Chapter 6

 The class had spent the entire day working on the puzzle and they were only a quarter done, but night had fallen upon them. Alex found something for dinner and once everyone had eaten, they were all asleep.

When the class woke up, they immediately continued on with the puzzle, anxious to get it done quickly. Alas, none of them had made any progress and were all extremely frustrated.

"This is going to take forever..." Alex grumbled as she flopped back on the couch. Kaiden patted her knee.

"We'll finish it soon." He encouraged sweetly, even though the odds of 'soon' weren't very high.

"No, it'll be years before we finish this." Blink added. There was a collective motion of agreeing before Declan stood up to examine the pieces scrambled across the coffee table.

"I don't know because I don't usually solve puzzles to pass time... but wouldn't it have been slightly logical to do the edge pieces first?" He asked. Everyone groaned.

"I didn't see any edge pieces though." Pipsqueak announced in a confused tone. She leaned over the coffee table to look through the pieces. Tom joined her but after a short pause, he shook his head.

"Absolutely no edge pieces. This must be an edgeless puzzle." Jordan frowned at Tom's statement.

"So you're telling me that we spent all of last night going over a puzzle and nobody realised that there weren't any edge pieces?" He frustratedly sighed.

"I'm with you but that isn't an excuse to stop now. We need to keep going." Declan sat down and picked up a small piece, trying to find its place.

And so, the whole class kept going with the puzzle, trying to solve it. After a few hours of puzzle solving they had a couple more splotches of colour but no distinct image or border. They had breaked for a quick brunch but the class was getting antsy in the late afternoon.

"How are we supposed to finish. this. stupid. puzzle?" Jordan whined. There was still at least half of the puzzle to go.

"We just have to keep going." Alex huffed as she picked up another piece before flinging it across the table to Declan.

"But what if I don't want to?" Jordan quipped. Pip and Blink, both chuckled in agreement.

"Write a complaint to Hunter," joked Alex. Jordan stared for a beat before responding.

"Alright, where's some paper and a pen?" He asked, extremely serious. He was the utmost serious that anybody could possibly be serious about. Alex went and grabbed him some paper and a pen. Jordan started to scribble furiously.

"Are you actually going to write him a complaint?" Kaiden asked, bewildered that Jordan was following through with his plan.

"Yep and in a minute... you can add in your complaint." Jordan said, while concentrating on his note to Hunter.

"OOOOH I'm next!" Pipsqueak announced, just as Jordan finished his. He passed the note to her, to which she started writing.

"I dibs after Pip, but how are we going to get it to him?" Tom asked. Jordan shrugged, refusing to let his idea not succeed.

"I don't know... I'll leave it in the box and he'll probably find it." He suggested. The room fell silent until Pip finished writing and passed it to Tom. He started writing his note and quickly finished.

"Alright my turn," Alex called, grabbing the pen and paper from Tom. She thoughtfully wrote out her opinion of the task. She looked to Kaiden, who shook his head before turning to Declan. He took the paper.

"So I'll leave it in the box?" Declan folded the page, placed it delicately into the puzzle box and sarcastically patted it. The room bursted into a fit of giggles.

"What will we do with the puzzle?" Alex finally asked, once everyone had calmed down and were remembering the task at hand.

"Let's leave it and we'll come back tomorrow. It's getting late." Kaiden suggested as he looked out the window. The sun was starting to set so when the class agreed, they started finding food for dinner. Once they had eaten, they headed for an early night and promptly fell asleep.


When the class had woken, they immediately went to check the box even though their hopes weren't high. It was mostly a big joke to keep morale up. Jordan opened the box.

"There's another note!" He called out loudly. His classmates groaned.

"It's morning, sheesh. We're right next to you." Alex muttered from beside him, rubbing her ear.

"Do you want me to read it outloud?" He asked, taking the note out of the box. Alex saw that the class's own note wasn't there. She nodded.

"What a beautiful collection of thoughts I have just read. You didn't finish the puzzle but I'll call it there... Is a puzzle even completed without frustrated complaining? Your final task is to find the bubble door. Then you'll be back at the Academy." He read aloud. Blink's face lit up.

"Awesome, how about we split up and search the house?" He mused. The class agreed and began searching. Alex once again went straight to her bedroom since it might have been the last time she visited for a while. She stayed there for a while looking at her old things until Kaiden called her downstairs.

"It's not here, we've searched the entire house." He said in a deflated tone. He continued on, "Declan thinks we should retrace our steps to the park and then back to where we first arrived and see if it's there. We're going to leave in a moment." Alex nodded, taking a final glance at her living room. She followed them out of the house and began the walk to the park.

It was a clear and sunny day therefore making the walk nice and enjoyable but also making it the perfect day to play at the park. The class arrived to find the park busy with small children.

"We'll look suspicious. A couple people should take a quick look." Was the first thing Tom said as they saw all the kids. They moved behind a tall shrub so they were out of direct view. They indiscreetly (without looking too suspicious) spied on the park, waiting for a few families to leave. Once some people left, Blink and Pip went to search the park, trying to mask it as a lost phone.

The two of them returned empty handed.

"Let's head back to the city."


Next chapter is the last one! (It's a really short one so sorry about that)

Thanks for Reading my Dudes <3
