Chapter 9

Neil reached Kolkata. He had told Alia that he will be coming for the Easter break but didn't really tell her the exact date. As usual, Shekhar picked him up from the airport early morning. Tapur welcomed him at home but instead of going to his own room he decided to trouble Alia who had just finished her board exams two days ago and was catching up on her lost sleep.

Neil went inside Alia's room and he was stunned to see sleeping Alia. There was something different about her. It seemed liked she had grown beautiful in these past months.

He went and sat next to Alia and took a strand of her hair and started poking her ear. She was getting irritated and thought it would some kind of insect. Neil continued to do his antics of troubling her and finally he spoke, 'Aloo.. where are your manners gone? It's quite late you need to get up now.'

On hearing Neil's voice Alia woke up quickly and saw him sitting right on her bed. She was so happy to see him that she hugged him straightaway. Neil too was happy to meet her.

'Aloo now that you have caught up on your sleep, would you like to go to Flurry's for breakfast with me?'

'Yes.' Alia replied in just fraction of seconds.

Both Neil and Alia showered and got dressed to go for their breakfast. They reached the cafe and sat on a two seater table. They were busy talking with one another when suddenly, Neil's face just dropped. Alia saw a change in his expression and turned around to see what was going on.

She saw Raina coming running to them. She greeted Alia and rushed to Neil and started kissing him all over. It got a bit uncomfy for Alia and Neil saw her awkwardness.

'Baby, please. Everyone is watching us.' Neil pointed Raina to stop.

'Neil you are such a girl. So what everyone is watching. I have met my boyfriend after four months so I have every right on you.' Raina continued hugging Neil.

Neil pulled himself away from the hug and asked, 'What are you doing here?'

Raina pulled a chair and sat next to Neil and said, 'I went to your home and then Tapur aunty told me that you two have gone to Flurry's for breakfast. Why didn't you call me baby?'

'I didn't know if you would be free or not. Generally you have your pilates class this time right.' Neil tried to cover up his mistake.

'Oh baby you are just so sweet.' She kissed again on Neil's cheek.

The three of them had their breakfast together. After it was over Raina said, 'So what are we doing next?'

'Go home I suppose.' Alia said innocently.

'Oh common Alia. Your exams are over now. You can take a break. Let's go to the Quest Mall for some shopping and if time permits we can all watch a movie.' Raina suggested.

'Oh in that case. You two go ahead. I'll head home. What will I do tagging along with you?' Alia said.

'Don't be silly Alia. Neil, tell her that she will have to come with us.' Raina said.

'Just stay Aloo.' Neil said.

Alia couldn't argue with Neil and she went along with both of them to the mall.

They reached the mall and both of them were clueless.They blindly kept on following Raina who would go into every store and try out new clothes and new bags. Neil and Alia were just nodding their heads in agreement while Raina was busy shopping.

Raina went inside the fitting room while both of them were waiting outside for her. Neil said to Alia, 'I am so sorry you got stuck into all of this.'

'Don't worry Neil. In a way it's good as we got to spend some time together. Otherwise, with Raina around, I doubt I will see you a lot.' Alia said.

'Come on. You know that is not true. We will get time to do our own thing.' Neil said half-heartedly. Though Neil had said this but in the end it was Alia's prediction that turned out to be true. Raina was as usual very clingy and she didn't leave Neil alone even for one second.

Before one could even realise, it was already the end of Easter holidays. Raina was at Neil's house and he was busy packing as he was leaving by the night flight.

'Neil baby, what month will you be coming for your summer holidays?'

'Raina, as a matter of fact. I don't think this year I will be coming to India in Summers as I have to do some internships to build my CV.' Neil said.

'What? You are joking right? How can you not come to meet me?' Raina questioned.

'Why don't you come to the UK for a change?' Neil questioned her back.

'I have my college here. I can't.' Raina was very blunt in her reply.

'If you have college then I also have my work. I can't take things so lightly.' Neil tried to explain.

Raina started crying and this irritated Neil a lot, 'Come on Raina. Just be practical. It's not possible for me to come to India for every holidays now that I am in Uni.'

Raina started crying a lot and she grabbed her bag and left.

Alia was studying a novel outside in her verandah that she saw Raina crying and leaving Neil's house.

Neil too came after her trying her to stop but she had already left.

Alia and Neil looked at each other. Alia couldn't stop herself and she commented, 'Drama Queen is in her element today.'

After her comment she looked at Neil. There was silence for a few seconds and Neil burst out laughing and he said, 'Go make some cold coffee for me.'

Alia went into the kitchen and she made cold coffee for him and they sat in her room and started chatting.

'By the way what are your plans now?' Neil asked.

'I want to get in the best of undergraduate course. But the cut offs in Indian commerce colleges are very high. Hence, I am also looking into applying abroad.'

'Really? Please tell me that you are considering UK too.' Neil asked with high hopes.

'Actually yes.' Alia smiled.

'I will be so happy if you can make it there.' Neil was genuinely happy for Alia.

Both of them went on talking for ages when suddenly Tapur came into Alia's room and said, 'Neil go get freshen up and pack up all your last minute things. Then we will have the dinner as after that we have to drop you to the airport.'

'What's the time? Wow ! It's 7pm already. My flight at midnight today. Okay Kaaki Ma. I will quickly get ready and then we will all have the dinner together.' Neil left to go to his room to finish off his last minute packing and to get ready.

Neil had his dinner with the Mukherjees and was very happy as Tapur had prepared all his favourite dishes. Post dinner, the Mukherjees went to drop him off at the airport and this time Alia too got to go. 
