long time no see...

Um, hi!?

I'm sorry I've been MIA, and honestly, I'm not entirely back yet...
Just thought I'd give you guys an update

Firstly, I'll be answering my DMs in a few days.
I'm thankful to everyone who's been checking up on me this whole time
It was really sweet and thoughtful of you guys and I appreciate it deeply

Secondly, as some of you already know, the stray kitten I was taking care of was diagnosed with FIP... which is just a nightmare and I hope no one will ever have to watch their pet go through that hell
Naturally, I was mostly occupied with taking care of her. That was until today when she passed away...
And so, I'm not ready to be active on any platform yet

I'm sorry for the delays and everything
I'll try to make it up to guys later

And if you want to throw any requests and stuff my way it would be appreciated as it might help me get my mind off everything

