Chapter 9: Miranna

I did not see much of Legolas the next day. I only see him during our mealtimes between coronation rehearsal and last minute detail confirmations, but speak no more than fifteen words altogether. Now, at dinner, I am elated to see him– until Velos. Even Legolas frowns at my steward's appearance.

"My lady?" Velos interrupts, standing to my right. "Would you like to take a stroll on the beach after dinner with my son, Velopen?"

I hide my scowling mouth with a napkin. "Why not the city? Besides, have I done enough walking for today?" I am still annoyed at him for berating me about the lack of elegance in my stride, though I understood why: so I do not look like an oaf at coronation. But that still did not stop me from wanting to strangle him with every click of his tongue.

"It is only a short stroll, my lady." He sighs and says defeatedly, "You may take the Mirkwood prince with you instead if he would like."

I sit up straighter in my seat. "Thank you, Velos. I believe it will clear my mind."

The servants do not serve us dessert after dinner and instead usher us to the back gates of the palace where the beach will meet us. Velos leads us as his son and the servants usher us from behind, only raising my suspicions. Why did Velos ask me to take a stroll outside? He would not dare assassinate me before the coronation. But what about the others? I am going to be a new ruler, after all. Much would not agree with this last minute heir, including them.

Legolas must sense my stiffness because he moves closer to me and begins warily eyeing our surroundings.

We exit the back entrance and the guards swing open the giant, azure gates to the beach.

"My lady," Velos steps aside, "your picnic."

A large, velvet tapestry, refashioned into a blanket, was sprawled near the shoreline. A teapot and two steaming cups of hot tea were perched in the middle of the blanket along with pastry platters laden with frosted cakes and sugared biscuits stood in the middle of the blanket.

"I hope you will forgive me for my behavior as of late today." Velos says shyly. "I wanted to make sure that everything will go smoothly, and that your forebears will be proud."

I nod. "You need not apologize, Velos. Thank you, for everything. I look forward to your guidance."

"I shall leave the two of you alone. Guards on watch will be nearby, so you needn't worry. Good night, my lady."

"Good night, Velos."

Legolas and I settle onto the blanket and sip tentatively from the teacups. Nothing bitter, nor tingling and numbing, so no poison. Only lavender and chamomile. I take a larger sip.


The elf prince bites into a frosted cake. "Yes, Miranna?"

I have no idea how to rule a kingdom, I want to say, but I do not want to look like a fool. If I am going to be taught lessons in royalty, I might as well seek guidance already. "As a member of royalty, what advice have you for a new ruler?"

He thinks for a moment before answering. "Watch where you step. And I mean both literally and figuratively. Do not tread a path that you cannot walk."

His words send a searing chill through me. I know he does not mean my ruling as queen. I drink as much tea as I can, but it does not warm the frost inside of me. 

As the grey clouds glide across the kingdom of Delmaris, maids knock at my door in an asynchronous rhythm.

"My lady!" Serenis yells over the series of knocks. "It's your coronation. We must prepare you for your special day!"

I groan, rubbing sleep and last night's events from my eyes. "You do not have to tell me twice." The maids enter my room before I could even allow them. One maid carries a tray of fresh, buttered hotcakes drizzled with strawberry syrup while others help me out of bed. As soon as the last bit of hotcake entered my mouth, two other maids whisk me to the lavatory. This time, they pour lukewarm water and gently scrub me with milk and honey soap, an improvement from the previous bath.

They then lead me back to my room to dry and dress as if orcs were behind them. A beautiful, azure dress along with a cape was sprawled out on my bed, ready to be worn. Heeled slippers made from the same material rest on the floor. But before I could even touch–much less get a good look at the dress–the maids slide it over my head and fasten the clasp of the cape around my neck. Two more more maids shove my feet into the slippers and bring me to my dresser. There, they dust powder and rub mysterious creams on my face. I cough as the powder and the heavy fumes of the creams enter my lungs. I cough, glance at the mirror, and find myself staring back, only a decade younger. Perhaps I should make more use of these creams and powders instead of using spells and illusions.

Serenis brushes my hair before braiding it into various sized plaits. She wraps it into a sort of crown above my head, and secures it in place with tiny pins.

