Friend, Please-Joshler Fan Fic

Tyler looked out the window of his car and shuddered. "It's so cold, my heart," he whimpered, looking into the nothingness that was his surroundings. He clutched at his heart area and breathed heavily. "Sometimes," he began. "I just feel so alone in the world." That's when he saw a face in the window.

"Hello," greeted the voice on the other side. He was a shorter man in his twenties. "I'm Joshua Dun," said the man who owned the face. Tyler sighed deeply, inhaling the man's scent. "What do you want from me, smiles?" Tyler asked, his voice heavy with mock of the man's bright attitude and smile. "Well, I saw your car, and," his voice trailed off into the nothingness, also, like Tyler's often had as he sat in the back of the car alone. "I'm alone, too. I can read your lips," he said, hanging his head low in shame. Tyler sighed again. "Get in the car."

The man had soft brown eyes like coffee, bright yellow hair that he had dyed, and a smile that could be seen from miles away. Tyler, on the other hand, had light brown hair, dark brown eyes that scowled inside, and rarely smiled, or so it seemed recently. He could sing, play the ukulele, dance (a little bit), and play piano. In fact, he was quite unpredictable. One day, he could be in a deep state of depression, and the next, playing basketball with his brothers, Zack and Jay, Josh was always in a good mood, or so it seemed, although he, too, had his bad days.

The two boys stopped in front of Tyler's home in Columbus, Ohio. "Here," said Tyler. "Here is my home." Josh looked up and laughed. "SICK!" he said running up to the door like an energetic child. He got Tyler to chuckle. He knew they would be frens.

They went inside and headed into the kitchen. "You like music?" Tyler asked Josh, and he smiled. "Yeah! I love it so much!" he said brightly. "Want to start a band?" Tyler asked another question. Josh nodded and smiled even more. "Yeah! Oh my Josh! Yes!" he said loudly, and he got Tyler to smile again.

"Twenty one pilots," Tyler said to Josh. "That's what we'll call it." Josh smiled. "I love it, Tyler. It's perfect," he said, staring into his friend's eyes that were almost a similar color. The two sat there, thinking about their band quietly. "I can play the drums and trumpet?" Josh questioned as the words poured from his mouth. Tyler nodded. "I play ukulele, sing, dance, and play piano," he said in a voice that had the slightest bit of boasting in it. Josh's facial expression dropped. "Oh," he said quietly. 

 "Either way you're by my side until my dying days," Tyler sang loudly, all his soul pouring out into the song. "Okay, so the hearse ran out of gas, a passenger person grabbed a map," he started to rap, even more emotion coming out. Josh clapped for him. "Oh my!" he gasped. "You wrote that?" he asked Tyler, and Tyler nodded. He smiled, accepting the compliment in that way of his. Josh could feel the emotion in that song itself, not just Tyler. He began to cry. The song was so emotional, even if he had no clue what it was about. "Wait, so the hearse ran out of gas?" Josh asked. "Tyler, are you?" and Tyler nodded. "Yes, I am suicidal. I wrote this when I was going through a very tough time. It hurt a lot, and writing was how I expressed myself, and the song, "Taxi Cab," was my way of doing that!" he explained, and they both hugged and cried together until their hearts were done weeping.

Sometimes, Tyler realized, people die. Sometimes, people will fly away! It was just like that song, but other reminded him of Joshua Dun, his old friend he met in his car. It also reminded him of another song: "Friend, Please." He remembered the time that he and Josh almost killed themselves, but this song, oh! The power in just one song! That one song that they worked on together.

"Living like a ghost you walk by everyone you know. You say that you're fine but you have lost your sway and glow, so I stopped by to let you know!" Tyler said, his voice increasing slowly. Josh began to cry as he quietly sang along. He knew the words. "Friend, please, remove your hands from over your eyes for me," he said, and Tyler stopped. "Get up here, start singing, now," he demanded his friend. "Oh, well, okay?" and he sang the rest of the song, much to Tyler's surprise. "Friend, please, don't take your life away from me," and Tyler clapped. Josh's laughter filled the room with joy; despite the sad song and the amazing meaning.

 "Tyler?" Josh called from the kitchen. "Tyler, I'm hungry!" he whined, and he could hear Tyler laugh a little. "Then I'm coming!" Tyler called out in response. He made them some ice cream sundaes. "Tyler, I think that you're amazing," Josh admitted. Josh looked into his beautiful eyes and locked them, Tyler not looking away. "Why, thank you?" Tyler choked on the questionable words. "It's true," and Josh nodded. Tyler's eyes filled with liquid. The words had gotten to him, indeed.

The boys sat on the couch with their ice cream sundaes playing Super Smash Brothers Melee. Tyler was very good at the game! "WHOA!" Josh yelled. "TYLER, THAT WAS SICK!" and Tyler laughed full heartedly. He was having fun. "I KNOW, RIGHT?!" he screamed in return, and they jumped into the air, shutting off the TV and dumping their bowls into the sink before heading out to play basketball.

Tyler had a lot of good shots, and Josh's weren't so bad, either.  "Josh, half court! I wanna see you shuffle!" Tyler teased his best fren. He heard Josh giggle, and he smiled at the thought of making someone laugh. He was normally perceived as one who was too serious to make anyone laugh. "Okay, Coach Joseph!" Josh replied, equally as much of the teasing.

"Tyler, don't ever let go of my hand," Josh told his fren. They had intertwined their fingers and were sitting around lazily. Tyler sighed. "You know that I won't," and he knew when he said that, he meant it. He wanted to be more than just frens! "Josh, I'm tired of being just frens. Can we please?" and Josh interrupted. "YES, TYLER, YES!" Josh screamed, jumping on the couch.  "Whoa! Bro, you're more excited than I am!" and the two laughed together, happy as could be.

Of course, the two boys had to say something to their parents. Tyler's mother noticed a small change in his behavior. "Tyler, there's something uh, different about you recently. Please, what is it?" his mother insisted. "It's nothing, Ma," Tyler replied, not wanting to talk about Josh. "Is it a girl?" his mother asked him, and Tyler flushed. "No, Ma, I'm not into girls," he said. "I like Josh," he said quietly. "Pardon?" the woman asked. "I didn't catch that," and Tyler shook his head. "It's nothing, you wouldn't approve." Tyler's mother kept insisting. "Tyler, please," but Tyler didn't want to, until it just came out. 

"Ma, I like Josh," and Tyler's mother was astounded. "Tyler, you're gay?" his mom asked, and Tyler nodded. "Got a problem with that?" Tyler asked, hurt. "No, I'm not one of the homophobes," his mother assured, and Tyler felt a small relief and comfort from his mother. "Thank you for understanding."

Josh, on the other hand, kept Tyler a total secret! He didn't want to talk about it- no matter what.  Everyone else around him was always talking about their lovers, but Josh kept quiet. Until one day.

They were sitting around a campfire; the Josephs, the Duns, and a couple of close family frens when it was Abigail, Josh's sister, who brought it up. "So, Josh, who's the lucky girl?" she asked him, and Tyler felt his cheeks grow warm, but he tried to hide it. "Not interested in this subject," Josh replied, throwing up a hand. "OOOHHH!!!" Ashley, his other sister teased. "Stop!" Tyler yelled. Abigail was in shock by his behavior. "Josh, are you in love with... Tyler?" she questioned, and Josh stood up, grabbing Tyler's hand. "Yeah, and if you can't accept that, then, go away!" Tyler just stood there, looking at the people around him. "Look, I," and he stopped in mid sentence. He wasn't sorry- at all!
