Chapter Eight: Animal I Have Become

It was a few days later that Harry was released from Hospital Wing, just in time for the school year to begin. Both Hermione and Lupin informed him about his aversion to the Wolfsbane potion and how that would affect life at Hogwarts. Upon hearing the news, Hermione noticed that Harry immediately began to doubt himself, even going as far as suggesting that he should leave the school so as not to hurt anyone.

Hermione immediately chastised him for that line of thought.

With the knowledge that his affliction was bleeding over into his normal life, Lupin decided that he would come to Hogwarts to help Harry learn to control his transformations, but for now Harry was told to try to keep his emotions in check to limit the possibility of an accidental shift.

Now however, the Hogwarts students, new faces and returning bodies, had arrived via the Hogwarts Express and the hottest topic in the Great Hall was the absence of Harry Potter on the train. His presence at the welcome back feast, only caused further stories to circulate. All talk of the Boy-Who-Lived however to halt when Professor Dumbledore moved to the podium to make a few announcements.

"Before we begin to indulge ourselves in want I'm sure will be a wonderful feast, I have a few announcements to make. First, I would like to inform you all that the house Quidditch tournament has been cancelled this year." There was a collective groan from a majority of the hall. No Quidditch, Harry thought. What reason would Dumbledore have for possibly cancelling Quidditch? His thoughts were interrupted as the Headmaster raised his hands to silence the students. "Don't worry, Quidditch hasn't been cancelled outright, but I must inform you that an exciting event will be taking place at Hogwarts… The Triwizard Tournament."

He paused briefly, allowing a low murmur to manifest across the hall before continuing his explanation. "The tournament will begin in October, when two other magical academies will join us during the curse of this school year. They are Beauxbatons Academy of Magic from France and the Durmstrang Institute from Eastern Europe. Once they arrive, a champion will be selected from each school to perform a number of tasks, made to challenge them. I will explain more when they arrive next month."

"With the addition of two schools, there will be Quidditch matches between the schools, as well as any recreational matches you may wish to indulge yourself with. But now we have waited long enough, let the feast begin."

A Few Weeks Later

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were enjoying themselves on the grounds after a long day of classes. They had just left their Defense against the Dark Arts class, finally being finished with Professor Moody's review of what they should've learned in their first two years.

'I can't believe that you don't like Moody's Defense classes Hermione." Ron regularly brought this issue up after every single class. Having grown up with his parents telling stories about Mad-eye and his exploits during the First Wizarding War, he thought the deranged teacher was an amazing teacher.

"It's not that I don't like the class Ron, I actually think we are learning a lot of really great and important things. It's Professor Moody I don't like." Hermione had been put off by Moody ever since he demonstrated the three Unforgivable Curses and was even more put off by how thy particularly effected Harry and Neville.

"You're not still on about him doing the curses in class are you?" Hermione narrowed her eyes at him and this only caused the look on his face to become even more incredulous. "Even you have to admit that we need to know how the curse work in case we ever encounter them."

Hermione also agreed with this sentiment but she stuck with her earlier resolve. He could've at least been ore tactful about it, especially knowing that the Killing Curse was the reason for Harry's misfortune. Before she could respond, Cedric Diggory approached the group.

"Hello Harry, Ron, Hermione."

"Hey Cedric. What's up mate?"

"Actually Harry, I wanted to talk to you about setting up a Quidditch game."

Harry was dumbfounded. Cedric Diggory, prefect, seeker, and all around popular guy wanted to set up a Quidditch match with him…for fun.

"Wow Cedric. What's this all about?" Ron was a little put off that the Hufflepuff hadn't asked him if he wanted to pay Quidditch but his overall curiosity was currently beating his jealousy.

"Since I figured our match last year was a little unfair, I figured we could have a rematch. Same teams and all."

"That sounds great Cedric, but Wood left school last year and I'm sure some of your team may have left too."

"I don't think it'll be hard to find people to fill in. Besides we can act like it's for the Quidditch cup this year." Both boys grinned at this and Cedric extended his hand to seal the deal, which Harry quickly took. The older boy turned to walk away but another thought came to Harry's mind, causing him to call out after him.

"Hey Cedric? Are you gonna try out for the Hogwarts team."

The two exchanged a brief stare before Cedric smiled sheepishly, looking down at the floor. "Sorry Harry, I don't think I will. I want to try my luck at being school champion and I don't want anything to interfere with that."

Harry was briefly saddened that he wasn't going to be playing with Cedric but decided to support his decision nevertheless. "Well if you do get selected, I'll support you one hundred percent."

With a wave of acknowledgement, Cedric rounded the corner out of sight. Harry turned back around to look at his friends, seeing a small smile on Hermione's face, rolling her eyes, and murmuring something along the lines of "Boys…" It was the look on Ron's face that startled him however that startled him. His best friend had a rather envious and disgruntled look on his face that immediately told Harr that something was wrong.

