Chapter Forty-Six


The day of Andreas' funeral had arrived and to say Elmira was dreading it was an understatement. Being able to bottle up emotions was second nature for the ice fairy but an entire service to yet another father-figure she was grieving? Definitely not the blonde's idea of fun. The ice fairy left her boyfriend's dorm early that morning, leaving a note behind so he didn't stress when he eventually awoke to find the space his girlfriend occupied abandoned and cold.

It was 6am when the ice fairy returned to her suite and too her surprise Beatrix was already awake making a cup of tea. "You're back early." The former air fairy voiced, her lips turning into a slight smile before she turned around and poured the still-boiling water into the ice fairy's favourite mug, grabbing the carton of milk and making her a tea as Elmira strolled over to her best friend.

"I knew I needed to be with you." The ice fairy whispered, wrapping her arms around her best friend before tears involuntarily rolled down her cheeks. "I can't believe he's gone. I mean, I keep expecting him to just walk through that door and tell me it was all a part of some secret mission again and he had to go into hiding." Beatrix confessed, her own tears falling as she spun her body around and held onto the petite body of her best friend. 

The duo stood there in each other's arms, both letting the other cry authentically and unapologetically before they needed to put on their masks and face the greater Solarian community once more. "We'll get through this together." Elmira reassured, sniffling slightly before she squeezed her best friend once more and pulled away, laughing at how awful they both looked - their hair still messy from bed and their cheeks now stricken with tears. 

"I'm never leaving you Mira. I promise." Beatrix reassured, a sad smile on her face as she did so. "Until the end?". Elmira questioned, referring to a phrase the pair used to use as children when the reality of their parents' alignments began to hit them. "Until the end." Wrapping their pinkies around each other they shared a sad smile once more before the ice fairy sniffled and picked up her cup of tea. "Let's get ready for Dad's funeral." 

The words felt less foreign than the ice fairy would care to admit, having already attended the funeral of her biological father at such a young age - the motions seemed to feel the same except Elmira had more of an understanding now than she did back then. 

Picking an outfit for your father-figure's funeral is not something the blonde thought she would have to do again, nor when Solaria seemed to be on the brink of a war. Choosing to stick with a practical approach given their current circumstances the blonde girl picked a pair of black flares and an off-the-shoulder satin black jumpsuit. Pairing the look with a pair of her favourite black stilettos the ice fairy walked out of the room and over towards her best friend's. 

"Bea, are you ready?". Elmira questioned, knocking on the door before walking straight into the room, her suitemate chose a less practical fit - a mid-length black dress with long sleeves that were slightly puffed to add dimension, paired with black slightly sheer stockings and black stilettos the redhead spun on her heels. "What's the correct answer to that question?". She spoke, letting out a shaky breath as she tried to compose her emotions for the heavy day to come. 

A light knock echoed throughout the suite, signaling it was time for them to make their way towards the lake - the place chosen by Rosalind for the memorial before Andreas would be buried just off to the right in the school's graveyard. If you asked Elmira the fact Alfea had a graveyard that was rarely mentioned made her unsettled, it was a school after all. Holding her hand out slightly the former air fairy stepped forward, linking their hands together before the pair took a shaky breath and made their way towards the door and inevitably their father's funeral. 


Beatrix and Elmira stood side by side at the front of the group, both specialists and fairies had been gathered for the funeral - majority of them having never even spoken to Andreas in their lives - the thought irritated the ice fairy, but she insisted on keeping her cool, her mind grounded by the presence of not only her best friend but her boyfriend who stood behind her. 

The best friends were trying their hardest not to turn around, knowing all eyes were on them and not the casket that held their father's body. The memorial was brief, neither girl wanting to speak in front of a group of people who simply didn't care to be there - the blonde assumed that was Rosalind's plan by making the funeral mandatory, it would keep the girl's from speaking up. As the casket began getting lowered into the ground - courtesy of a group of air fairy's - a tear slipped from the blonde girl's eyes once more. 

Elmira had tried to keep her emotions at bay, knowing the headmistress would take pleasure in seeing any kind of weakness from the ice fairy. Beatrix sensed the girl's body shift, her hand squeezing that of her best friends in a show of support was enough to make the blonde girl straighten her posture and survey the area. 

Her eyes locked onto those of Bloom's, the girl's hand intertwined with that of her boyfriend, having not seen her since that night at the pub the blonde spared a smile as she watched the redhead's lips turn upwards ever so slightly before her own eyes settled on Rosalind. Elmira took note of this, a clear sign of the fire fairy's loss of trust and respect in the headmistress made the blonde girl smile - maybe she could work with her after all. 

It wasn't long before the school started to disperse, some stepped forward and gently placed a rose on top of the casket of their late-teacher, others simply rested their hands on the shoulders of the man's daughters, sparing a glance towards Sky before leaving. The latter had remained quiet, mere meters away from the girl's position beside that of his girlfriend, the boy's eyes didn't shift from the grave in front of him - inevitable blame creeping into his mind given the fact he was the reason his father was dead. 

Elmira and Beatrix glared at the boy, neither forgiving him for his actions - choosing to believe there was another way that didn't involve their father being murdered. It didn't take long for the student body to clear and Rosalind to make her way over to the two girls. "Sorry for your loss. I'll give you the rest of the day off, then I expect to see you in my office at 8am tomorrow Beatrix so we can talk about your new... position... here at the school." 

Without giving the pair an opportunity to speak the headmistress walked off, a smirk on her face at her usual disrespectful nature. "I can't wait for that bitch to get what's coming to her." Elmira mumbled, not caring if she overheard her - at this rate the blonde didn't even care if she expelled the ice fairy. Riven stepped forward hearing the comment from his girlfriend, wanting to stop her from doing anything she would regret. 

Bloom decided to extend a hand, keeping her hand in her boyfriend's as she made her way towards the best friend's and Riven. An action that certainly caused the ice fairy to furrow her brows and glance around them, taking note of those still nearby - Bloom's suitemates stood far enough behind her to not overhear and Tahmina stood alongside Silva, a similar distance from the group now gathered in the middle. 

"I'm sorry for your loss, Andreas was really important to the both of you." Bloom sympathized, a genuine smile on her face despite not being friends with either girl. "I wonder what gave you that impression." Elmira sassed, her hand moving from her best friend's as she crossed her arms - wanting the redhead to get to the point so Sky would leave their eyesight. "Look, I know this isn't the right place but I didn't want to attract any unwanted attention. We need to talk about Rosalind, meet me tonight in the old storage halls?". 

Glancing between her boyfriend and best friend the blonde girl simply sighed, receiving signs of confirmation from the pair before she nodded and extended her own hand. "11pm, if you're a minute late I'll be gone." Elmira confirmed, the redhead simply shaking her hand as a sign of her agreement before turning on her heel and walking away. "Well, that was weird." The ice fairy voiced, her boyfriend putting an arm around her shoulder to comfort the blonde girl as they began to make their way towards Alfea - the watchful eyes of Silva, Tahmina and Bloom's suitemates never leaving the trio. 

"I guess you'll find out what that was about tonight hey?". Riven suggested, sending a small wave to his best friend before they completely left their view. "I have my suspicions." Beatrix commented, the first words she had spoken since earlier that morning - her voice hoarse as a result from the silent sobbing she had been doing throughout the memorial service. Elmira spared her a glance, her eyes softening as she saw the clear pain etched across her best friend's expression. 

The ice fairy was aware Bloom had been trying to find a way to return Musa's power, maybe meeting her tonight would help the blonde figure out how to help Beatrix. 
