Flurry Of Ice - Part 1

It was a dark day that day. The universe was covered in a dark smoke from the battles between the 13 Primes and Unicron himself. Primus, exhausted of his power from creating the thirteen, slept. The Primes were scattered across the universes, fighting from wherever they could. Prima, the leader of the Primes, and Optimus Prime, the last created, stayed behind. Waiting for their creator to return. Waiting for the bright blue glow from the core of the planet, and the life and love to emit from the surrounding chamber.

They never expected it to happen so soon, or with such great circumstances.

Prima had left the chamber to check on his fellow brethren. Optimus stayed behind, still hopeful that today could be the day of Primus's awakening. He was the most hopeful among his brethren, even if, unlike the others, he had no special powers to his name. Nothing like Vector Primes ability to go through time and space, or even Solus Prime with her ability to create all sorts of weapons. He had nothing except for his hope, which was the bright light that kept all of the other primes going. And as the great blue glow surrounded himself, and the chamber of Primus's spark, his hope soared.

Almost like a figment of his imagination, Primus cast out a normal-sized form. A form used so that he could properly address his Primes. However, unlike all of the other times, his wings were drooped, and his normally bright optics were dimmed. He did not have a lot of time. but that wasn't the only thing that was different. Another form was next to the great Primus. A small, blue and lavender bot grasped Primus's servo.

"Primus." Optimus addressed, "We did not expect your return so soon. The battle still-"

"I know, Optimus." Primus curtly snapped, but then his angered face softened when he heard the whimper from the youngling beside him, "I have a gift for you and your brothers."

Primus urged the youngling forwards. Optimus knelt down, the youngling barely came up to his waist. He put out his servos, "Hello, youngling."

The youngling pressed up against the silver Primus. The ancient mech looked to Optimus, "His name is Glacies. He is your new younger brother. I hope that he will aide you in the battle's ahead."

Optimus nodded; he could hear his elder brother's even pedsteps behind him. Prima would be there in a few klicks. The taller, silvery mech came up behind him, his voice piercing the quiet, "Sire, you have awakened."

"Prima." Primus turned back to Glacies, lightly pushing him into the open. Primus's optics locked back onto Optimus, "Optimus, I task you with training this young Prime."

"Of course, Primus."

"Another Prime? Primus. What if you do not have the strength to fight-"

"Ah Prima, always thinking of the future. This young Prime will be an asset. Just give the youngling time."

Prima gave Primus a disbelieving look. Which Primus answered the look with what's known as a Parent's look, which quieted the elder mech down.

"I will not be awake much longer. After this, I will sleep for a much longer time." Primus knelt beside Glacies, "Glacies, go join your brothers."

The small mech looked between Prima's anger and stern sterling blue optics, and Optimus's cerulean, but kind, optics. His small peds took him in the direction of Optimus, whose warm spark seemed kind. He could feel his brothers for the first time. Marveling at all they had done. Almost laughing as he felt the surprise from the others. But Prima still seemed to distrust the youngling. As Prima approached, the youngling was spooked by the sudden movement. Just by placing his servos in front of him and Optimus, a wall of crystal-clear ice appeared before them.

Prima halted, and Optimus looked up in complete surprise.

Primus laughed, "Yes, he has the ability to control ice and perhaps water, with the right discipline. Which is why I need you to train him."

Optimus thought for a moment, but when he felt the small, warm body come up beside him, all worry about the youngling was gone. He felt willing to train him. He looked up at Primus, who put his finger to his lips. A motion of silence that Primus said was used by off world aliens who live far away from their position. Aliens that have yet to exist in this world.

As the blue glow around them begun to diminish, Primus waved a finally goodbye. But Optimus sprung from his position, running to the figure, "Primus. Why did you chose me? Maybe the others, with their abilities could train him better than I. but me?"

"Optimus, why do you doubt yourself." Primus looked down at his second to youngest Prime, and he looked down, "It is not the outward abilities that I have blessed you with. Something you will come to understand. And by then, you will understand why I chose you. Optimus Prime."

And with that, the figure vanished. Not a trace of the being was seen. Not in the not faint glow of the lights above them. Nor in the feeling of the now sleeping mech in their sparks. The only thing that showed that Primus had awoken for some time was the little blue and purple mechling, whose yellow optics looked up at them. Placing a single black servo on the youngling's shoulder panels, which went up like his own, he slowly brought the youngling to his side. Glacies looked up at his brother, relishing the warmth the elder bot provided.

From then on, the two truly became like brothers. They were almost inseparable for the first few cycles, as Optimus taught Glacies what it meant to be a bot. almost always keeping the youngling with him, and away from the others after Glacies had almost frozen Prima. But after a time, Glacies did meat with the others as he grew older. Becoming attached to Alpha Trion, as well Vector Prime. Both of which taught him so much more than just about his own dimension. But the others that the two mechs had traveled too.

But to the three bots distain, with the war around him, Glacies grew fast. Much faster than any other sparkling that they had come across in their long lives. He grew into a fierce warrior, and a mech with kind spark. However, with Prima always looking down at the bot, a part of him grew as cold as the element he was sparked into.

Glacies lived long enough to see the end of the war. Unicron cast out, and cybertron still a barren rock. However, Optimus Prime had found a way to get cybertron to light once more. But it was at a cost that Glacies did not wish to take.

The cost of his brother's life.

Glacies struggled against the stronger arms holding him back. He growled with anger, and tried throwing his peds under him to trip the ones behind him. He could see Optimus, his favorite of his brothers, advancing to the well of Allsparks. He had said that this was his duty, to allow cybertron to grow and become a true place of homage for their kind. Glacies did not wish to accept it, and if the others weren't holding onto him, he would have run up to his brother and stopped him.

"Optimus!" he called, straining against the other Prime's arms. He turned on them, Onyx Prime and Megatronus, giving them both a look of pure spite, "Let me go."

"No, youngling." Megatronus rumbled, "this is not your duty."

"I don't care. I don't want my brother to die."

"He is our brother too."

Glacies looked ahead of him once more. Optimus had disappeared, having jumped into the Well of Allsparks. Sparks of every color and size jumped into the sky like a fireworks display. Hot energon tears streamed down his face. He would never see his brother again. Anger flooded through his body with his sadness. His tears turning from normal energon, to pure ice dropping from his face. Creating blue marks under his yellow optics.

Onyx and Megatronus shared a look when they felt their younger brother begin to cool down and freeze. Much colder than most could bear, and they even had to let go of him as he sank to his knees. Below him, ice formed on the surface of Cybertron's metal. The two, not knowing what to do, stepped back. Turning to face the other Primes, with looks that said that they hopped that the others would help.

Alpha Trion approached the youngling, "Glacies. You need to calm down, Optimus knew what he was doing."

As the Prime put out his hand to Glacies, who snapped, standing up with so much force that alpha jumped back. He put out his servos, a wall of ice separating him from the others. Walking away with a flurry of ice behind him, he separated himself from the other Primes. He needed to be alone. And alone is what he got. And as time went on, to the bots who were created only knew him as a small part of the Unicron wars. A footnote in the history of Cybertronians. So very little was known of him that they started not sharing who he was.

Then with time, he was promptly forgotten.
