Happy 5 years!

Hey guys, 

Long time, no post! It has been exactly a year since the last time I ventured in to post a new chapter on this book, and that means that today is our 5 year anniversary of my first ever chapter! 

I know you guys are probably sick of hearing it by now, but thank you all so much for making the last five years so brilliant, and being so supportive of my writing endeavours, even when I was still just a little baby writer learning the fan fiction ropes! 

1.5 million reads. Almost 30,000 votes. And so many incredible and kind comments. 

Thank you all so much, Lauren. X

P.S. Please be sure to go and try out the other Game of Thrones books on my page, and if you're an MCU fan, there are two books of those waiting for you, too. 
