Chapter 2 - New Life Begins

Tommy woke up to the sound of foot steps outside his tent, he shot up and scrambled out of bed confusion and panic flooding his senses. He shouldn't be here, he didnt know why but he knew he wasn't supposed to be here. Tommy stepped out of the tent cautiously and looked around, looking for who ever was walking around. Oh.... it was a mooshroom. The red cow seemed to have escaped from somewhere, a lead hanging from his neck

"Hi buddy, i don't think you're supposed to be wandering around" Tommy smiled and walked towards the cow, gently taking its lead and looking around to return him to his owner. He hoped he didn't find anyone, the thought of anyone seeing him was scary. He didn't know why, just that it was a bad thing. They would hurt him he just knew it. The mooshroom brought him out of his thoughts as he began to walk towards a set of tall log walls. Tommy followed curiously, carefully peaking through the entrance and smiling when he saw no one. "Is this where you live?" The cow simply wandered away from him, the lead slipping out of his hand as he began to chew on a bale of hay that was laying by a stack of barrels

Tommy frowned at the barrels, they didn't seem bad but he just- they were bad. He should go. He didn't like it here. He rubbed his eyes and sighed, he couldn't remember anything! He wanted to know why this place was bad! It seemed fine, the house in the back was a nice shade of blue, the walls seemed safe and secure. Yet all Tommy could feel was dread and loneliness.... and cold. It was very cold here. Tommy frowned and sat on the ground next to the mooshroom, curling his arms around himself. Why was it so cold here? He didn't like this. He couldn't remember anything but being cold. And alone. He was so confused. Tommy sighed as tears ran down his face. He was so WARM before this and now he was cold again. He wanted to be warm again but he didn't know how. He didn't even know how he did it the last time he felt warm.

Tommy wiped the red tears off his face and took a deep breath, he needed to stop focusing on how cold it was or he would be miserable forever. It was hard not too though, the cold seemed inescapable. He stood up and walked to the entrance of the walls and peaked out at the sun, it was around midday from the looks of it. That means he should probably go just in case who ever lived here came back. Tommy wondered if he really had to worry about that with the looks of the place...

Everything was okay but it just seemed off. It felt so empty, it felt really lonely. He didn't like it here. He should leave! Tommy got up and quickly walked out, ignoring the curious moo of the mooshroom. He walked briskly along the rough path until he quickly stopped at a dark purple frame. It was glowing beautifully, with swirling purple light and suddenly it clicked- this was a nether portal. The nether was warm and here was an entrance to it. A solution to his problems! Tommy jumped into the portal and sighed at the feeling of floating although it was brief as he quickly stumbled out into the new biome.

He smiled as he basked in the light the lava cast from below and the feeling of happiness it caused, before dread took its place. He was still cold. He was still cold. No! No this wasn't supposed to be like this! Tommy fell to his knees and gasped, he couldn't take it anymore. The cold was seeping in through his socks, through his shirt, freezing him to the core.

The nether rack was warm beneath him but it did nothing to help him. He was still so cold. Tommy laid himself out on the ground, breathing deeply trying to warm himself desperately hoping the cold would go away- even if just for a moment! Just one moment where the cold went away. Maybe he would never be warm.

Tommy shakily wrapped his arms around himself, sniffling but refusing to cry. He couldn't just cry everytime he was cold. He didnt have that many tears. Would he actually be cold forever? Tommy tried to think that rationally he wouldn't be but he honestly didn't know that. He was in the nether yet he was still freezing. It was like the warm air went straight through him. That was silly though right?

Tommy slowly stood up and looked around, wondering if maybe he could find somewhere warmer. He'd just have to look around right? He looked down and stared at the lava, it would be warm but- there was absolutely no way he'd get near it. It felt wrong and very bad. There was a path though that led to a bigger part of the nether. Just through a tall black building. He wasted no time in walking onto the path, though he stuck strictly to the middle. He felt light and airy as he walked, almost feeling dizzy. He couldn't remember anything right now and he didn't know why. This bridge was bad. He knew it was, there was just no other way to find somewhere warmer.

As he stepped off of the thin bridge and onto the black stone he looked up and noticed another portal standing right in front of him. This one was bigger then the one he'd gone through, it practically towered over him. It was pretty but he hated it. Tommy glared at it, knowing if he went through it it would just bring hurt. He didn't want to hurt anymore. He was so tired of hurting. He was so tired.

Tommy walked past the portal and onto another bridge that led to a wider part of the nether, he stepped carefully down onto the nether rack and began his search to find somewhere he could be warm again.

Tubbo was honestly getting worried. He hadn't heard from Ghostbur in a while, the ghost having gone with Tommy when he exiled him. He knew though, that he was planning on coming back. He wanted to hear from him if Tommy was okay. It'd been nearly two weeks since he'd been exiled and Tubbo was worried sick about him. Ghostbur was forgetful and Tubbo was beginning to worry that he'd simply forgotten to return. Maybe he got lost, he knew Dream had taken them far.

Ghostbur would be fine, after all he was already dead. Not much that can hurt a ghost even if they did have a pretty physical form. Tommy on the other hand was not a ghost. He was alive and when your alive a lot of things can hurt you. He should have at least made sure he had a sword... or food. He should have checked if he had some basic tools on him. Tubbo shook his head and sighed, not much he could do now anyways, nothing but wait.

