Chapter Twelve: The Weirdo with the Black Mustache

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. I only own Catalina and Eita Harada.

Water (Mizu): hair color turquoise, eye color bright blue

Fire (Kaji): hair color red, eye color bright orange

Ice (Koori): hair color white, eye color bright white

Earth (Chi): hair color brown, eye color bright green

Air (Kuki): hair color white, eye color bright orange

Metal (Kinzoku): hair color silver, eye color bright gray

Lightning (Inazuma): hair color yellow, eye color bright yellow

Shadow (Kage): hair color pitch black, eye color bright violet

Chapter Twelve: The Weirdo with the Black Mustache

"Good evening viewers!" The announcer screamed excited from the stage. "This week's episode is being broadcast live from an abandoned hospital in Karakura Town." He continued loudly.

I stood among the crowd looking around the excited people. I wouldn't admit it, but I was sort of excited myself.

"It is said that you can hear ghostly screams here." The announcer continued presenting the opening script for the episode they were recording.

"What will we witness tonight?" The female announcer added just as excited.

"And now, let us welcome him to the stage!" The male announcer announced dramatically.

I turned to my side where Eita stood with a shit eating grin as he watched the live show in front us. Of course, he was into this. He was the only reason we were all here and when I mean we, I mean Yoruichi, Kisuke, Ururu, Jinta and Tessai. I sighed remembering back to last night.

[The Night Before]

Eita and I sat in front of the TV in his room. He had bought it last week with his saved-up paychecks from working the register at Kisuke's shop.

"BOOHAHAHA" Eita yelled happily, crossing his arms across his chest as we watch the medium TV show.

I sighed exasperated.

"Why are you hating on Don Kanonji?" Eita asked looking away from the screen bothered.

"I'm not hating on Don Kanonji. I'm just thinking." I muttered brusquely.

Eita looked at me weirdly and then laughed.

"You are moping over Kurosaki!" He accused and laughed.

"I'm not." I growled annoyed.

"You never did tell me what happened yesterday when you helped Rukia with Ichigo." Eita said seriously.

I sighed again thinking back to what happened last evening with Ichigo. I was so straight forward with that kiss on the cheek. A kiss on the check means something. Stupid. How could you have been so stupid.

"I seized the day like you said." I muttered softly.

"Holy shit, did you kiss him?" Eita asked, dumbfound.

"No. I kissed him on the check though. I didn't exactly say I liked him, but the intention was made." I groaned embarrassed hugging the pillow to my chest and buried my face into it so Eita couldn't see my bright red blush.

Eita laughed loudly not believing I took the first step to admitting some type of feelings for Ichigo.

"What did he say?" Eita asked chuckling.

"I don't know. I left before he could say anything. Now everything is going to be all awkward." I groaned into the pillow.

"Tell you what how about we go watch the live show of Don Kanonji tomorrow night. It will help distract you from the whole Ichigo thing. He's probably too dense to even realize what you meant yesterday." Eita tried to assure me, I peeked out from the pillow giving him an unsure stare.

[Next Day]

[Karakura High School]

Eita and I walked into the classroom. Eita was rubbing his shoulders tiredly.

"I can do a healing session during lunch if you like." I offered my aching friend, and he nodded agreeing.

"We can do it behind the gym, there usually isn't anyone there." Eita offered.

"BOHAHAHAHA!" Orihime suddenly appeared in front of us out of nowhere. I stumbled backwards about to fall when someone caught me.

"Uh sorry about that." I apologized to the person who had caught me. I looked up at the person and my face went beat red as I stared into Ichigo's amber eyes. I quickly pulled away from him playing with my hands nervously. "I-I'm-My-Apolorry!" What the hell I'm saying?! That's not even a word! "I'm sorry!" I shouted nervously speeding away from him.

I sat down on my desk slamming my head against the desk, "Ow." I mumbled sulking against the desk.

I'm so stupid! Why am I even acting like this?! It was just a kiss on the cheek! It's not like you confessed some deep feelings for him! Get a grip Kat!

"Real smooth shy-pants." I heard Eita snickered beside me.

I looked up at him and he was smirking at me teasingly. He leaned against my desk and just kept smirking at me.

"What?!" I hissed annoyed.

"So, all of that because of a kiss on the cheek?" Eita questioned me teasingly. "Imagine when you actually kiss." Eita continued teasingly.

