! 005

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[ 12 year timeskip ]

Its been a while since you've last met Mitsuya. The last time was the time he drove you home in the rain. You're not sure why you didn't see him anymore, is it cause he moved? Busy with his job? No calls or texts either between you two. It upset you but you just accepted that friends come and go.

As for you? You've gotten yourself a stable job, though you still lived in the same house you were in ever since you were in middle school. Slowly you also came to terms with accepting the deaths of your friends and boyfriend. Ever since the incident you swore to never get yourself involved with gang activity. 

"I need to go out, I need a fresh set of outfits."

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You get ready to go, brushed your hair out and put on a simple but comfy outfit. You decided to go to the new local clothing and tailor store that opened up recently. At the front many clothes are showcased, not many people are inside either. You step in and was greeted by a chime from the bells and a tall man with long lavender hair looked up from what he was doing and greeted you. 

"Hello welcome to m--"

"Mitsuya?! Is that you?"

Shocked to see him you rush to him and hug him tightly "I missed you so much! Where have you been?"

"Oh about that, sorry" he bows to apologize. "I didn't mean to leave you like that."

"No no, its okay! Why do you feel the need apologize anyway?"

He went into the back assuming to grab some other materials for some clothes he was commissioned to make. "I was busy with trying to keep up with school and the gang at the time. I could hardly find the opportunity to contact you. Actually, I was planning to call you last week but I suddenly got overloaded with work cause of the shop."

"I understand don't worry about it, speaking of them. Are they still around? How are they?"

"Hmm well, Draken and Inui are running a bike shop together, Pah recently got married, Mikey owns a restaurant overseas and the others are doing their own thing. I'm not sure where they are now but rest assured they're fine. We stopped with our whole gang phase a while back." he goes on a little tangent 

You listened and smiled. "I see, its good to see them thriving."

"Mhm its definitely been a while since I've seen them since Pah's wedding"

"Oh yeah about my reasoning for being here, do you have any clothes I can look at that would suit me? I'm shopping for more clothes and I came across yours since it was so close to my house, and I thought the outfits on display are cute."

"I think I have some. Follow me, its probably in the stock room" he turns around trying to hide his flushed face from the compliment. 

"Why am I feeling like this..? Maybe its cause I haven't seen them in a while.. They're just a friend to me but my heart is telling me otherwise."

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Both of you go into the back and you wait patiently as he grabbed some boxes presumably with clothes. "Let me help." you tried grabbing it from him but he insisted that he can do it. Though you were stubborn and still attempted to do so. In turn, both of you fell and the boxes came tumbling down. 

"Y/N? Are you okay?" He was leaning above you, it looks like he tried to cover you from the falling boxes. His face quite literally in front of yours. "Yeah.. I'm fine."

"Damn. He's actually so attractive. I guess time did its thing to all of us"

He gets up and lends you a hand for you to do the same and you realize what just happened. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make such a mess here." you bow frantically as you apologize.

"Its alright no worries, I'll clean this up later. Lets go" turns out, you only needed 1 of the boxes. He opens the box and hands you a bunch of clothes that seem to fit your tastes.

"Uhh I don't think I can afford for all of this.." 

He gives a light chuckle "Its free don't worry, think of it as very late presents since I haven't seen you in so long" 

"Really? Thank you Mitsuya you're the best."

"Oh and feel free to call me by my actual name. Surely you still remember right?"

He grabs some bags and puts the clothes inside and hands them to you "Hopefully these fit you, make sure to let me know if they don't. I'll be sure to have some other sizes shipped here just in case."

You gladly accept the bags full of your new clothes. "Thank you again! See you around Takashi" As you said that, he felt his heart skip a beat. You leave the store happy that you got to see him again after so long. 

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"He's still as nice as ever.. I wonder if he's still single. That'd be pretty unbelievable as he's the perfect guy and all."


"I think.. All this time, I was in love with him."

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A/N: aaannddd were done! Sorry I kind of vanished in the middle of publishing, I was busy and looking for some sort of motivation to finish this fic and I really hope you enjoyed. special thanks to my sibling belphieespillow for making me write this in the first place. till next time!

-reii <33
