Chapter 7

The week passed slowly. Only a few days until the dance. Thalia told me that I should just ask a different girl, but the only girl that I wanted to go with was Annabeth, and she was going with her boyfriend. So I was planning on staying alone in my cabin on that night, thank you very much.

Three days before the dance, I was in the middle of my sword fighting class when Annabeth stormed in. She marched up right beside me and sliced the head off of a dummy viciously. She stabbed the dummy in the chest, then dragged her dagger down, making all the insides of the dummy come out.

"Uh... You okay?" I asked her.

She chopped the head off of another dummy before looking towards me. Her eyes were red. "No," she muttered.

"What happened?" I asked.

Annabeth sighed, then looked up at me again. Her expression was still angry. "That guy I was dating? Yeah, turns out that I wasn't the only one. He was cheating on me with two other girls."

I had always disliked the guy, but now, I wanted to use him as a training dummy and chop his head off.

"What a jerk," I said.

Annabeth nodded. "I know. I hate him so much."

Me too, I thought.

Annabeth sighed, and wiped her eyes. "Now I don't even have a date to the dance anymore. And I have a dress and everything."

It sunk in a few seconds after she said it.

Annabeth was single again. And she didn't have anyone to go to the dance with.

Should I ask her? Could I? Did i have the guts? Would she say yes? Would she say no? What if she still wasn't over her breakup?

All throughout sword-training, I tried to decide wether or not I should ask her. This could be the biggest decision of my life. Okay, so maybe not the biggest decision of my life... But was big. As soon as our training was over, I sprinted out of the arena, in search of Thalia. I found her coming out of archery.

"Thalia!" I shouted, running up to her.

"What?" she asked.

"Annabeth... She broke up with her boyfriend," I told her.

"I know," Thalia said like it was obvious. "So what?"

"So... I want to ask her to the dance."

Thalia's blue eyes lit up. "Right! Go do it!" She spun me around and started pushing me.

"Wait!" I said. Thalia stopped. "But... What if she says no?"

The daughter of Zeus sighed. "You're still worried about that? Look, Percy, I'm sure that she won't say no. And if she does, so what? It was just a dance. It's not like you're asking her to marry you or anything."

"Yeah, but, what if she's not over her breakup?" I asked.

Thalia sighed. "Look, Percy. Annabeth has been excited for this dance for two weeks. And I know that she would want to go to the dance with you."


"Because she likes you." I raised my eyebrows. "Uh, sorry. I didn't mean she liked you in that way. But listen, you're one of her best friends. I know Annabeth, and I know that she would rather go to the dance with you than with someone she barely knows. So, if you ask her, I can guarentee that she will say yes."

I looked down. "Okay. I'll ask her."

Thalia smiled. "Good luck," she said and walked away.

I waited until after dinner to ask Annabeth to the dance. I ate dinner quickly, and sat through the campfire, slightly nervous. Thalia had assured me that the daughter of Athena would say yes, but I still had that feeling in my gut that she would say no. So I just had to wait until the campfire was over.

As soon as it was over, I jumped up and went to go find Annabeth. I caught her just as she was about to go into her cabin. "Annabeth!" I called.

She turned around to look at me. "Hi," she said.

"Hey," I said, stopping front of her. "Um... I was wondering, do you, uh, wanna go to the dance with me?"

I watched it unfold in front of me.

Annabeth stared at me, her lips parting to form a small 'O'.

I knew what the answer was going to be, a big fat N-O.

Before she could answer, I just blurted out, "Actually, just forget it. It was a stupid idea..." I turned away from her and started walking in the opposite direction.

It was a few seconds before I heard Annabeth say, "Wait, Percy!"

I looked back towards her, and saw that she was running after me. When she was right in front of me, she smiled and said, "Of course I'll go to the dance with you."

My mood lightened up by 10000%.

She said yes. She actually said yes. I couldn't believe it. "Really?" I asked.

Annabeth nodded. "Yeah. It'll fun going with a friend."

My heart slightly sunk, but I managed to keep my smile on. Friends. That's all she though of us. But, I tried to ignore that. Annabeth and I were going to the dance together. That's all I should care about.

"Yeah. Awesome," I said. Annabeth smiled, then turned and walked back to her cabin.

I smiled widely to myself, and walked back to my cabin.


It was the next morning when I reallized my only problem.

I didn't have anything to wear for the dance.

The dance was formal, and that meant that I had to wear a suit, which I did not have. I searched my whole cabin for something I could wear, but all I found were jeans, old shirts and hoodies. And I definitely did not want to wear that, unless I wanted to get chewed out by the Aphrodite girls. So I ran outof my cabin in search of Grover. The satyr was coming out of the Big House when I found him.

"Grover," I said, running up to him. "Dude, I need your help."

"With what?" he asked.

"Okay, so I asked Annabeth to the dance, and-"

"Wait," Grover said. "You asked Annabeth?"

"Yes. Don't interrupt. Anyway, I asked her, but I don't have anything formal to wear. And I dont know where to get something."

"Maybe ask the Aphrodite cabin," Grover suggested. "They'll probably have something."

"Do you know the Aphrodite cabin?" I asked. "I'll ask for a tux and they'll give me a full-blown makeover."

Grover thought for a second, then said, "Ask Silena. She's okay."

I sighed. Asking the Aphrodite cabin for help would not be my first option, but I needed something to wear.

I sighed. "Fine. I'll ask her."

After breakfast, I went to go find Silena Beauregard. I went to the Aphrodite cabin, and luckily, she was there.

"Hi, Percy," she said.

"Hey," I said. "Uh, I need your help."

"Okay. What is it?"

I told her my dilemma. Afterwards, she thought. "Okay. I'm guessing you want a black tux?"

"Uh, sure. Whatever."

Silena nodded and looked at me, as if deciding what kind of tux I should wear. Eventually, she clapped her hands together. "I got it!"

She ran over to a closet, searched around inside it, then pulled out a suit.

"This should be perfect," Silena said, handing the tux to me.

"Thanks," I said. "You're a lifesaver."


I walked out of the cabin, then back to mine to try on the tux.


Hey everyone so I'm really sorry about the bad chapter :( Please forgive me

-Starbucks is awesome
