Part 11

Two weeks later Tadashi could no longer leave his bed. His legs and lungs had grown weak, too weak to leave his bed. Kei had noticed that Tadashi had become less talkative with him, as if he were a stranger, and had now become lost in his thoughts. And the frogs that he once was so passionate about became nothing but something in the mere past.

The doctor had told Kei that the cancer had spread so much it was only a matter of time before Tadashi would pass. Of course, this left Kei in tears. All he could do was watch as Tadashi took his final breaths. He often wondered if his love was in any pain, he never showed any signs of it though. During the past week the two boys found out that Daisy had passed in her sleep. Tadashi, who had taken the news particularly hard, had asked Kei to give him time alone. Kei did so, regretting it because Tadashi seemed to have drifted away from him in that time.

Kei took his boyfriends hand in his startling him slightly. Tears streamed down his face not caring that Tadashi saw him. "Tsukki? Are you okay?" Tadashi asked, sitting up from his spot on the bed. "Yeah, I'm okay," he sniffled. Tadashi looked away from Kei and returned his gaze to the window. Kei let out a soft chuckle, realizing that Tadashi was on his deathbed but he was still caring for Tsukki.

"Tsukki," mumbled Tadashi. "Y-Yeah?" "Can you plant daisies at my grave?" "Okay, whatever you want." Tadashi leaned his head back against the pillows and shut his eyes. "I'm sorry for leaving Tsukki," he mumbled, "I'm sorry we never got to finish that dinosaur. I'm sorry we never got to go on an official date. I'm sorry we never got to experience high school together. I'm sorry for all the hurt I've caused you. But I'm not sorry I met you. I-love you. I know it's cliché to say that as I'm dying but I do. I love you Tsukishima Kei." Kei stood from his seat on the chair and kissed Tadashi's forehead, not saying anything. Tears streamed down his face. He slowly moved his hand down to Tadashi's wrist. No pulse. The monitor beeped, confirming he was gone.