After she does my hair, Serenis tints my lips with a gloss closely similar to the strawberry syrup. She dusts my eyelids with more powder as if I didn't already glow enough in the light. I hold my breath as she reaches my right eye. I hid the scar from her and the people of Delmaris for fear of their reaction. But how much longer would it be until they see through my illusion? How much longer will it be until I show them my scar?

"Alright my lady, you are fully prepared for your coronation." She says, wiping her glitter-covered hands on her apron. "I will give you some time alone before it starts. Do you need anything else?"

I shake my head slowly, careful not to let my hair fall from its place. "No, thank you."After Serenis leaves, I stand up and walk to the mirror to study myself. I twirl, laughing as the dress twirls along with me.

The she-elf in the mirror is the same she-elf who brought down countless orcs and a good number of wargs. She is the same she-elf who can wield a sword and shoot a bow better than almost any warrior on Middle Earth. She is the same elf who looked to the heavens for hope, for an answer, until her eyes grew weary. After my coronation, will I still be that same she-elf just because of a title?

I walk down the aisle, making my way to the front of the castle. Elves gasp as I pass by, eyes frozen in awestruck. I smile nervously to a few, hiding my fear.

I stand facing the crowd, wiping my sweaty hands on my dress. I spot Legolas in the front, grinning handsomely at me in encouragement. I do my best to return his smile, but it soon resembles a grimace.

"We gather here today to crown the new ruler of Delmaris: Miranna Foxglove, daughter of Nerine and Arcan Foxglove." Velos starts. "Because King Deltus has no heir of royal blood to succeed him, he has specifically requested that his goddaughter, Miranna, rules in his stead."

The elves in the crowd whisper amongst each other, stealing glances at me before I can even notice. I ignore their whispers, staring straight ahead. 

Keep smiling. Don't show them your fear.

Serenis makes her way to Velos, carrying a beautifully carved diadem on a satin pillow. Velos silently thanks her, taking the silver diadem from her hands.

I kneel on one knee with my head bowed. Blood rushes to my head, pounding in my ears. My heartbeat quickens, hammering against my chest.

"Being a queen is an important and major responsibility in one's life. Will you, Miranna Foxglove, be able to accept such a duty?"

I nod as sweat drips from my head and onto the marble floor. "I-I will."

"Will you, Miranna, rule over the people with kindness and equality?"

I gulp. "I will."

"Will you, Miranna, swear to protect the people and their homeland to the best of your ability?"

"I will."

"And finally, will you, Miranna, protect the throne and use its power wisely?"

"I will."

"Then by the stars above and the waves of the sea, I now crown you Queen Miranna of Delmaris!"

As the diadem slides into my hair, the crowd cheers, filling the air with a deafening uproar. A wave of energy flows through my body as if I had been given a second chance at life. I stand and face the crowd once more, revealing my scar.

They gasp and whisper hurriedly, pointing at my scar. Their glances became longer and narrower, staring at my eye then back at me.

"Sea elves of Delmaris," I start anxiously, "many of you know the tragic end of Nerine and Arcan Foxglove."

They nod, quieting their whispers and listening patiently.

"Little do you know, their story did not stop there. Their love created a beautiful daughter, who barely escaped the evil grasp of the orc army. Without the help of her parents, she ventured alone with a scar to remember that awful night. She often sought hospitality, but was met with cruelty and rejection. That child, raised by the rules of survival, is the new queen that stands before you today. I may not know much about royalty, but I know how to keep something alive and thriving.

"The time for regression is over, and Delmaris refuses to live in the past. We will rise like the tides, crashing onto the shores of Middle Earth!"

Thunderous applause echoes in the air as the clouds make way for the sun, shining its golden rays for the first time in Delmaris. Elves point at the sky, basking in its warmth for the first time in an eternity. They cheer even louder, chanting my name.

"Long live the queen!" An elf yells.

"Hail to the queen!" Legolas cries. The elves join in his cry, growing louder with each chant. I grin in approval, rejoicing in their faith in me.

"Mother, father, godfather, I hope you're proud of me." I whisper to the heavens above. This time, I do not expect an answer.
