diary entries cuz i have fomo: Part friday

OKAY SO BOTH astrellas-library did diary entries and now I want to because I have major fomo lmao so go read theirs too yadadaddadada

edit: dw i just made some edits


   It is currently 9:32 p.m. as I write this. The book I read on mental health had a chapter on the benefits of writing in a journal, so I thought I would go out and get one to write in. I'll be quite honest when I say I don't really know what I'm doing. Should I have researched this?

    Oh God, rereading that made me realise how stupid that sounded. Why would you research for your own journal writing?

   Anyway, I think I just talked about my day. I'll think of it as though I'm texting Melanie. Although that also sounds stupid considering she's in the bathroom as of now showering and I could just wait to tell her about my day. Albeit, I always find it awkward though, so maybe this method would be good? I'll give it a try.

   Hello Journal, I'll greet you as I'm thinking of this as talking to a person. Good afternoon.

   This morning I woke up around 5 a.m. which obviously wasn't good. It's most likely because I went to sleep at 2 a.m. I had to finish an essay for Literature as I forgot about it with all the trouble recently. Someone's leaked a group chat including a few Year 12's and it involved some incriminating stuff. They all ran to me separately to find out who. It was very fruitful considering they all offered payment and do not know I am working for all of them. They're all blaming each other but I have a theory that it wasn't any of them. It's not too important but it did keep me busy. I'd thought that with Ian off on a soccer excursion/camp/whatever it would be quiet but obviously not.


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   Ugh, I'm ruining this book with all these dots. I'll unpack Ian later.

   Anyway, my lack of sleep affected my cognitive state and I was a mess the entire day! I almost collapsed on top of Trea when I waved to Jaekyung from across the dining hall for lunch. Not to mention I was so lethargic in class. Thankfully, Mrs Cannon (bless her) had noticed I was a mess and sent me to Doctor Nekomata at around 2 p.m. I find it insane that there are people who have gone to medical school and completed whole degrees just to stay at a school and work as "nurses" for school children who are most likely just trying to get out of class, although considering how much they get paid, it seems ideal to some. I haven't interacted with Doctor Nekomata a lot yet I'd say he's the nicest of the two male Doctors at this school. Doctor Rozas seemed sick of me when I came to him with another bloody nose. It's not my fault I get them on hot days. Doctor Nekomata let me rest in the infirmary beds (they're actually incredibly comfortable) and brought up food for me. I ended up falling asleep until 7. I woke up by myself to see Ian in a chair next to my bed with his phone out. He was taking pictures of me.
   The cunt.

   Well, I guess that's rude. He did smile when I woke up and put his hand in my hair. I'll admit, when I wake up from 'naps' (if you could even call that one a nap), I just feel more lethargic and out of it than normal, so I don't remember a lot but it was kind of him to stay with me.

______..... . ..   ..   • •

Oh, no. My apologies journal. Melanie came out of her shower so I left the room but the pen dragged along the paper and made a hole. I'm so tired, maybe I should've left this for another day. No matter. Onto my warbling about Ian. I know people like to use journals as of therapeutic ways to talk about their crushes but to be honest I'm quite paranoid and might think someone will find this and show him. Also, when I see him I get this specific instinct to run and hide because just the thought of him perceiving me is terrifying. It may also have something to do with the fact that his eyes are just so... blue. They're honestly a bit freaky... no one needs eyes that blue.
I'm rambling. That's enough writing for now. It was quite fun but I doubt I'd do this again.
Goodbye journal,
Friday Barnes.

okay bye
