Chapter 6 - Skittles

Bertholdt's POV

Friday, October 17

I can't believe she rejected me. She's lesbian. What?! I don't wanna talk to anyone, ever.


Until I saw her. But I'm still not over what happened yesterday.

She is a lot smaller than I am. Then again everyone is smaller than me.

Except that one football player. I think his name was Mike.

She was a blonde. She hair was always in a bun. She's cute. But I wonder how she'll react to those words. She always looked so cold and emotionless. But I know that there's a heart in there. Somewhere. Maybe I'll be the one to find it.

I'm being too optimistic. And we only know each other's names. I need to just focus on the dance for now. I only have two weeks.

I maybe have a chance. If Ymir can help me... I'm not sure if I can ask her. After what happened yesterday...

Maybe I'll just text her. That'll make it less awkward. But It's still awkward... Really fucking awkward...


I guess I better text her now before the end of the day.

Hey Ymir. I now it's awkward between us because of yesterday but I need your help.

Ymir's POV

Shit. He texted me. Oh.


I never thought I'd get over us already but I think I like Annie. You're in the same chemistry class right? Tell me what she likes!

I really don't know much. We barely talk.

But you two are always partners.

Wait, how do you know when you're not even in my class?

Never mind that. What does she like?

I don't know.

Do you guys even talk to each other?!

Not really.

Well can you talk to her later and se what she likes?


Bertholdt's POV

She better not try to bring us together with Skittles.


Annie's POV

"Hey, Annie" Ymir said as she ate Skittles.

I never really understood the colors of the original Skittles. If it's a rainbow then where's the blue? Why does the purple look so close to black?

"Hi, Ymir.."

"So... You want some Skittles?" She extended her arm towards me.

Why was she offering me Skittles? I thought she was dating Christa. No, it's not like that. I'm making assumptions.


"You know who else likes Skittles? My friend, Bertholdt."

Really? This is the best she's got?

I sighed. "Really?"

"Yeah, why?"

"You're trying to set me up with your friend after what happened yesterday."

"Well not exactly. You see, he likes you and this is the best I've got."

"Well, don't tell him I like him too but tell him I like flowers."

"Thanks." She smiled

Ymir's POV

I smiled genuinely. Annie may be what lifts this awkwardness from my friendship with Bertholdt.

3rd Person Perspective

Sasha looks up from her desk and glances over at Christa, who was staring at Ymir and Annie.

"Getting a little jealous, are we?" said Sasha with a grin.

"Shut up" said the frowning Christa.

"Calm down. They're just having a small conversation."

"Then why is Ymir smiling?"

"Probably because Annie said something funny. I don't know. You're her's. Okay?"

Christa's POV


I couldn't resist replying to Sasha's last word.


Ymir's POV

I could tell Christa was getting jealous. She is really fucking cute when she's jealous.

When she looked over from her conversation with Sasha I made a heart out of my hands and mouthed the words "I'm only your's" to reassure her.
