Never Have I Ever

'Never have I ever gone to bed without brushing my teeth,'

Shiho raised her eyebrows and stared at Shinichi in utter confusion.

'Really Kudo, that's such a random question,' she stated.

'Whatever, just answer it,' he knew it was not the best question, but he couldn't think of anything other than that.

'No, I have never,' she answered.

'Same,' he admitted, 'your turn,'

'Never have I ever,' she paused, 'laughed at a joke I didn't get,'

Shinichi chuckled, 'ha, yeah, I've done that, everyone was laughing so I decided to join in,'

Shiho revealed a small smile while picturing Shinichi doing that, 'I've never,'


'Well I don't really laugh anyways so,'

'Ha true,' he said, 'never have I ever, woken up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and then ran back to bed because I think there's something chasing me,'

Shiho didn't say anything and only pressed her lips together, her cheeks slightly blushing.

'For real!' Shinichi asked, surprised that Shiho out of all people would do such a thing.

'Yeah, when I was younger I thought a ghost would eat me if I don't run away,' she explained, her eyes staring at the ground.

Shinichi giggled as Shiho gave him a death stare, 'well I haven't,'

'Well don't mention it to anyone else,' she warned 'never have I ever peed my pants after childhood,'

'When exactly is after childhood....'

Shiho smirked, '10 years old,'


'So, what happened?' she teased, fascinated by what he has to say.

'Well I was 11 years old, and the teacher wouldn't let me go to the bathroom, and I was busting,'

'And you peed your pants,' she finished.

'Precisely, never have I ever, been on a blind date,'

Shiho sighed, 'it was one of the worst days of my life, my sister set me up with this guy when I was in America, we talked for a while before he started leaning in,' she rolled her eyes in disgust, 'it's embarrasing even thinking about it, he then leaned in for a kiss,'

'So did you kiss him?' Shinichi suddenly interrupted, eager to know and secretly hoping that she didn't kiss him.

'Of course not, who do you think I am!' she answered, feeling grotesque at the thought of it.

Shinichi felt relaxed and heaved out a sigh of relief, 'I've been on a blind date, but I ditched the girl after I heard that a new mystery book series is coming out,'

Shiho giggled, 'typical Kudo, my turn, never have I ever ditched class,'

'Well I only do it if there's a case nearby,' Shinichi explained, 'but I might've done it once or twice to skip music class,'

'I've done it once, because I wanted to miss out on P.E, we had to do gymnastics!' She exclaimed, pouting at the thought of it.

'Haha, you rebel. Never have I ever,' he hesitated, wondering if it's appropriate to say. He let out a little breath and stared directly at Shiho who felt the atmosphere grow tenser by the second. She watched in amusement as Shinichi kept on fidgeting and pursing his lips.

She smiled, how is the detective this cute?

The words then came out slowly and cautiously,

'reconsidered if I liked a person,'

The scientist felt her body stiffen as her heartbeat, once again, started to race. Who was he talking about, Ran? Me? But he never liked me, right? Well at least I don't think so, don't get your hopes up Shiho.

In an instance, completely uncharacteristic to Shiho's normal demeanour, words escaped her mouth without her fully analyzing the factors and consequences.

'Never, if I like someone, and it's the right person I should like, my feelings would not change,' she stated, rather directly, shocking both herself and Shinichi, 'unless it's for the best to change,'

The last sentence was barely audible, and she was pretty sure Shinichi didn't hear it. But after realizing what she'd just said, her face immediately flushed red.

'No no! It's not what you think,' she gestured frantically.

What the hell is up with you Shiho? You literally just blurted that out, IN FRONT OF KUDO! He must think you're a freak right now.

'Have you found that person yet?' he suddenly asked in a fragile tone.

'Huh?' her thoughts drifted away as her voice grew quieter.

'Oh nothing.' his tone dropped an octave, as he gazed towards the ground.

Shiho pressed her lips before smiling, 'yes I've found him already,'

Shinichi looked up as she saw Shiho smiling at him, he felt butterflies in his stomach as his own smile manifested on his face.

A/N: I'm deeply sorry if this isn't the type of Coai scene you were looking forward for. But I think it's a bit to rushed if one of them just suddenly confesses so I did this.
