Chapter 5

Daisy and Elissa both wake up by the annoying ringing sound of her alarm.

"Ugh can you turn that thing off? I want at least five more minutes." Elissa mumbles to Daisy and turns over putting the pillow over her head in an attempt to block out the noise.

"I'll turn it off but I think we should get up now. Last time we had five more minutes, we slept in for another half an hour and were really late." Daisy replies to a groggy Elissa who is flinging her legs out of bed and rolling off of it.

"Fine but I'm not going to hurry." She huffs and goes to grab her clothes. She never was a morning person. Even when they used to have sleepovers when they were little, Daisy always used to wake up first and wake Elissa up and she always used to be grumpy. That was until she had breakfast, then she would be a bit re- energised.

Daisy chuckles in return and grabs her clothes as well.

They both arrive at school and walk towards the front entrance. Daisy turns to Elissa, " What if I can't find him? What if he's scared of me and refuses my help? What if I embarrass myself? What if-" Elissa shuts Daisy up by holding up one of her hands and placing the other to her lips,

"Woah Dee. Calm down okay? I'm sure if you just ask him if he's okay and explain about the time he bumped into you, then I'm sure then he'll answer some of your questions." Elissa explains patting her best friend on the shoulder reassuringly.

"Yeah, thanks Lissa. I guess I was just over reacting. Sorry." She apologises, giving Elissa a small smile and pushing open the doors to their school.

They both walk in and merge with the many other students rushing around the halls. Suddenly, Daisy spots the boy walking lazily with his head bowed to the ground. She targets him and pushes past all of the other students, making her way towards the shy, hidden boy.

"Hey! Wait!" She shouts in an attempt to catch the boys attention but he doesn't respond and just keeps on walking. Daisy realises that he is walking towards the boys bathroom and hurries up. She's obviously not going to follow him in there or wait until he comes out. That would be weird but she's going to catch him before he goes in.

He's just about to turn down the last corridor when Daisy grabs his arm: not too harshly but enough to make him stop in his tracks., "Hey. I need to ask you something. What's your name?" Daisy asks not too fast or rushed.

The boy looks anywhere but her eyes when they land on the grip she's got on him. Daisy lets go and  gives him a sympathetic smile, "Sorry."

He still doesn't look at her eyes and he shuffles backwards away from her. He looks at the toilet door then back at Daisy and opens his mouth, "I...I don't want to talk." He stutters and looks away from Daisy's gaze. He goes to turn away and walk off when Daisy stops him,

"Wait please. I just wanted to see if you were okay. It's just when you bumped into me and my friend Michael the other day, you seemed really upset. Is something going on? You can talk to me. All I want to do is help. Or you can go and talk to someone else?." Daisy explains, hoping to get some sort of response out of the boy. She deliberately failed to mention the video as she doesn't want to trigger anything or make things worse but all he does is shake his head,

" I'm fine. Thank you." He replies barely audible as Daisy has to strain her ears to hear him.

Daisy looks at him closer now. He is wearing his uniform which looks rather small for him and his shoes look damaged and broken. He has a piercing in his left ear, his brown, hazel orbs look broken and filled with sadness and finally his hair is ruffled and looks a mess. He  doesn't look great. Daisy comes to a conclusion.

"Oh okay. Well can I please get your name? Mine's Daisy." She confirms, sticking her hand out for him to shake although she doesn't expect him to.

"Um...Ashton Irwin." He replies shakily. He then scurries off into the toilets like a badger would scurry into its den if startled. Daisy is just left there standing with her hand out. She drops it and thinks about him, his name replaying in her head constantly.

Ashton Irwin.

A small smile plays at the corners of her mouth and she turns and goes to find Elissa whom she abandoned when she targeted the boy.

Soon she spots Elissa and her red haired friend standing by the door to their first classroom. Michael sees her and waves excitedly. Daisy just chuckles and she sees Elissa who is just looking at her with one eyebrow raised,

"So? How did it go with mystery boy?" She teases and pokes Daisy in the arm.

"He's not a mystery boy anymore Lissa. His name is Ashton." She finishes with as small smile on her lips as Elissa and Michael just look at each other and Michael shouts out,

"Yes finally the big mystery has been resolved!" Daisy's face is filled with horror as she tries to shut Michael up by covering his mouth but fails,

"Michael! Shush! People are staring, plus you already knew that anyways!" She tries but fails. Soon Michael is done with this rant and smirks down at Daisy,

"Aww is little Dee all embarrassed?" He teases. Daisy just covers her red, burning face with her hands, then shoves Michael away from her.

"Aww no Daisy don't hate me, I love you! How could this happen to us!" He says dramatically flailing his hands everywhere, pretending to cry.

"Michael don't be sad because I still love you, nothing can change that! Come here!" She says and opens her arms for an overly dramatic hug. Michael gladly accepts and then they are in the corridor fake crying and drawing attention from everyone.

Daisy look across to Elissa and sees a flicker of jealousy in her eyes so she lets go of Michael and then the teacher come out,

"Come on in class and get your books out on the desk please." He explains and they all file in. Daisy turns to Elissa,

"I'll tell you all about him in class." She says knowing that is what she wants.

"Yay! Thanks Dee!" She says excitedly and they walk in the classroom.


1163 words! Hey guys! LJ here! Now I know that it has been ages since my last update so I decided to do one for you! I hope you like it and comment, vote, blah blah blah. :) Anyways until next time, LJ out. Love yous xxxx
