William Devereaux

3 years ago

As I sat at the bar, I couldn't help but fixate on the glass in front of me. It was filled to the brim with a rich amber-colored liquid - a smooth bourbon that I'd already had three glasses of. I reached for the glass, feeling the cool condensation on the outside as I brought it to my lips. I took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet aroma of oak and vanilla before taking a long, satisfying sip. The warmth of the liquor spread through my chest, soothing me and making me forget the hatred that I hold for this city—almost.

Being back in New York brings nothing, but bad and a lot of painfully good memories. They all featured the only girl I'll ever love. The girl whose heart I caused to shatter into a million pieces.

I stood and cursed as I stumbled against the edge of the table. I was way too drunk to drive. I sighed and pulled out my phone to order a ride home.

"Can I get another one, Harry?", I froze as I heard her soft, almost angelic voice ask. I looked beside me and she was completely oblivious to my presence. The bartender smirked and shook his head.

"Sorry, Auri. I gotta cut you off."
"Please, just one more.", she purred and he leaned into her.

"You like testing my self-control.", he muttered, making her smirk up at him. I looked at her and shook my head at how different she looked. My Ella would've never worn something so revealing. She was practically naked for the whole bar to see.

"Ella.", I whispered to myself in disbelief. To my surprise, she heard me. Her eyes widened before she quickly recovered.

"Billy.", she said with a scoff before turning to look back at the bartender with a smirk.

"How about one more shot and I let you finally take me out for dinner?", she asked as she leaned against the counter and fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"Fine, deal. Just one.", Harry said as he poured her a shot of whiskey. She downed it and smirked at him.

"You have my number.", she reminded him as she pushed off the counter. She didn't even look at me as she walked away from the bar and towards the door.

"Ella.", I called her just as she reached it. She turned around and glared at me.
"It's Auriella to you.", she spat.

"You'll always be Ella to me. Can we please talk?"
"You've lost the privilege of having a conversation with me when you abandoned me.", she said as two girls walked up to us. They looked between us as one asked if Ella was ready to go. She nodded and looked at me one last time.

"Goodbye William."


I let out a tired yawn as I walked into my office. I nearly yelped as I saw my sister sitting behind my desk.

"Emma, what are you doing here? I thought your flight out was this morning."
"You are a fucking idiot.", she spat. I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion as I stepped closer.
"And what did I do to be a 'fucking idiot'?"
"You left her in an airport after having her uproot her life for you."

Why the fuck would Ella tell her? There's no way she would admit that our marriage was all a lie. Unless Emma found out somehow.

"What are you talking about?"
"Do not play dumb with me, con. You told us she changed her mind last minute, but you abandoned her."
"Father gave me no choice."
"You've always fought Dad on every turn. Why was this different? Why didn't you fight? For her?", she asked as she threw her hands in the air. She looked disgusted and I don't blame her. I'm disgusted at the way I've treated Ella. I should have fought for her. I should have chosen her.

"Father threatened to ruin her. Her brother, Leo, was just getting his business off the ground and Father threatened to ruin it before he could even get started. I was afraid that she would regret being with me after she lost everything."
"You were afraid of her leaving you.", she muttered before her face softened as she stood from the desk.

"We had just lost Mom that year. You were afraid of losing someone else. You didn't want to fight for Ella because it was easier to walk away from her."
"I should have fought for her.", I whispered as the haunting look on her face when I broke her heart flashed in my mind. Emma sighed and wrapped her arms around me.

"You still can."
"She hates me."
"She loves you. I spent the entire morning with that girl and I can see that she is not ready to let you go. You two could have your second chance if you allow yourselves to."
"I'm not good enough for her. I already hurt her once."
"Then show her that you'll never hurt her again. Prove that you love her, William. Fight for her.", I nodded as I took a deep breath.

I'm going to fight for my Ella. I'm going to make her want to be my wife despite our contract.
