11 | neville boy

y/n cameron

A couple days has passed and Onyx was thankfully recovering quick. Yes, I was still mad at Adrian—who by the way got punched the next day by Onyx.

My friends and I were chilling on the bench while Draco was sitting on a tree with Theo while Crabbe, Goyle and a few others were standing below.

People were wearing badges of Cedric Diggory which then switches to Harry—saying he stinks. Everyone was quite pissed at Harry for getting in the tournament. He was even having problems with his buddy Ron.

Harry walked by when Draco decided to comment on him.

"Why so tense potter?"

I groaned and slap my forehead in annoyance. Of course he has to bloody fight with Potter.

"My father and I have a bet you see, I don't think you're gonna last ten minutes in the tournament," he jumped down the tree while Theo rolled his eyes.

"He disagrees, he thinks you won't last five."

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy." he pushed him off, "He's vile and cruel, and you're just pathetic."

Honestly, I agree with Harry. His father was the shittiest person to have ever live.

"Enemies to lovers trope?" I whispered to Onyx. She chuckled and punched me in the arm.

Draco took out his wand but before he could do anything, Professor Moody got out and turned him into a cute little ferret.

"Holy shit," Mattheo chuckled. We got up and gathered around him. Onyx picked him up and laughed.

"Professor Moody!" Yelled a voice. It belonged to Minnie. She came panicked and looked at the ferret Onyx was holding.

"Is that a- is that a student?" She asked in pure disbelief. She told Moody off and sadly, turned Draco into his human self.

God if I had only bought a video recorder.

                                    — ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

"Hi Neville, how are you?" I was in herbology class again and decided to catch up with Neville. I promised myself to always show love towards him after what Bellatrix had done to his parents.

Enzo would try his hardest to talk to him but Neville would always run away—family issues. Lorenzo hated it, he wanted to show Neville that he wasn't like his mum and that he will never be.

"Hi Y/N, I'm good thanks. I passed my potion test actually, and how are you?" He smiled widely. His smile was contagious. It was the cutest thing ever.

"Good as well thanks. Neville?"

"Yes Y/N?" He was up to prodding his mimbulus mimbletonia.

"I'm proud of you," He looked at me with soft puppy eyes. I smiled and turn back to my plant, happy that he got to hear that.

a/n: I'm proud of you guys too for making it this far <3

I could see from the corner of my eye his lips was wide. He was happy. And I am too, he deserves it.

                                  — ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —

"Y/N wake the fuck up you sleep addict," I felt a pillow hit the back of my head and I groan. Onyx pulled the blinds allowing the sunlight into my eyes.

"Ow! Nyxxx close the blinds," I complained. I sat up and look to my alarm that Theo gave me last year for my birthday.


Its too early for me. I was going to lay back down before I was pulled by Onyx.

She grunted as she pulled me to sit up, "It's the first task Y/N!" she whispered excitedly. I murmured in gibberish and close my eyes pushing her off and pulling my blanket on me. She scoffed and went out the door.

Soon she came in with a few more others. I didn't really give a shit.

Onyx came up to me and whispered in my face, "I'm giving you five seconds before I let the boys annoy you." i peeked my eyes and saw Mattheo, Blaise, Draco, Theo and Enzo grinning.

I rolled over to the other side and place a pillow to cover my ears.

Onyx grunted and stood up, "Fine. You asked for it." she turned to the boys and pointed towards me, "All yours," right after she finished her sentence the boys gathered around me and started talking loudly.

They jumped on-top of me and I curse. "Merlin you guys are heavy!" I pull the blanket above my head until Theo pulled all of it off me.

"OKAY FUCK OFF!" I shriek, "You're all so bloody annoying," I grunt. I sat up and rummage through my drawers finding something comfortable. It was cloudy outside so I settled with grey sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

a/n: u can wear my, sweatshirt- jacob stegosaurus ☹️🤞

We were heading towards breakfast and I went to the Gryffindor house to wish Harry luck.

I tapped him on his shoulder and waited for him to turn around, "Good luck Harry," I lean in for a hug.

"Thanks." I turn around and head back to my friends.

Draco gave me a look, "What did you say to him?"

"Merlin Draco calm down, I only wished him luck,"

"Why'd you hug him?"

I stare at him with annoyance, "Can we fucking eat?" He looked at Harry and back at me then ate his food.

Him and his hate towards Potter—only because Potter wouldn't shake his fucking hand.




filler chapter

one more chapter then till a cute scene 🤪
