Game On,The Beginning

Game On

The Beginning

Alright, so let me explain. I was just sitting at home, and then this wizard busted through the door, and it was an asian wizard so he just said, "You no do homework, you get punishment!", and then blasted me with this beam that looked like diarrhea but 20x worse, and then I teleported into this weird dimension that had similarities to a video game.

That was not what really happened, but it sure as heck is more interesting. I was with my friends and we were just randomly digging a hole when we found some weird stone, we busted through it with a sledgehammer we found in my friends shed. It was a dungeon of some sort, or at least that's what it looked like.We explored for what seemed like hours.

Then we saw this weird purple glow, it looked like a white girl mated with a unicorn it was that kind of purple. Anyways, we realized that the glow belonged to a portal we decided "HURRDURR GUYS, LET'S GO IN THERE".....

That was the best and worst decision ever.

So let me clear things up, it was me, Amanda, Nathan, Caleb, my good friend Lane, and my good friend Mykel. Once we entered this portal things seemed different, everything felt heavy. I look down to see some armor. I turned around to see a large sword on my back, I look over to see that Amanda has a bow that was too organic to be natural, Nathan has 2 daggers, Caleb has a normal sword, Lane has a staff, and Mykel has a rune. I knew exactly what was happening. I got up and said "Guys, this portal teleported us into what seems like an MMO world. This world could have monsters of unbelievable power, so we have to be careful. This is not a game, even though it may be based off of one. We have to move."

I examine my armor and realize I have a hood, I flip it up for cool points because why not and gestured for my friends to follow. I looked around and saw a large forest, it didn't seem normal, it seemed enchanted. I told them to stay back and wait. I pulled my sword off of my back. This sword reminded me of the Buster Blade that Cloud uses.

I walked into the forest and looked around. In the distance I saw some goblins by a flame. By the flame I saw ruins, and I knew they attacked a village. I rushed forward and waved to signal my friends to follow.

I suddenly felt powerful, then I jumped up, I closed my eyes waiting to fall but I didn't. I opened my eyes to see I was floating in the air, I then lifted my sword and shoved downwards. I started flying down at an unimaginable speed, then slammed the sword into the ground creating a shockwave that knocked everything away, including my friends. I looked to see if they were okay, and saw that Lane was hurt. I got up and heard rumbling, so I rushed over to my friends to help them up and dragged Lane to safety.

I saw fire fly by my face and saw Mykel throwing fireballs, Amanda looking around frantically while shooting her bow, Caleb running towards something in the trees, with Nathan by his side. I got up to get a better look only to see an ogre reaching towards Nathan. Nathan jumped up and stabbed the ogre in the arm, using his blades to climb up the massive monster. I charged forward and stabbed at the monster's legs, trying to disable it. He swiped at me and hit me miles away, well that's how far it seemed. The last thing I saw was a tree getting closer,and closer,and closer. The last thing I heard was a crack as the tree fell, with me under it.

Everything seemed so bright when I awoke. I saw that I was trapped under the tree, my blade being too far away to grab, I closed my eyes and waited.

I then saw a vision of someone's fist, but they were flaming with red fire. I thought really hard about this image. Then suddenly I felt warm.

Mykels View

"That thing is waaaayyyy too big! I am not okay with this!"

I shouted, I just kept throwing my fireballs at it, hoping it would do something but it didn't seem to do anything. I looked around trying to find Damian but I didn't see him anywhere. "Where is Damian? We need Damian!" I shouted. Amanda looked at me and said "I saw him fly off somewhere! I think that "thing" hit him!"

Oh no! Oh no oh no oh no! Damian is the only person that may have any knowledge about these things. The thing is they aren't nice things either! I looked over and saw Caleb stabbing at the fallen thing and Nathan trying to dislodge his knives from its head. We all gather around to try and figure out what happened to Damian.

That's when we heard him yell, not a scared yell, but an angry one....

Amanda's View

We heard him yell. That's when Mykel took off running, and I followed after him. Nathan continued to try to pull the knife from the creature's head, and Caleb stayed behind with him. Mykel is good at following noises and tracking down their location, so it was only reasonable to follow Mykel. After running for a while we saw this broken tree but there was a problem with this tree, Damian was under it. When we saw Damian we knew something was different because there was a red glow coming out from his body,then the part of the tree above him seemed to explode. Mykel grabbed me and pulled me down and told me to protect my head so we wouldn't get severely hurt.

When we got up Damian was standing, his fists glowing red, holding parts of the tree in his hands. He looked up and I saw his eyes were red. His eyes and fists stopped glowing and he started walking towards us, throwing the pieces of the tree to the side. "Well,that just happened." he said. "I seem to be figuring out my powers one by one,which is kinda cool. Maybe you guys will soon find out what you are capable of. Where is Nathan and Caleb? Is Lane okay?" he asked. "Nathan is trying to get his knives out of that creature's head,Caleb stayed behind to help him. Lane is recovering from his injury" I said. "Well we should start heading back, lead the way guys" Damian said. He goes to grab his sword and we start heading back to the ruins.

When we returned Nathan, Caleb, And Lane were sitting by the fire that the goblins made,I sat down with them and Damian and Mykel were talking to each other by another tree .I was making sure Lane was recovered enough to start walking while Nathan and Caleb tried to repair one of the old houses so we would have a place to stay.

I got up and grabbed an arrow from my quiver to examine it. I put it in my bow and shot, it landed right where I wanted it to land. I pulled out the rest of the arrows and counted them. I had 20, I put the arrows away, shot another, then counted again.

I still had 20. I called Damian over and told him about this. "That's awesome! That means we don't have to worry about making arrows for your bow, they just teleport back or they just regenerate!" he said. "Neat" I responded "that saves us some time, should we get moving?" "I don't see why not" he said "We should wait till tomorrow though" he said as he walked towards the broken house to help Nathan and Caleb fix it.
