THE WAVY-HAIRED boy stood in front of you and Togame in an awkward position. Immediately, you froze up from the sheer embarrassment that engulfed your body at the scene of basically getting caught by someone you knew, while the raven-haired man who still had you trapped in his arms remained in the same position with not much change in his expression.

A small bead of sweat trickled down his temple upon looking at his friend Arima.

"The hell do you want?" He snapped a little more aggressively than he meant to. You on the other hand, you tried to push Togame away from your body in order to save you from possibly bursting into a thousand pieces. Even though you were drunk it seemed like a switch flipped on the moment you were caught doing something... intimate.

"Relax will ya?" He lazily replied to taller male.

Suddenly, Togame's arms hardened themselves to to trap you in once he felt your pushing, indicating to tell you to quit it.

"I'm not here cut you're time short alright?"

"Go on."

"Chouji is beating up a random guy again."

I'm a flash, the black-haired man pulled away from you, "What?!" He shrieked out loud.

"I told you to not to let him drink!"

"I did! A random drunk guy picked a fight with him!"

"Where the hell is Kanuma then?"

You watched the two bicker in complete astonishment, what were going to do now that your time was cut short with Togame?

"He's trying to get Chouji off him."

The taller male clicked his tongue, looking around the room then quickly spotting hurdles of people gathering to one of the back corners next to the theatre stage. From there, the two could see the groups of people surrounding what seems to be like two other individuals in the middle.

From afar, you could spot Chouji manhandling a much larger guy in between the crowd.

Togame looked back at you as the both of you made eye contact. Without given much time to spare, he took his sweater off his shoulder before tossing it on your head making you jerk back.

"Huh? What the hell—!" Quickly, your hand reached to take off his hoodie and you spotted the man drinking the last remaining alcohol in his cup.


Placing the cup back down on the table, he wiped the side of his mouth and looked back at you with darkened eyes.

It scared you for a split second—he'd never looked more pissed than he was right now. Maybe it was because he now has to rescue the random guy before Chouji accidentally beats him into a bloody pulp, or maybe it's the liquor that heated his anger, but a small part of you thinks that just maybe—it was because your moment with him was ruined.

Much to your dismay—even with all your rambling thoughts, the black-haired man reached his long arm towards you making you question what he was doing, till suddenly, his rough calloused hand ruffled the top of your head.

A small, but defeated smile formed on his lips, "You stay put, alright?"

Unthinkingly, you nodded your head without much fight.

"I'll come back to get you the moment I'm finished." He said one last time before removing his hand off your head. His head slowly turned away and departed away from your table with Arima following him closely behind.


Time passed by and you felt like you had been sitting on the table for hours. The fight that was caused in the corner of the room took many peoples attention away and began to flock to the scene to check it out themselves.

You decided to stay put, not having anyone by your side in a party with a bunch of random dudes would be a bad idea to start wandering around especially when you came to terms that Togame was right—you were probably a lightweight and drunk.

You looked down at your shoes that dangled off the table. The floor barely reached your feet as your vision was slightly blurry around the corners of your eyes while a growing headache accompanied you at the same time.

You didn't like the feeling of being drunk.

By now, the music was toned down to where you can now hear people talking around you, walking down the room, and bottles and cups clanking around the tables.

Thankfully, you began to hear the footsteps of heavy feet making their way back to you as you used Togame's hoodie as a blanket and wrapped it behind your back.

Your head shot up to the presence and immediately called out his name, "Togame...! I was getting worried that you were taking so long I thought that—"

The light in your eyes quickly vanished when you made eye contact with the person.

"Haah—? So Togame was the one that brought you?"

A shaved head, silver chains, and their signature gang jacket.

"I really thought you were somebody else's friend." The unknown sultry voice cooed.

You stared back at him with furrowed brows. There was a group of boys behind his as well, making their presence worsen.

"What do you want?" You said ignoring the way he spoke so carefree. Your excitement in your voice vanished once you realized Togame hasn't came back yet and instead, it was just a bunch of hormonal teenagers that wanted to kill their time on you.

"Oh? No need to be so rude, I'm just passin' by to say hello." He winked back at you. The other guys behind him let out chunks of laughter as they all began to swarm your presence making you act fast.

You were drunk and there was no way in hell you were going to let them take advantage over you.

You clutched onto Togame's sweater tighter than before as you tried hopping down the table with one leg first till the bald-headed guy noticed your hurried leave.

Immediately, the group of guys surrounded all your openings keeping you trapped within their circle.

"Woah, woah, woah...! What are you in a rush for? Is it your birthday or somethin'?" He joked causing another round of his friends to laugh.