I could feel my cheeks heat up at the thought of kissing Ichigo. I mean actually kissing the real Ichigo and not Kon.

"You are so screwed with this "crush"." Eita chuckled happily, emphasizing on crush.


And now here we are.

"SMELLS LIKE EVIL SPIRIT!" Everyone around me shouted happily.

I looked at everyone awkwardly, not knowing what I should do. I really wasn't a big fan of Don Kanonji like Eita was. All of this was new and embarrassing for me. But the show sounds interesting even if it is fake.

"BOOHAHAHAHA!" They all shouted together crossing their arms.

Oh boy, this was going to be a long, long night.

"Going to Commercial." I heard someone shout through a megaphone. "Please follow the stage assistants to the exorcism area." They explained through the megaphone directing us to a different area.

I followed the crowd closely beside Eita. At least if I was being dragged to this show I will not be left alone to deal with all this hyped-up people. I couldn't handle it. I suddenly stopped surprised to see Ichigo standing up ahead talking with Orihime.

Suddenly a stinging pain of jealousy coursed through me. Jealously was the only thing that seem to course through my veins as I watched Ichigo and Orihime talk. Also, a slight sensation of nausea and butterflies. Damn, I needed to avoid him at all cost tonight. I'll make a run for it while he is busy talking with Orihime.

I looked around shocked. I had lost Eita. I panicked looking around the crowd trying to find my group. I bite my lower lip nervously. Great, Ichigo was here and I was now left alone to have to deal with him. I quickly turned around about to sprint towards the exit, panicking.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when someone softly grabbed my hand, and I felt the shockwaves of warmth run through my body. I turned around and nearly fainted at the sight of Ichigo in front me. Ichigo stood there staring at me weirdly, his grip tightened on my hand almost like he was making sure I didn't make a run for it.

"I thought you said you were going to be working tonight?" Ichigo questioned me unsmilingly.

I cleared my throat nervously, "Uh, yeah, I mean-I was!" I squeaked. I cursed silently to myself for being so nervous and weird around him. It was just a kiss on the cheek for crying out loud! "Eita wanted to come he's a big fan! So, he dragged me and everyone else along too." I explained quickly.

"Oh." He simply answered and kept looking at me. "Why have you been avoiding me?" He suddenly asked looking at me weirdly.

I scoffed nervously, "Me? Avoiding you? I'm not avoiding you." I told him trying to sound calm and cool.

"Yes, you are." He countered.

I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly.

"Uh, I, Eita what the hell are you eavesdropping?!" I snapped pointing at Eita and gasped surprised when I saw Rukia standing there as well. They were both standing beside us leaning into our conversation.

"I wasn't eavesdropping." Eita defined himself walking over to us with Rukia beside him.

For a split second I could have sworn I saw them holding hands but maybe I'm imagining things.

"You were simply having a conversation next to us that we could hear." Rukia added shrugging.

My eye twitched annoyed.

"Did we interrupt something?" Eita questioned slowly eyeing our held hands.

I blushed bright red when I realized Ichigo hadn't let go of my hand. We quickly let go looking away embarrassed.

"No, we were just talking." I stuttered nervously.

"Yeah." Ichigo mumbled just as flustered.

"Anyways, Kat, check this out!" Eita said eagerly.

I looked at him and stared at him horrified.

"BOOHAHAHAHA!" Eita and Rukia both shouted at the same time. "You see Rukia is a fan too!" Eita smirked.

My eye twitched uncomfortably.

"Damn you." Ichigo hissed annoyed at both.

"Ichigo what's with that scowling face?" Rukia questioned placing her hand on her hip happily.

"This is my normal face." Ichigo spat back bored.

I giggle softly at his reply. Ichigo glanced at me surprised and I could've sworn I saw him blush. But he looked away before I could confirm it.

"Kurosaki you should relax once in a while, you are just as uptight as Kat." Eita teased. "Looks like you two were made for each other." Eita added smirking.

My face turned bright red. I quickly looked away letting my black curls cover my face. Damn Eita and his teasing. I'm going to kill him. I don't care who sees. I'm going to kill him.

"Funny how neither of you deny it either." Eita continued shamelessly.

"SHHUT UP!" Ichigo and I stuttered at the same time.

"So, you two going to tell us what exactly happened between you guys yesterday?" Eita questioned bored, eating some popcorn.

Ichigo and I didn't say anything looking away from each other.

