Results (ch7)

"Hello Yosano, atsushi," Fukusawa says. "Good morning president!" Yosano and Atsushi say at the same time, snapping their gaze to the door where Ranpo, Fukuzawa and Kunikida were standing. Seeing the worried glint in the pairs eyes, Ranpo got a bad feeling. "What's wrong with dazai?" He asks. The other people in the room were surprised by this question and turned their gaze to the detective. Yosano and atsushi looked to him and coughed, gaining the attention of the others.

"If you would allow me to explain." Yosano says. "You know how I mentioned how light dazai was? Well, I tested my theory with Atsushi." She continued. "Do you think we could know your theory or not?" Fukuzawa says with worry in his voice. "I'm sorry, currently I need more evidence to prove it but I'll do this drug test and hopefully that'll provide more proof. I don't want to raise the concern for no reason so I'll most likely do another version of the test just in case." Yosano said sincerely.

Atsushi didn't know what to do so he just nodded. Yosano turned to face the others in the room "Could you leave for a minute while I talk to atsushi please?" Yosano says with a serious yet concerned voice. The three agency members at the door could see that this was not the time to do any eavesdropping so they exited through the medical door and went to do whatever they were doing before and informed the others who were currently in the office to not disturb them.

With Yosano and atsushi:

There was thick silence in the room, filling the two of them with more anxiety than they already had. "So...what do you mean by theory?" Atsushi asked, breaking the silence in the room. Yosano looked to dazai. "Atsushi, I'm going to tell you and only you this, for now anyway." She said. Atsushi's shoulders tensed at this, he wasn't used to having to keep secrets. "Do you promise not to tell ANYONE until further notice?" The medic said, at this atsushi nodded stiffly. "Even without doing the tests I can see that dazais mental health is shit." She says with a sad sigh. "How?" The weretiger asked. "You see the swelling on of his neck and how his finger nails have a bit of a yellow stain? Do you know what that may mean?" She asked in a low voice that only atsushi could hear. "No... I'm assuming they are bad." He replied. "You would be right, those are signs of someone who....smokes. And I mean, not to shame anyone who smokes but if you do it a small amount of times it's okay but with these symptoms he's obviously smoked a fair bit and it looks like he did recently." She said, pointing things out as she says it.

(A/n: I don't actually know if those are symptoms however it says that on Google)

Atsushi was stunned. He never thought of dazai as a smoker although he did take a suspicious amount of breaks outside or a long period of time in the bathroom, always smelling like perfume after coming out. Whenever asked by he would always say that wherever he went was smelly.

"What else can you figure out?" He asked cautiously. "Well he clearly doesn't get enough sleep. His eye bags aren't visible from far away but when you see him close up his eyes look tired." She explains.
Now that he thinks about it, atsushi would sometimes look over to dazai and his eyes would keep on closing and opening again after a few seconds, whether from kunikida telling him to wake up or something else. The man would also drink quite a bit of coffee per day, although a couple times atsushi saw him put another suspicious liquid in his drinks after looking to see if anyone was looking. The weretiger wouldn't mention any of that to Yosano though.

Atsushi snapped out of his thoughts and started to look at the man, soon after Yosano did the same. Then suddenly a message tone was heard and Yosano turned her chair to her computer screen. "Oh the results are back." She exclaimed. "For what test?" Atsushi asked. "The dna one but at least it'll help us" the medic said. "Should I get the others for this?" Atsushi asked Yosano . "Yeah that's a good idea at least then they'll know a bit about this suicidal maniac. Although don't mention anything about the medical side of it, as I said I don't want to panic they." She said. Atsushi nodded and opened the door to the office.

"Guys! Come to the medical room one of the test results are back!" Atsushi shouted. A jostle of chairs scraping of chairs was heard as the other members made their way. "Hey you guys! Grab a chair, I'm not too sure what we are gonna find here. By the way this is the dna test, it should tell us his personal info such as birth place and age." Yosano explains as everyone grabbed a chair and sat around the ironically large desk.

"Everyone ready?" Yosano asks. The other agency members nodded their heads and looked at the screen as Yosano nervously clicked on the email link.


Okay that's chapter 7 over. What will appear on his dna report? Will they still be able to trust him afterwards? Who knows.

Also I think I've sort of got an upload schedule now which I hope will be a chapter per week but it may change depending on whatever is going on in life 🤷🏼‍♀️

Side note:
Anything medical in this was from google so I don't know if it's fully Correct.
