
Meanwhile, I went home, then I changed my clothes, charged my phone and did my things. While I was there I slept a little and you probably know what I dreamed.

Yes, you guessed it, it was pizza but then Beep! Beep! Beep! Omg >:| I only slept 30 minutes then I had to change to go to school. I went to school as normal and well, as always I kept on daydreaming about pizza but, then my teacher woke me up and I was so mad that I was about to dropkick her to her house so I can go dropkick her again but I didn't, man she's so lucky that I have to work and well, because I didn't want trouble or else I would have no pizza and I didn't want to take the risk and even tough I said I would do anything for pizza.

Sorry I made this one short. Well I know this part isn't funny but it's part of the story.
