned down by his grandma quite harsh..

"Don't touch me.. you disgust me.." She said and passed Tamaki calling for a person

"Eclair-san.. come over here.." Just when she called, the girl with the opera glasses came up to her with her b'tch smile..

"For the duration of the school fair today and tomorrow, you are to escort lady Eclair here.." were the last clear words of his grandma that I can hear before Tamaki smiled and that Eclair to be clinging on Tamaki..

Tamaki did not bother to stop by at us at all but he just continued to escort the bi.. ehem.. lady.

"Her name was Eclair or something.. but who is she?" The twins asked while Renge out of nowhere came to us

"I know her.. Eclair Tonnerre, the third daughter of the renowned French Tonnerre family which descends from royalty" Renge shared looking gloomy as ever..

Now that you mention it,  her name means Lightning and Thunder in French.. which is basically what Haruhi is afraid of..

"Not only that they have a high social standing, they are also the owners of the grand Tonnerre, the company that the financial world has been clamoring over for being a foreign-funded, firm, rapidly buying up businesses in the country... of course we don't know why their daughter came to see Tamaki..." Kyoya added while searching in his laptop..

"It's because of his grandmother right?" I asked which earned their attention

"I mean.. the way her grandma treats Tamaki might have been because of the past right? plus if that granny was the past inhibitor of their name, doesn't that make her the puppeteer of the son and the grandson? and the meaning of that b'tch coming here was to be engaged to Tamaki right?" I asked

"The superintendent wouldn't want this too right?"  Kaoru asked while I just gave them a shrug..

I searched for Haruhi but she wasn't there so for now.. It was safe to talk about Tamaki's wanna be engagement or my ship will sink very deep...

After the hosts went back to whatever the hell they are doing.. I pondered for minutes on how to fix their worlds at the same time if their worlds are missing a million pieces..

It's not just Kyoya or Tamaki or Haruhi.. but the three of them..

Well then.. Might as well start with some data collection from a reliable source..

"Hey Glasses! mind if I borrow your laptop for some things?" I asked raising my phone which he reluctantly nodded..

He went of somewhere.. probably to entertain some guests as I came up to a lot of his files..

I found 3 files to my luck which was one of the important pieces of this puzzle..

"Never thought you'd leave it out in the open Mr. Shadow King.." I whispered to myself smiling like a psychopath on the loose..


Now that the gaming princess took the first step into this messed up world, will Lia be able to put the pieces together?

Haruhi walked down the massive staircase being adored by the guests and being praised by the other hosts.. 

Lia turned to look at the trap's direction and carefully eyed the trap..

"Senpai was in the clubroom with lady Eclair" Haruhi stated..

She's jelly~

Haruhi turned towards Lia's direction with a questioning look

"She's been rampaging on Kyoya's laptop ever since you were gone... and might as well not bother her for safety reasons.." The twins explained while all of them sweatdropped..

The others talked about Tamaki's past while coincidentally Lia just read it on one of Kyoya's files..

After what felt like forever having a little moment by the talk, Lia cursed out loud that it echoed in the entire place..

All eyes were on her as she closed the laptop with force and rushed towards them brutally slamming it into Kyoya's chest..

"That's all the information I need for now.. thanks" Lia bitterly said and waited at the bottom of the stairs..

"What's-" Haruhi got cut off as the doors from the clubroom opened revealing Tamaki and Eclair

"I have an important announcement for everyone... I have decided to get engaged with Lady Tonnerre here.. Further, the host club will be dissolved after the Ouran Fair.. That is all" Tamaki announced to a confused and shocked hosts except one that is full of rage that she could burst out any second..

"You f^cking idiot.." Lia mumbled and tapped Kyoya's shoulder..

"I'm leaving already.. tell everyone to be prepared tomorrow.." Lia whispered while Kyoya just nodded..

Not bothering to look at the others and even change her clothes, she grabbed her skateboard and skated outside with inhuman speed...