"So anyways what kind of festival is this?" Rukia suddenly questioned happily, quickly changing the subject.

"What the hell you came to this place and don't even know what it is?" Ichigo hissed angrily.

"It's not a festival Rukia." Eita said chuckling softly.

I looked at Eita weirdly. He chuckled. He chuckled at Rukia. Ok that's weird. Since when have they been so friendly with each other.

"They are filming a live ghost show." I explained and Rukia looked at me suddenly interested.

"Interesting." Rukia murmured looking up ahead to the front of the hospital.

"Come on, let's go to the front to get a better view of the hospital." I suggested happily, grabbing Rukia's and Ichigo's hand. Leaving the bastard of Eita behind.

"Hey!" Eita shouted quickly following us.

"Do you guys think there really is a ghost in a crappy looking hospital like this?" Eita asked staring at the rundown hospital.

"I seriously doubt it." Ichigo mumbled. "I mean if there was a ghost there the Soul Society would have sent someone to take care of it long ago, right?" Ichigo questioned Rukia.

"Not necessarily. There are spirits known as earth-bound spirits." She explained seriously. "This spirits when they die, they get attached to a place and don't leave. They eventually get bound to the grounds of that place. They rarely show up on the Soul Society's scanners." Rukia explained shrugging. "Earth-bound spirits don't like it when humans come onto their territory, that's usually when they appear." she added.

I stared at the building during Rukia's explanation. When I heard a cry that sounded like a hollow, but it sounded slightly different than a hollow. I flinched slightly at the sound the earth-bound spirit made.

"Seems like there was one." Rukia stated seriously, crossing her arms.

"It doesn't sound like a spirit or a hollow." I whispered softly hugging myself getting a bad feeling about this.

"It seems you have noticed the difference between the cries." Rukia said seriously. "There are different cries for different types of hollows. Earth-bound spirits are more vulnerable towards hollows; them being alone and neglected usually changes them to a hollow. What you three are hearing are the cries of a demi-hollow." Rukia explained pointing at the demi-hollow that appeared before us. It was chained down to the ground near the hospital.

"A demi-hollow." I muttered intrigued.

Kisuke hadn't mention anything about earth-bound or demi-hollows in our lectures.

"But it doesn't have a mask." Eita pointed out, still eating his popcorn.

"Plus, the hole in his chest isn't completely open yet." Ichigo added looking at the demi-hollow.

They both had a point. It still looked like a human spirit.

"The hole in a hollow's chest represents the fact that they have lost their heart." Rukia explained and I looked at her sadly. "Spirits usually when they die, they wait for a shinigami to show up to help them. The shinigami shows them the way to the Soul Society. But sometimes spirits who have regrets in this world are chained down by their regrets." Rukia said seriously, showing us her explanation in drawings this time.

I bite my lip back holding back a giggle at her cute little rabbit drawings.

"Nice drawings." Eita snickered looking at Rukia's drawing.

Ichigo nodded his head agreeing with him. I flinched, closing one eye as Rukia smacked them both with her book.

Rukia scoffed and then turned to look at the spirit again, "His heart is trapped in this hospital." Rukia concluded.

I giggled softly looking at Ichigo's and Eita's huge bump.

"Get away from my hospital!" This is my hospital! I'm going to get rich off this place!" The demi-hollow shouted.

"Loser." Eita and Ichigo both mumbled at the same time looking at the demi-hollow.

"I think it's sad. He doesn't realize he's dead and is still fighting for something he wanted, even though it will never come true." I whispered sadly.

Ichigo stared at me thoughtfully. Suddenly the lights came on.

"It's starting!" Eita shouted eagerly.

"Look Rukia!" I exclaimed a little excited too.

Rukia stood beside me happily. We both watched standing in front of the boys. I suddenly got nervous realizing Ichigo was standing right behind me. Deep breaths Kat. It's ok. It's just Ichigo.

'Exactly it's just Ichigo. You like this boy, don't you?' I suddenly heard Kage say bluntly.

'Katy, Ichi-Ichi is really cute I see why you like him!' Kuki giggled happily.

I hissed annoyed.

"Stay out of it." I hissed.

"What?" Ichigo asked confused.

I turned to look at him giggling nervously.

"Nothing." I mumbled awkwardly.

I heard some of my spirits chuckle at my awkwardness. I sighed annoyed. Kill me now.

