
"He wants us to figure out who he is. He's kept us alive for this long because he wants us to know." She said looking at us.

"Well who could it be?" Hailey asked.

Rowan looked at me then back up at the ceiling.

"My guess is Brandon." Rowan added.

"It's not Brandon." I said firmly.

"He's a dick." Rowan added.

"But not a killer." I countered.

"What about Jake?" Hailey suggested.


"No way."

Elisia and Rowan said back to back.

"I don't really know though." Rowan mumbled.

"It's not Jake." Elisia said firmly.

"He alley on the couch for a year so I could have a room." Elisia stated.

"Everyone's a suspect." Hailey mumbled.

"What about your sister, Brie right? I mean she's super weird." Elisia suggested.

"Come on." Rowan said defensively.

"She could easily hack her way into every app." Elisia added.

"Are you serious?" Rowan spoke over her.

"I'm with Ro on this one. It's not Brie." Hailey added stopping Rowan and Elisia from shouting at each other.

"You said everyone's a suspect." Elisa mumbled.

"What about Ash then?" Rowan asked.

I felt the tension in the air.

"You don't know him." Elisia said in a dangerous tone.

"He seems kind of like a loser." Rowan mumbled.

"Rowan. Enough." I mumbled.

Elisia sat up clearly bothered.

"Do you know what it's like to live on the street?" Elisia snapped at Rowan.

Rowan sat up slowly.

"No." She mumbled.

"Don't talk about him." Elisia warned.

"Do you want to put my name on the list Ro?" Elisia asked.

Again Rowan's phone began to ring.

She glanced down.

"It's my dad. I have to go." She said and turned to pack her things up.

Hailey sat up now.

"Wow. This has been fun." Hailey said sarcastically.

Rowan turned to Hailey.

"You're still staying at my house right?" Rowan asked Hailey.

"You're gonna have to face your dad on for own. I can't." Hailey said.

Hailey turned to Elisia.

"Are you gonna be okay here by yourself?" Hailey asked.

Elisia nodded.

I stood up and sighed.

"I'm going to the hospital tomorrow morning. Before the assembly. Text me if anything changes okay?" I asked them all.

They all nodded.

"Listen, I know we hate to think this is someone we trust, but it could be. Just be careful and stay safe." I adde d

Rowan stood up and nodded.

"That means it could be Brandon." She went back to accusing him.

"I don't think so but you're right, it could be. Like I said we don't know who this is." I responded.

I'm pretty sure it isn't him and don't feel the need to worry though.

"What's going on between you two?" Hailey asked.

"Honestly, I don't know. I know I trust him. I know he's an ass to you though and I'm sorry. I can't help it." I said to Rowan.

She nodded but didn't say anything.

"Text you all in the morning." I said by goodbyes.

I began walking home when my phone buzzed.

I pulled out my phone to see it was a text from my mom.

I clicked it and began reading.

'Call me now'

I immediately panicked and called her.

After the first ring she answered.

"Madeline? Where are you?" She asked.

She knows I'm not home.

She didn't sound as mad as I expected her to sound.

"I'm sorry I was with some friends and lost track of time. I'm headed home now. Are you okay? Aren't you at work?"

I heard her taking a breath.

"Get home and mick can bring you to me. We need to talk." She said softly.

I felt my face crunch up in confusion.

"I can have my friend drop me off at the hospital. What's going on?" I asked nervous.

"I'd rather tell you when I see you." She said not telling me.

"Mom, are you okay?" I asked as a billion different scenarios ran through my mind.

Each one worst than the last.

"I'll be there soon." I agreed and she ended the call.

I looked at my clock.

It's nearly two am.

This can't be good.

I started my walk to the hospital.


It took about twenty or thirty minutes but I got there.

I walked into the main entrance and stood for a moment.

I can't think of what would be so important that she'd want me here this late.

I pulled my phone out and was about to text her I was here when I heard Mick.

"Maddie? Hey."

He just walked in the entrance.

He looked nervous.

"What's going on?" I blurted not liking the feeling in my stomach.

"I-I don't think I'm the one who should tell you." He stumbled out.

"Maddie, Mick." My mom rushed over to us and gave me a hug.

I hugged back cautiously.

"Mom please I'm dying here. What's wrong?" I asked as we pulled apart.

"Honey, I'm so sorry. Jensen passed away thirty minutes ago." She said softly.


Did I hear her right?

I couldn't have.

"What?" I asked but my voice came out as a whisper.

"I'm so sorry honey. If-"

She kept talking but I found myself zoning out.

Jensen is dead.

He's dead.

Really dead.

Because of me?

Monkeyman did this?


I didn't tell anyone?!

I felt myself tearing up.

"Honey? Are you listening to me?" My mom asked gently touching my shoulder.

I looked at her.

"I-it's my fault." I blurted.

She shook her head and looked at me sadly.

"No baby. It's not. Jensen made his own-" I stopped listening to her.

I shook my head franticly.

I pulled my phone out.

I need to know why!

What did I do!

My vision was blurring as tears fell uncontrollably.

"Honey? What are you doing?" She asked gently taking the phone from me.

My hands were shaking.

"I-I don't understand why?" I sobbed out.

I knew she had no idea what I was talking about but my mind was all over the place and I can't make sense of it all.

