treinta y dos

Tal Fishman

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I woke up and looked around, my hands around Prim's waist. 

She yawned and curled up more, the end of the blanket dragging off of my naked body.

Really, Prim?

Sighing loudly, I grasped the side of the bed and stood up, walking over to the closet where I kept a few outfits. 

The hanger scraped across the metal bar as I dragged through my few options.

Sliding on some boxers, I slid on some gym shorts and put on a normal shirt.

Closing the creaky closet door, I whipped around and winced, hoping Prim hadn't awoken yet.

Her mouth was still open and a soft snore escaped her lips, making my lips curve.

Last night was amazing and magical, a pretty pussy thing for a guy to say.

I am supposed to go hit up my bros and brag now, right?
I respected Prim, but it was extremely amazing.

I felt happy about waiting that long, especially for her. 

Trekking into the den, I opened Pumpkin's cage and let her onto the patio where her puppy pads were. We didn't let her outside much because Prim was afraid she would be too sick.

Pumpkin wasn't that sick, she was doing better with her antibiotics.

I adventured to the kitchen, opening up the pantry and seeing some oatmeal mix.

I boiled some water and filled two bowls, and I heard Prim waking up, the creak of the floors loud.

"Tal, are you still here?" She asked loudly and I hummed loudly.

"Wow, is my sweet boyfriend making me breakfast?" She said with a smile and I nodded.

"The sweetest." I corrected her, and poured some tea into a cup for her and some cold orange juice for me.

We sat down and ate, talking about what we could do today.


I helped set up the camera, Adi grumbling.

"Stop being an assclown with the settings, just set it up like normal." I growled at Adi and he flipped me off.

"Fuck off." I groaned and slid the wooden table to the middle of the room.

I heard the door open and we all looked to see Prim walk in with a cute crop top and some ripped jeans and some sandals.

"Hey Prim!" David said politely and she waved. 

I kissed her passionately and she smirked at me.

"Get a room!" Michael called and I gagged.

"This is one giant room...right?" She said with a sly wink and Adi laughed. 

"So what are we even doing today?" Jojo asked from the couch and I pulled out a large sack of boxes. 

"Fan mail opening." I groaned.

"No way!!" Prim cheered in unison with Anthony.

"I hope someone sent candy." I heard Cenna say from the bed in the back.

"Let's get started." I said, and Adi flipped the camera on and handed it to Prim.

"Take a good hold on it, don't shake too much." Adi said and Prim nodded.

"Hey guys, welcome to Free Time! Today, we're going to be opening FAN MAIL!" Tal said excitedly and Michael began tearing open a box.

"Woah, stop bro!" Tal laughed and Michael snatched it back from Tal.

"Bitch, stop! It says my name!" Michael squealed.

"That says 'Michael is a thot'." Anthony corrected him.

I tried not to laugh.

This was going to be fun.


You guys seem to like when I do video chapters, right?

Love you guys