Before anything could be said however, a sneering voice could be heard calling from behind Harry's back. He closed his eyes and sighed to himself. Malfoy was the last person Harry wanted to deal with. Especially with the full moon being only a few days away. Realizing that there was no way out of the confrontation, Harry turned around to face him.

"Well, well, well, Potter. I hear that you want to be on the Hogwarts Quidditch team this year." His arrogant demeanor only increased when he saw his rival take a defensive stance towards him.

"What's it to you, Malfoy?"

"You might as well give up now Potter, you don't stand a chance of making the cut."

Ron stepped forward, showing his support for Harry, his previous Jealousy forgotten. "And you think you'll do any better Malfoy?"

"Oh I think I will Weaselby. You see my father couldn't believe that Potter hear had gotten a Firebolt last year and I didn't, so he immediately corrected that situation." Harry didn't think it was possible for someone to be this arrogant, but the git in front of him kept proving that sentiment wrong.

"We'll see who wins at try outs later Malfoy." Harry stepped forward, his eyes matching the intensity of his words, briefly startling Malfoy by the power and conviction of it all. This lapse of façade only lasted a brief second before his arrogant smile returned.

"Come one Potter. We both know that I'm the superior player here. The only reason you even made your Quidditch team was because you're Harry Potter." Malfoy was positive that the only reason that Scarhead made his house team in his first year was because of his time a scoff from Hermione's direction diverted his attention.

"Please Malfoy, Harry hasn't lost a single game against you or Slytherine." Seeing the rage growing in the snake's eyes, Hermione decided to go for the final blow. "Besides, if you think a fancy new broom will help you beat Harry, just remember second year."

The last comment caused Malfoy's rage to boil over exponentially. The match in question was one of the worst memories he had at Hogwarts. The fact the Potter beat him when he had a superior broom, was something that Malfoy just couldn't accept, placing the blame on anywhere but the fact that Potter had superior skill.

"I don't remember asking you Mudblood! If I wanted a use for your mouth, I'd have you kneel in front of me, the only thing your kind is good for." Malfoy immediately regretted his words as Harry lunged at him. It took both Ron and Hermione to restrain Harry from thrashing the arrogance off of Malfoy's face. Sensing the danger, Draco turned and fled off in the direction of the Slytherine Common Room.

Hermione looked Harry in the eyes, pleading with him to drop it. It was at that moment that a low growl radiated from his throat and his eye began to change color. Panicking that he was losing control, Harry immediately threw himself into the nearest classroom, with his best friends attempting to follow him in. Before they could enter the door slammed shut in front of them. Beginning to turn frantic, Hermione and Ron began trying to pull the door open but to know avail.

"Open the door Harry!"

"No stay back, I can't control it."

Hermione managed to get the door open before she saw Harry scrambling towards the center of the room.

"Please go! I don't know what's gonna happen!" With that, he dropped to the floor and let out a loud roar before beginning to pace wildly through the room. Hermione remained fixed to the spot, until Ron had managed to get a good hold of her and pull her back into the hallway.

"What in Merlin are you doing Ron? We have to go back in there." Hermione grabbed the door handle to reenter the room, but was stopped when a loud crashing noise from behind it startled her. Ron quickly grabbed her and moved her back to the opposite wall, as the violent sounds continued to emerge from the room.

It was several minutes later that the classroom that Harry entered finally quieted down to an almost unnatural silence. Tentatively, Hermione inched her way towards the door and began to crack it open, her eyes widening to the sight that was before her.

The desks that once lined the room were now scattered through it, some having been torn apart, while others were simply thrown across the room. Sitting in front of the teacher's desk, was Harry, his fingers still adorned with claws and his eyes sill glowing. He appeared to be almost in a trance like state, staring at his hands as if there was a detail present that was the most important thing to him.

She moved towards him a tentative hand outstretched until she was close enough to touch him. At the first contact, Harry recoiled, bearing his teeth in a threatening manner. Hermione however refused to back down from her friend.

"Harry? It's okay. It's me Hermione." She saw a flash of recognition before he shut his eyes and began to breathe at a regular place. Slowly his claws began to recede and the light behind his eye lids began to dim, until he opened his eyes again and stared at Hermione's face. 'Everything's okay," was the last thing she said before wrapping him up in a brief and light hug.

"I'm sorry about all this guys. I thought I had a better handle on it," Harry grinned trying to light the mood of what just happened, but this only seemed to anger Hermione slightly.

"Harry you need to control yourself, especially with the full moon coming. You can't just lash out Harry."

"I can't necessarily control it Hermione. What do you want me to do?" He was getting frustrated that she didn't understand how difficult it was to keep his instincts in check.