"His parents decided an hour ago. They sighed the paper honey. They thought maybe he would breath on his own. He didn't. I didn't know until he was already gone." She explains as she pulled me into a hug and held me.

His parents?

His parents pulled his plug?

Not Monkeyman?

It didn't help.

It didn't help at all.

I began to sob into my mom and felt her rub my back


I haven't said much.

I've stopped crying.

Mick drove us home.

My mom offered to come with us and demand the rest of the night off, but I refused to let her.

I told her I'd be okay and just wanted to go home and sleep.

Mick pulled in and parked.

I got out of the car and walked to the door.

He unlocked it and we walked in.

I heard him shut the door and I headed to my room.

"Do you need anything?" He asked softly.

"No. I'm just tired." I mumbled and closed my door.

I laid on my bed and pulled a pillow to my chest and squeezed it.

Jensen is dead.

He's really officially gone.

I closed my eyes and laid there.

I remember all the times we spent together.

The ones that weren't blurry.

The moments were he showed me he cared about me without ever saying it.

Then I remember all the moments he showed he didn't.

All the times I saw him with other girls.

All the times he tried to convince me to sleep with others for money.

I remember how mean he was when I asked about us.

How angry he got.

How he said we were just a hookup.

How he didn't care if I cried.

He didn't care.

I felt tears dripping off my face and onto my bed.

"Hey, Madeline. Can I come in?" Mick knocked and called to me.

I didn't respond.

I began wiping my face.

I heard him come in.

I looked up and saw how pitifully he looked at me.

I knew new tears were falling but I just looked down and held the pillow.

"Tomorrow, you don't have to go to school. Spend the day here with your mom okay?" He asked.

"There's a spirit assembly. I have to go." I mumbled.

"I'm sure your teachers will-" I cut him off.

"I want to go." I lied.

I have to.

Monkeyman could hurt my friends.


Are they my friends?

They don't really know me.

I don't really know them.

Do I have any friends?

Mick nodded.

"Maybe you'll feel different in the morning." He mumbled.

"It's late. You have work. Go to sleep. I'm okay." I lied.

I've been doing that a lot.

Lying to everyone.

Lying to myself.

He nodded and left.

I sat up and felt my foot tapping the floor in a fast pace.

My phone buzzed.

I pulled it out and looked at it.

A private message from Monkeyman.

'He deserved to stay on that machine. He deserved a slow and painful death. I wish I could have given him that. I'll settle for you. You let him get away with it. Since he's gone, you're all that's left.'

This isn't even about me?!

He's targeting me because of Jensen!

I felt myself crying and wiped my eyes frustrated.

I'm so tired of crying.

I began typing.

'Idc what he did to you. Idc about you at all. You're a sick fuck and the world would be better without you!'

I read it over.

I thought about it.

He is crazy.

This could hurt people around me.

The girls, my mom, Mick, even Brandon.

I deleted it and threw my phone down.

I jumped up and walked to my window.

I climbed out and started walking.


It looked at my watch as I approached the house.

It's nearly four am now.

I felt so tired.

I didn't want to go home.

I want to see Brandon.

He may not even know about Jensen.

That was his best friend.

He deserves to know.

I went to text him and remember I left my phone in the floor.

I walked to the front door and knocked.

I heard some glass fall or something.

I heard some faint cussing and grumbling.

I was about to turn and walk away when the door was slung open.

"Do you know what fucking time it is?" An older man spat.

This is Brandon's dad?

He looked so gross and Brandon, well he's not gross.

This man is clearly drunk.

I looked behind him to the broken beer bottles.

That's the glass I heard.

"Do you speak bitch?" He spat.

My eyes shot to his.

He was so angry.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm at the wrong address." I lied.

I turned and began walking when he grumbled a few more cusses and insults and slammed the door.

I began walking home.


I'm half way home.

I'm struggling to walk.

My feet hurt.

My legs hurt.

My heart hurts.

My eyes are heavy.

I'm so tired and I regret even leaving my room.

I looked at my watch.

4:32 A.M.

I'm gonna hate myself when I have to go to school tomorrow.

Mom should be home soon too.

I'm going to beat her there.


I got home.

I went in through my window and slipped my shoes off.

My door was open.

I left it shut.

He knows I left.

I took my shoes off and saw my phone on the floor where I left it.

I walked over and picked it up.

I went t mine and Brandon's thread.

'I'm sure you're asleep since schools in like three hours and idek if you know but Jensen is officially gone. His parents pulled the plug tonight. I thought if you didn't know you deserved to. I'm sorry.'


I sighed and sat the phone down.

I walked to close my door and the floor made that annoying creaking noise.

"Madeline?" Mick asked peeking out of his room and seeing me.

"I'm okay." I lied.

I walked to my bed as he walked towards my room.

"Where did you go?" He asked walking to me.

"I just walked around. Had to think. I'm okay and I'm going to sleep."

I said as I plopped on my bed.

He nodded.

"Don't do that again. I was worried." He pleaded.

I nodded and felt my eyes closing and my body relaxing into my bed.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I won't do it again." I whispered.

I felt him cover me up.

"Goodnight Madeline." He mumbled.

I heard the door shut and my mind fell into a deep sleep.

