Youre safe

Lucy looked up slightly and stared at the blurry walking Natsu on fire. Love? He loves Lisanna... Doesn't he? Natsu kept walking slowly about three feet away from Dean and stopped "So what if I am? Even if I wasn't I'd still do everything in my power to save a comrade." Lucy's eyes swelled with tears of joy and she smiled a small weak smile befor dropping her head and closing her eyes getting dizzy from blood-loss, Natsu, I love you too!

Lucys body turned limp, and lifeless which sent panic threw Natsu, then he noticed she was still breathing and relaxed. He looked at Dean blazing in anger "I'm gunna kill you for what you did to Lucy." Natsu pushed off his back foot shooting into the air liting his fists on fire and came down like a bullet, yelling a battle cry. His fist colided with Deans face slaming Deans face on the stone ground, Natsu jumped back a bit and Dean stood up blood on the corner of his mouth, he smiled and longed at Natsu then disappeared in a flash. Dean appeared above Natsu his fists surounded by water, Natsu turned and barely dodged Deans attached, Dean faced Natsu and smiled "Theres something you must know Natsu." Natsu rased a brow "And that would be?" Dean threw his head back and then shot it forwared at Natsu Yelling "Water dragon roar." Natsus eyes widdened as a tunnal of water came at him, Natsu jumped barly missing it and landed back on his feet. "Im a dragon slayer too." Natsu narrowed his eyes "You have no right to call your self a dragon slayer." Dean chuckled, Natsu threw his head back "Fire dragon roar." He thrusted his head forward, Dean wasnt paying attention and got hit full force, flying into the wall next to Lucy, Blood splattering from his mouth, Dean glared at Natsu pushing off the wall and apearing underneath Natsu upper cutting him, sending him flying a few feet.

Natsu landed on his feet sliding a few more feet causing dust to rise, Natsu ran tawords Dean "Brillent flame." As he punched Dean in the gut causing him once again to cough up more blood from the force of impact, Natsu jumped back "You may have dragon slayer magic, but you're no true dragon slayer and if you were raised by a draggon then you put yourself to shame." Deans fist were covered by water as he blinked infront of Natsu bunching him in the gut full force, causing Natsu to buckle and cough up blood, pain flowed threw Natsu like nothing ever before. Dean steeped back and Natsu fell to one knee breathing heave, but quikly got up as if it was nothing, Dean and Natsu threw their heads back and roared at one another creating steam, Natsu looked around wildly, Dean appeared out of the mist above Natsu head hands together and brought them down. Natsu dogged out of the way and brought his foot up his heel colided with Deans face sending him flying a few feet away. Dean looked as if he was almost out of magic even though he hadn't even used one spell. Breathing heavily Dean stood up. Natsu ran to him, his fist light and socked Dean left and right, he just keept swinging.
"This is for Lucy, for taking her memorys away, for torturing her, for making Lucy cry!" As he upper cutted him Dean flew a few feet in the air then landed on his back, Coughing up blood, bruses and cuts all over his face, He kept coughing up blood, soon he was laying in a puddle of it. Natsu stood above him staring down at him, Dean didn't look at Natsu, he collapsed.

Natsu ran over to Lucy and quikly unchainded her, her wrists were bleeding from the chains being to tight. Lucy ganged conciosness and looked up at Natsu and smiled but it didnt last long.
Tears streamed down her face as she burried it in Natsus cheast "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry Natsu.... I gave up hope that you were coming.. Im sorry... I'm so sorry."
Natsu lifted Lucys face by her chin making her look at him "Dont say sorry Its my fault for not staying by you. We're partners I should of stayed by your side, but after seeing you die I couldn't really look you in the eye."
"Natsu." Lucy place her hand on his cheek he covered it with his own "
Your safe now," Tears streamed down his face "And Ill never leave your side again. I love you lucy."
Lucy smiled "I love you to, Natsu." Their heads got closer and closer tell there lips were just inches from each other, there lips meet in a passionate kiss.

Natsu pulled back slowly and smiled "Lets go home, Lucy."

Next, home.
