Chapter 11

I slowly sink down on the bed. A stór, Conners' voice fills my mind. What happened, why did you block me from your mind? He questions, his voice concerned. I didn't, it was Ethan. I say and chills run down my spine. I'm sorry. I apologize. What did he do? His voice becomes hard, angry. He wanted me to eat, I refused - and then he, I pause, He what? He questions, and for a moment I feel Ethans hot breath and lips against my neck again, his teeth sinking in. Rosilina, what did he do? Conner asks, and I suck in a breath. He bit me. I whisper, wishing I could take the words back, wishing I could make them untrue.

Silence vibrates through me, and I let myself fall back onto the bed, tired and defeated. I'm sorry. I whisper, shutting my eyes. A tear slides down my temple and I let out a breath. My stomach growls and I groan, sitting up slowly the room begins to spin. I put a hand to my head, in attempt to still the room; I glance wearily at the food. Swinging my legs over the side of the bed I stand and my legs nearly give out beneath me but I steady myself. I shuffle over to the table and bring the plate of decent looking food back to the bed, sitting down carefully. I grab the bread roll and sniff it before ripping off a piece and putting it in my mouth. I chew carefully, not exactly sure if it's safe to consume, but I soon find it's actually pretty good. I eat the rest of the food gingerly, and then toss the plate carefully back onto the table, it slides to the other end nearly falling off the edge but it stays balanced.

Are you upset with me? I ask, the food in my stomach suddenly feeling uneasy. Not you, Rosilina. He replies and I hang my head, staring down at my hands. Okay, so any plans for getting me out of here? I question. Yes, but I fear Ethan may be listening, so I think it'd be wise not to share that with you. He answers and I nod, Yeah. I lean my head back against the wall. Hey, Rosilina? He asks, Hm? I instinctively tilt my head to the side, Ethan isn't your mate. He can't be, I've checked his file and it had said that he is telepathic, that must be how he has been able to get into your head and mimic a telepathic bond with you. I'm sorry; I'm going to get you out of there as soon as we know where you are. I nod and then remember he isn't sitting here in front of me, and a whimper begins to form in my throat but I swallow it back down. Try to hurry? I ask, Of course, a stór. I promise, I love you. His voice becomes softer, I love you too, stay safe.

I kick off my shoes and as I'm about to lay down I notice something that wasn't there before; a rose on the table. A single white rose, and I frown. I lay down at the bed, shaking my head. Why are you doing this, if I'm not your mate, what is the purpose of this? I ask myself, and I sense Conner in my mind, and I run a image of the rose on the table through my mind so he knows. I'm not sure, but I don't like it. And only you are mine to provide for, to care for, to protect and to love, mine you are mine. Conner responds, then I pause, thinking about the rose, It's an apology, for slapping me earlier. I realize, He hit you? Conner asks, and I wince hearing his tone, Yes. I answer simply. And once again I feel Conners emotions swarm over me as he becomes upset and angry, helpless to change anything right now. For a moment he seems to almost mumble something but I brush it off, feeling weary.

I need sleep, and he agrees. I love you. I smile slightly, I love you too. And then he slips from my mind and I fall back onto the bed, not caring to pull the blanket over me; my eyes shut and sleep overcomes my exhausted mind and body quickly.