"You need to keep control," she exclaimed, her voice raising in volume. She let out a long sigh before regaining her composure. "If you can't keep your temper in check Harry, this is going to be a lot more difficult."

"I know Hermione. I know. It's just…" he locked eyes with her for a few seconds, trying to get her to see what he was trying to say. "No one deserves to be talked to like that. Especially not you." He looked down at the floor, starting to feel embarrassed that Malfoy had gotten under his skin.

"I appreciate that Harry, but you can't let it get to you."

"I know." He looked sheepishly around the room before peering at his two friends again, rubbing the back of his neck. "Do you guys think you can help me straighten this up?"

"Oh so now he wants our help." The grin on Ron's face showed that he was kidding and the trio began to set the classroom back into working order.

Before they knew it, it was 4:00 and it was time for Quidditch tryouts. Both Harry and Ron were vying for a spot on the team so they went into the changing area laving Hermione on the stands to watch. When the tryouts actually began Hermione opened up a book in front of her, barely paying attention to the action in front of her. She briefly glanced up during the chaser tryouts and saw that Angelina, Alicia, and Katie were all doing fairly well, but son returned to her book. She looked up again after several minutes to see the twins trying out for the Beater positions. The two were taking their time to show off and fool around a little bit, deciding to bounce the Bludger back and forth instead of trying to hit the target Madam Hooch had set up. Shaking her head she returned to her book.

Madam Hooch announced the start of Keeper Tryouts and had all the potentials line up to take turns defending the hoops. There were seven people in total in attendance, Ron going second to last out of all of them.

When it was Ron's turn, he had his work cut out for him. The current leader was Herbert Fleet, a Hufflepuff, who had managed to save eight out of the ten shots that were thrown at him. Ron nervously mounted his broom, becoming more unnerved as he glided closer and closer to the rings. Harry and Hermione were both watching this exchange eagerly. The three chasers approached him, each with a Quaffle in hand and began to throw at him one at a time.

Ron reached his hand out and managed to block the first one, resulting in cheers from the Gryffindor section. His confidence rising, a smile graced his face as he prepared for the next sot to come.

When it was all said and done, Ron had managed to save eight of the shots, tying Fleet and another guy names Matthias Blanch for the most saves. Madam Hooch informed them that she would determine who would make the final cut by examining each of their techniques.

Hermione had only paid attention to the tryouts when it was Ron's turn, and promptly went back to her book. Her attention was diverted back to the action on the field when it was announced that Seeker tryouts were about to begin.

Harry mounted his Firebolt as Hooch explained how the tryout was going to go. Two seekers would be paired off and they both would have to race after the same snitch. Whoever caught it, would go on, while the loser wouldn't make the team. She would then determine who had caught their snitch the fastest and that person who make the team. Harry couldn't help but groan when he was paired off with none other than Malfoy.

"Get ready Potter. I'm about to show you what superior flying looks like." Harry gritted his teeth and hovered ready for Madam Hooch to give the go ahead. Hermione watched him, almost sensing the emotion radiating off of him when the familiar flash of gold caught her attention. When he heard the whistle blow, he raced forward, neck and neck with Malfoy, following the snitch closely trying to gain an advantage.

They flew at an even pace for several seconds when Harry saw the snitch shoot upward and attempt to fly out the opposite direction. Acting on instinct, Harry pushed off his broom with both hands and made a grab for the snitch. When he did so he began to slide off the back of his broom, but managed to hook one of his legs around the end of it, stopping him from falling.

Hermione gasped when she thought he would plummet to the ground, much like last year, but let out the breath he was holding when she saw that he had caught himself. Seeing another flash of gold, Hermione saw that Harry had managed to catch the snitch in his right hand, his risky maneuver paying off. It was after a few seconds of focusing on him that she saw that the flash of gold wasn't the snitch but the color of his eyes changing again.

It wasn't until they made their way back to the common room later that Hermione confronted Harry about what she saw. They were sitting in front of the fireplace in the common room. Hermione had continued reading her book from earlier while Harry tried his best at finishing a potions essay that Snape had assigned him.

"Harry did you notice anything strange happening during your tryout?"

"No I didn't notice anything. Why? Did you see something Hermione?"

"I saw your eyes flashing while you were up in the air. I'm not sure if it means anything but I'm a little worried about what it means."

Harry thought about that for a few long moments before answering her. "Maybe it means I'm learning control. I'll have to try and figure out what triggered my eyes to see if it could help me at all." Hermione smiled at the initiative her friend was showing, but before they could continue any further, a yawn escaped Harry's lips. She looked at the clock in the room and saw that curfew had been several hours ago

"Well, I think that's an investigation for another time. We should probably head off to bed."

"Yeah you're right. Night Hermione."

"Night Harry"

Both headed up to their dormitories where the exhaustion of the day's events finally caught up to them and they both fell into a deep slumber.
