Winston's execution

November 19, 2021. Winston was sentenced to death for the murder of two people. The verdict will be carried out the next day in the state of Arizona, USA. Winston was taken a tiny cell number 137. Only small rays of the sun falling from the window illuminated the cell. Another prisoner was sitting in the corner. 

- You have 18 hours left. - said the guard. 

Winston sat down on the creaky bunk. There was only emptiness in his eyes. A pair of tears of regret rolled down his cheeks. 

- I have 9 hours left. - said the man sitting in the corner and smiled.

Winston did not react to this. He did not want to hear anything. He knew perfectly that this was the end. Winston will never see his family again. Never eat another ice cream. Can never leave things for tomorrow because there is no such opportunity anymore. 

The man walked over to the bed and sat down next to the Winston. He was wearing torn clothes. The face was disfigured. 

- What has happened with you? How did you get here? - the man asked. 

- I have committed a crime. I belong here. - Winston replied indifferently. 

The man looked closely into his eyes. 

- You are deceiving me. I know this, because in my life I have seen so many criminals and no fewer innocent criminals. My name is John. Let's make friends so you can tell me the whole truth. This is your last chance to share with a friend what is tearing you apart. - said John. 

In fact, John was the only one to whom Winston could tell everything as it is. Winston said that he did not kill anyone. One evening, a couple of drunken hooligans were hanging out outside the store. One boy took his sister from the kindergarden and they walked home near this store. Hooligans decided to make fun of the kids. One of them dropped his pistol. The quick boy raised this pistol and fired 2 times. Two hooligans collapsed to the ground. At this time Winston was passing by this place. He took the gun from the boy and asked them to run. And then the police came, and he ended up here. 

- My friends are always ready to help me. What about your friends? Didn't they help you? - asked John.

- They tried, but it was impossible to help me. - said Winston.

- Just pay them more money like i do. - said John.

- Friends help with all their hearts, without demanding anything in return. You can't understand it. - said Winston.

John handed Winston the key. 

- This key opens all the doors of this prison. In 8 hours a car will be waiting for you in the yard. Initially, all this was prepared for me, but friends should help each other. Now be a friend, pray that I go to heaven. - said John.