"I'm not interested, shit-head." You barked back at the man before dropping down to the floor and feeling your headache get the best of you. The group then let out a chain of ou-ing and whistling.

Unconsciously, your hand reached for your temple, trying to soothe the pain while hissing through your teeth.

"Well seems like you're in no shape to talk. How many drinks you had huh sweetheart?" He said in a condescending tone making you want to die at the way he spoke to you. The man closed the gap between you as you stumbled your back onto the edges of the table.

"Shut it. Once Togame comes back, he'll beat you till you can't recognize your face anymore."

He then laughed taunting your empty threat. It wasn't much you could do but it was the best you can sit with for now.

"Will he now? Too bad he's busy tryin' to calm down our president."

"It takes a reaaaallly long time to get that man-child to calm down."

You swallowed a wad of saliva, feeling yourself grow nervous.

"What makes you think I can't beat you up?"

He laughed louder this time causing the group of guys to laugh with him, "Don't make me laugh! You'll get me excited dolly..."

Your mouth turned into disgust at his manor as the guys around you began howling at their friend. You couldn't believe that Togame was in a gang full of douchebags like this. The anger and disgust began melting into your body, sending down waves of rage as you stood there in complete disbelief that someone could be as gross as these people.

You bit your tongue, already knowing you were going to regret your next action. But even with how you tried to refrain yourself from going through with your actions, it almost seemed like the body in your alcohol was telling you to do it.

Rapidly, you lifted up your arm and did something you've never done before.

Your hand clutched tightly in the air as you swung your arm back before letting the canon fly loose, as your fist made contact with the hot flesh of the shaved-headed guy's face.

"You're fucking disgusting!" You shouted making the whole room turn their heads at the commotion.

The black-haired man shot his head away from Chouji who he forcefully made him sit on a chair to calm down while Arima and Kanuma began to drag away the victims body on the floor. All of them turned their body to where they had last seen you as they looked at another large group of people beginning to flock around that area.

"Don't tell me she..." Togame whispered to himself with wide eyes before standing up right after being crouched down on the floor.

The bald-headed guy backed up after being taken off guard and immediately jolted his body back up.

"You fuckin' bitch!" He shouted before returning a hard punch to the side of your face.

Right away, you felt the immense pain of your face feeling swollen, but because of your headache, dizziness, and blurriness in your eyes, you couldn't care less in that moment and ran into his body, trying to push him into the floor.

The crowd began hollering at the sight of a delinquent getting in a fight with a random high school girl.

While he began yelling out insults and profanities, you managed to make him lose his balance and crash onto the floor—cracking his back harshly on the hard pavement. You then screamed back at him as you settled yourself on his chest before repeatedly hitting him with your elbow.

In a flash, Togame and Arima ran up to the crowd with such speed catching the people around them off guard. The raven-haired man already knew who was in the middle of that group of people—as well as the wavy-haired male running up to you.

"Fuck you!" He yelled.

"Go fucking die!" You shouted as your elbow crashed onto his head before you switched back to mauling his face.

The guy below you then used his strength and threw you to the other side of the floor harshly, making you cough up your winces.

He then grabbed you by your ankle and went on top of you, grabbing the collar of your sweater and raising his fist to punch you right in the middle of your face.

Blood trickled down his nose as his eyes were filled with anger.

You on the other hand, a growing bruise on the side of your face, blood bleeding from your bottom lip, as the side of your temple began splitting out blood. You were still full of fierce but due to how exhausted and dizzy you were, you couldn't hold the fight any longer.

"I'll break your fucking face you whore—!"

Before the guy could punch you, his hand dropped from your collar in a instant when a hard kick to his face knocked him unconscious making his body fall to the other side.


Silence then crowded everyone's ears as they watched their vice-president walk further to the Shishitoren member he had just kicked down.

You remained on the floor huffing, watching Togame pass by your body and to the bald-headed man, before crouching down to his lifeless body to pick him up by his shirt and let down another lethal blown on his face.

Arima shortly then came to your aid and helped you up from the floor. You wrapped your arms around his body as he did the same to lift you up and turned around to continue watching the scene of Togame punching the guy, each time with much more force than the last.

Nobody said anything as they witnessed their own member getting absolutely demolished.

But soon, you couldn't keep up with the painful headache as you watched your vision grow darker and darker, and eventually the sounds began to muffle in your ears.

You took one last time looking at the back of Togame's head as he spoke out loud before you passed out.

"You touch her again," He finally put his fist down from the guy's bloodied face.

His green-emerald eyes locked into his half opened ones with a demeaning expression.

"I'll fucking kill you."

With those final words leaving his mouth, you couldn't help but to accept the darkness that overtook your consciousness.
