That's Really HOT

The Four defeated Maximus Crocodilius and Violet, Wilbur and Penny took of their stinky armor and put on their suits. The NSA came, took Antonio outside the sewer and put him in the van.

Penny: Well, This is fun

Violet: Yeah, I'm mean what's the worst that could happen?

Hiro: Yeah, We only got one more criminal to go and we're free.

Wilbur: Yeah, A-Burn

The Futuristic Four were excited that A-Burn was criminal. Without the Four knowing, A-Burn flies behind a car, lifts it up and throws it at the Four.

Violet: Look out!

Wilbur: CAR!

Hiro and Penny turns around and sees the car, Violet puts A force field around her and Wilbur.

Hiro: I got this.

Hiro use his Telekinetic ability to block the falling car, The hood of the car breaks and Hiro drops the car and he saw A-Burn.

Hiro: A-Burn!

A-Burn starts running away and The Four runs after him, Wilbur uses his Thunder Rage to run more fast with lightning speed and catches up to him. Hiro blast a pole with wires to slow A-Burn down, But A-Burn flies over the pole and all the way to Krei Tech.

Hiro: He's going for Krei Tech.

Hiro calls for back up on his helmet and hangs up quickly, A-Burn stops in front of Krei Tech building and throws three fireballs at The Four, But they dodge all three of them.

Hiro: This is easy, I scanned him, His only weaknesses is water.

Wilbur: How do you know?

Hiro: Do you really want me to talk science and sound smart?

Wilbur: I'm good

A-Burn: You kids can't stop me, Nobody can stop me!

A-Burn throws five fire balls at The Four, But they dodge. Then a rocket figure flies down in front the Four, It was Baymax in his red suit.

Baymax: Excuse me A-Burn, I'm afraid I'm going have to hydrate you.

Baymax raises his arm and launches his rocket fist and it hits A-Burn and sends him flying to a fire hydrant. Hiro uses Telekinesis to lift the broke and slams in the back of A-Burns head and A-Burn falls behind unconscious.

Wilbur: We'll that was fast.

Penny: We rule.

Violet: Wait, what's that smell?

Penny: ( smells) Magma

The Four looks at A-Burn and sees lava coming from his pants.


Penny: EW!

Violet: What the heck, Again?

Hiro: Diker, A-Burn is down and Give him another pair of pants.