He had to wait for Ghostbur and then he could come see Tommy and bring him stuff that he might need. Surely he'd be here any minute. Until then he had president duties to attend to, such as cleaning up more of L'manburg and taking care of paperwork. He honestly didn't want to do any of that. Not without Tommy to make it fun.

Just then he looked up from where he was standing and noticed a figure approaching from the distance. Ghostbur? He looked a little worse for wear, obviously quite exhausted.

"Hey Tubbo! How are you?"

"Oh um... Im great Ghostbur what about you?"

"Oh wonderful! Im just exhausted from rowing all the way from Logstedshire to here. I came to get Tommy's jacket as its quite cold there. He talks a lot about it being cold"

Tubbo felt a pang of guilt at that. Of course it was cold. Tubbo sent Tommy away to the cold without even a jacket to keep him warm. What made him feel worse was he knew how much Tommy hated the cold. He'd whisper to Tubbo when they'd had those serious late night talks about how much the cold bothered him, reminding him of abandonment and of the feeling of being all alone. Which just made him feel ten times worse when he realized now that Tommy is actually all alone. Tubbo had abandoned him as he always promised he wouldn't.

Ghostbur seemed to notice he was upset by his words so he quickly pulled him into a hug and told him how it would be okay- he didn't know why Tubbo was hurt but he could tell he was.

"How about you help me find his jacket yeah? Do you know where it should be? I should really hurry I told him i'd be back by sunset and that was yesterdays sunset!" Ghostbur joked to lighten the mood but it only seemed to make Tubbo more upset, the boy flinching at his words.

"Yeah yeah I can help you, his jacket should be just in his house" Tubbo smiled and turned to lead him up the path to Tommy's house, sighing as he looked at it and realized it was still polished granite. He'd have to fix it for Tommy.

Ghostbur walked in and began searching the chests for Tommys jacket while Tubbo looked under the bed and when they realized it wasn't there they both looked worriedly at each other, while it wasn't weird at all for Tommy to misplace something his jacket was important to him and he wouldn't just throw it somewhere random. When he didn't need it he'd normally store it neatly under his bed or in his chests and it didn't seem to be in either place.

Tubbo wondered if somebody had stolen it... people had practically ransacked his house already when they'd heard he was exiled. They were mostly stealing things Tommy had stolen from them in the first place though, and surely no one would take his jacket right? It wasn't like it was an amazing piece of fashion worth stealing.

Ghostbur didn't seem to have that worry though shrugging and telling him

"He probably left it at your house! We should go check there"

Tubbo nodded and walked out of Tommy's, down the path and back into L'manburg. It wouldn't be to surprising if he had left it at Tubbo's but surely he would have noticed by now right? He'd spent a lot of time in his house simply trying to convince himself exiling Tommy was the right decision... hes pretty sure he would have seen it.

When they reached L'manburg once more Tubbo looked around and saw Dream a top a horse. seemingly about to leave, he had a small bag and what looked like his sword and several tools as well as a small leather book. Tubbo walked up to the man and cleared his throat, stepping back when Dream gasped and turned to him surprised

"Sorry uh Tubbo I didn't see you there"

"Its quite alright... are you um going somewhere?"

Dream tilted his head in confusion before looking down at his bag and back up at Tubbo "Yeah I need to make a trip... Gather some supplies and all. I'll probably be gone for a bit but not too long."

Tubbo nodded and smiled "Well have a safe trip then. Oh! Have you seen Tommys jacket by any chance?" Dream shook his head no and waved goodbye as he guided his horse off, disappearing quickly into the forest.

Ghostbur watched silently before guiding Tubbo back to L'manburg "You seem tired, how about you rest and i'll find the jacket" Tubbo sighed before nodding and looking back at him

"Just tell me when you do ok? I'd like to go see him and make sure everything alright"

Ghostbur smiled widely and nodded "Of course! He misses you and im sure he'd be happy to see you" and with that he went off, wandering around to look in all the places Tommy could have forgotten his jacket.

-=Heres a little Dream bit that I couldn't really fit into the chapter, it takes place right before Tommy wakes up. Its cannon but not really too important just angst :) =-

Dream stared at the jacket and picked it up. It was made out of a soft warm material and he could tell it was well loved and cared for. The more he stared at the more he noticed, patches at the elbows from where the fabric had worn, a bee patch stitched on at the breast pocket, and inside that pocket a photo of Tommy and Wilbur clearly taken before the election. They were seated on top of the wall talking to each other, but any happy feelings this picture might of inspired soon faded when one realized that both people in the photo were dead. Dream clutched the photo tightly and sighed

He'd practically killed both of them. Chased Tommy to his death. He'd killed Tommy. Tears flowed down his cheeks as he folded the photo and slipped it back into the pocket and slipped his mask back into place. He wondered briefly if he should check to see if Tommy had respawned back in Logstedshire but he knew he was on his last life, Dream having been the one to take his other two. He guessed he'd also taken his third . He would fix this though, he didn't know how but Dream knew he had to do something to make it up to Tommy... or at least his family. The family Dream had torn away from him. He'd messed up, but he would fix this.

He rose to his feet and walked to the Logstedshire portal and stepped through, staring at the sun that was just barely visible. It was almost morning. Dream stepped back through the portal, unaware of the boy just a few feet away asleep in his tent.

Tommy continued to sleep even after Dream left, only waking when he heard foot steps through his tent. He opened his eyes and shivered- he was freezing.
