➢ Kimi Räikkönen - "Stop that, it tickles!"



When I arrived home, I wanted nothing more than to fall straight asleep. My boss, however, had insisted that I complete an assignment by tomorrow morning or else she would start looking for a new assistant. Even with my laptop open, I couldn't come up with the words to say so slammed it in frustration. Maybe some food would help?

I padded into the kitchen with a heavy sigh. I didn't expect Kimi to be back for another hour yet as he, too, has been working long and exhausting hours. This meant that I'd probably have to eat alone. Just as I had pulled all of the ingredients out from the cupboards for a sad meal-for-one, my phone buzzed.

Noticing Kimi's icon (a rare picture of him smiling, taken on our three year anniversary), I answered the phone with a little more sprite than what I previously had. "Hello?"

"Hi, kulta." I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach upon hearing his voice. How he still has this effect on me, I do not know. "I'm just letting you know I finished early so am almost home."

"You're not on the phone whilst driving, are you?" Even though he couldn't see me, I found myself raising my eyebrows on suspicion.

"Of course not, kulta. Hands-free is a thing of the twenty first century, you know?"

I let out a chuckle. "Just making sure you're safe."

"It's like you doubt my driving abilities. I drive safely especially since I have your favourite food in the car."

"Have I told you how much I love you?" I grinned. "You're amazing."

"I know." He cheekily replied. "I love you too."

"See you in a bit?"


I hung up the phone and held it to my chest. God I love that man so much. Whilst I waited for him to return, I put away the items I had gotten out and returned to my seat on the couch. With my spirits slightly raised from my conversation with Kimi, I reopened my laptop and began typing away.

I had written about four hundred words by the time the Finn returned home. He slammed the door behind him (I have tried to tell him to be gentle, but I doubt he even know what it means) and diverted into the living room to give me a quick kiss on the forehead. I felt the familiar scratching on my skin from where he hadn't shaved in a while. Honestly, I didn't mind the feeling, or the look. He looked incredibly handsome either way.

"How was work?" Kimi queried as he handed me a plate of my favourite takeaway. He sat down next to me, his leg touching mine ever so slightly.

"Stressful." I replied truthfully, running a hand through my hair. "My boss has threatened to fire me again if I don't get this work done."

Kimi frowned. "That's unfair."

"Tell me about it."

I had barely touched my food by the time Kimi had finished his since I was so busy typing away. His gaze burned into the side of my head until he eventually spoke.

"Your food will get cold, kulta."

Without breaking my gaze from the screen and with my left hand still typing, I shovelled a single forkful into my mouth. It was indeed cold but I didn't care - my job was the only thing on my mind. I heard Kimi sigh before he stood up.

"I'll put it in the microwave for when you have some free time." Kimi said, picking my plate up along with his and walking into the kitchen. I mumbled a small 'thank you' under my breathe.

The next thing I knew Kimi's hands were on my shoulders as he stood behind the sofa. He leant down and began to place soft kisses on my neck.

I couldn't help but flinch away as his stubble scratched my neck. "Stop that, it tickles!" I exclaimed, unable to hide my smile. I was, as Kimi was fully away, extremely ticklish. He didn't stop until I closed down the laptop lid and turned to face him. He wore a mischievous smile on his lips. "Do you want me to get fired?"

Kimi shrugged. "It'll mean you'll get to travel more with me."

"Kimi-" I tried to speak but was cut off by his lips against mine. Every time I opened my mouth to talk, he gave me a kiss. I tried to protest but soon realised it was useless and eventually melted into it.

"Why don't you come to bed, kulta?" He asked with that all to familiar tone.

"I-" he kissed me again upon sensing I wanted to disagree. "I guess being fired wouldn't be so bad." I smirked.


These one shots won't be particularly long but I hope you enjoy them nonetheless!
