- Two -

TW/CW:: Blood

. . .

The soft snores coming from downstairs was enough to keep one of the boys awake.

All three were tired, though Quackity couldn't seem to shake the feeling that it felt wrong.

It felt wrong having a creature in their home without even knowing what it was or if it was dangerous.

Quackity started to become restless and to check on the kid.

Carefully sitting up from his usual middle spot on the bed, he slid off and creaked the bedroom door.

He usually didn't analyze the house much so he didn't show much emotion for it, but he admired it on nights like these.

Upon stepping onto the first step, he examined the soft lights and smell of camel on the railing, taking it in and not wanting to let it go.

Big Q began to take off his tight sweater, revealing nothing underneath aside from compression bandages.

They held his wings down. He hated them. 

Though, for the first time in months, he took off the bandages and let his wings have air.

He almost forgot about the little kid that was downstairs, who was now looking up at the man on the steps with his glowing purple eyes.

Quackity sighed and continued walking down the steps.

I was time to finally see what this thing was.

The little nightlight by the couch triggered, the light surprisingly lighting up most of the room- and the kid.

The kid.

They were sitting up on the couch with a green fuzzy blanket covering them, their bright purple eyes almost making it hard to look at them. Their hair was split in the middle with black on the left and white on the right, same with their skin. Two little horns jutted out from their forehead, going straight up. Karl had given them one of his sweaters, which went down to the kids' ankles.

"Who are you?" Quackity asked, sitting down across from it.

The kid just starred, not saying anything.

"Do you have a name?"

"⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜." The noise sounded like an animal, but didn't. Like a new language...

"So you can understand me?" 

They nodded.

But that only made Quackity want to question further, though at the same time...

Quackity got up from his spot on the couch and stretched his arms behind his back, his malnourished wings cracking like bones in the process.

The kid just looked at him with a confused expression then proceeded to tug at their own sweater.

"Do you want it off?" He questioned, kneeling down on the floor next to the kid, who nodded in response.

Quackity took ahold of the bottom of the sweater the oversized for the kid and started to slowly raised it off of their slim body.

Karl was smart enough to get something to cover the kids' bottom, that slight indication telling them all that this kid is a boy.

Once the sweater was put to the side, the boy went on his knees and turned around to show Quackity his own back-

-and his own set of wings.

"Damn, kid." He whispered, making the kid jump up in excitement at the recognition.

The boy was skinny, skinnier than he should be. But again, this thing isn't human so Quackity wouldn't know if it was normal.

Little scrapes and cuts we're on his arm, presumably from scratching it seemed. Dried blood could be seen around some of the small scrapes while others were dripping with fresh liquid.

Why the kid would need to scratch his arm was beyond any reasoning.

Quackity chuckled and ruffled the boys hair then proceeded grab the sweater once more, finding it more reasonable to put it back on him.

The boy raised his arms for Quackity so he could slip the sweater back on.

The duck boy reached for the bandages but found that they weren't in the place he had left them.

Then when he turned back to the little boy to see if he had taken it, the boy wasn't there.

. . .

Karl and Sapnap got ready for the day while Quackity was downstairs with the kid, though they didn't know why their boyfriend decided to sleep on the couch last night but they didn't question it. 

"Do you think Big Q will be okay with them?" Karl questioned as he slid his belt through the hoops in his jeans. 

SapNap, who was brushing his shoulder-length hair, sighed. "I don't know. Are you sure you want this kid?" 

"The kid seems so sweet!" Karl jumped in excitement, a sparkle appearing in his already bright eyes. "I just hope you guys will give them a chance."

"Why do you keep referring to the kid as 'they'?"

"Why not?"


"I don't know." Karl looked in the mirror in the bathroom next to SapNap, their height difference immaculate. "They just- they just don't seem human. So why not?" 

"Yea, I understand. I was just wonderin'." SapNap chuckled as he tied his white bandanna around his forehead, his jet black hair popping out of the front. 

"You look so cute." The taller smiled and kissed Sap on the cheek, earning a smile in return. 

"Hey guys." 

Quackity yawned from the bedroom doorway, giving the other two boys a slight scare.  Though Karl walked over and hugged him nonetheless. 

"Good morning, Quackmister. " He spoke then kissed his forehead. 

"That kid is weird." Quackity mumbled as he took a hold of Karl's soft hand, wrapping their fingers together tightly. 

"You talked with them?" 

"Kinda? He doesn't know English." 

"He?" Sap questioned from the bathroom.

"I just assumed since the kid was only wearing pants under the sweater." Big Q shrugged.

"The kid just picked them out from the drawer." Karl smiled. "I didn't look if they had anything." 

Quackity nodded in understatement. "So... the kid isn't a boy?"

Karl shrugged. "Whatever the kid wants."

The shorter rolled his eyes and a smile appeared on his face. "I don't think the kid understands this stuff. They don't even speak a regular language!"

"Then we'll teach them." SapNap finally exited the bathroom to join the other two.

"But how?" Big Q asked, rubbing 

Karl and SapNap exchanged looks for a moment the had a silence agreement.

"Dream should be able to help with it."

Word Count:: 1049
~{ Hope you enjoyed :)) Hope you all are having a good day/night!

Stay healthy and make sure you get enough sleep!

Adios! }~