"SPIRITS ARE ALWAYS WITH YOU!" Don Kanonji suddenly appeared shouting with his arms crossed. "BOOHAHAHA!" I stared at him disbelief.

I couldn't believe a grown man was actually doing something as stupid as that. But I chuckled quietly to myself. It may be the stupidest thing I have seen and heard but it still made me laugh.

"Don't you care that it might turn into a hollow?!" Ichigo suddenly questioned angrily from behind.

"Kurosaki relax, I'm sure Rukia has her reasons." Eita defended Rukia cruelty.

Now he is defending Rukia...interesting. Something is definitely going on there. And I will find out what.

"Demi-hollows like that have at least 6 months before it turns into a hollow." Rukia explained. "As long as nothing makes the hole bigger, he won't turn into a hollow." Rukia assured us.

"Plus, Ichigo, do you really want to make a scene in front of everyone?" I asked, turning to look at the show again. "Just enjoy the show." I said relaxing.

Suddenly the demi-hollow screamed out in pain. I gasped shocked. Don Kanonji had shoved his cane into the demi-hollow's chest, he was trying to remove the chain from his chest.

"Well, unless there is an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing." I chuckled nervously.

"What the hell is he doing?!" Ichigo shouted angrily staring at Don Kanonji shocked.

"That idiot is going to speed up the process and turn him into a hollow faster!" Eita hissed throwing his popcorn to the ground.

Eita and Ichigo both pushed through jumping over the rope.

"Guys wait!" I yelled.

I shut my eyes looking away, "Ouch, that had to hurt." I muttered opening one eye.

Security guards had tackled them both down and were holding them down.

"Ichigo, I'm coming!" Rukia shouted also jumping over the rope.

Before I could stop her, she was tackled to the ground by the guards and I flinched.

"Damn, that really must have hurt." I whispered. "Oh, what the hell might as well join them." I muttered happily to myself. "I'm coming you guys!" I yelled about to jump over when suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder firmly keeping me in place.

I looked up and saw Kisuke standing there with his cane on Ichigo's forehead. I stared surprised as Ichigo's shinigami form came out from his body, rolling across the ground.

"Kisuke?" I asked confused, staring at him.

"How about being less visible." Kisuke suggested coyly.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

Kisuke hit my forehead with his cane too. My body fell backwards and Tessai caught it swiftly and carried it bridal style.

"You better hurry." Kisuke said happily pulling his fan out and fanned his face.

"Kisuke? What are you doing here?" Rukia questioned Kisuke sternly.

"What are you talking about? We are here to watch the show." Kisuke added slyly.

I jumped over the rope and ran toward Eita.

"BASTARDS LET ME GO!" Eita shouted trying to break free from the guards. I snickered kneeling in front of him. "DON'T JUST STAND THERE SNICKERING HELP ME!" Eita yelled angrily at me.

I smirked.

"Nah, krama is a bitch." I smirked.

"Kat!" Eita yelled angrily.

"Maybe next time you will think twice about making fun of people!" I teased.

"Guys look up!" Rukia shouted sternly, she was pointing towards the sky.

I stopped my teasing and looked up at what Rukia was pointing at. I gasped surprised to see the demi-hollow was slowly turning into an actually hollow on top of the roof.

"Eita, enough playing around break free." I said seriously.

"Then don't just stand there and help me!" Eita growled annoyed, still trying to break free.

I shoved my hand into my back pocket pulling out the soul pill Kisuke had made for me. Hopefully, it works just as well for Eita's body.

"Open wide." I said trying to shove the pill into his mouth.

Eita's eye twitched annoyed.

"I'm not putting that into my mouth, where even did you pull it out from?!" He yelled angrily.

"Oh, just shut up and swallow!" I yelled annoyed, shoving the pill into his mouth. "swallow!" I yelled.

Eita finally swallowed the pill; his soul came out from his body. Eita sighed relieved standing beside me.

"By the way, that's what she said." He said laughing.

"Oh shut up and let's go help Ichigo." I said jogging off to the side of the building.

Eita and I jumped through a broken window. We ran down the halls looking for Ichigo or Don Kanonji who both had come into the building. We ran up a couple flights of stairs and down another hall when we saw them up ahead. Ichigo was about to attack the hollow when his zanpakuto got stuck in the wall.

Eita flashed stepped towards the hollow, he suddenly appeared in front of the hollow kicking him on the stomach and the hollow skid back down the hall.

I ran towards Ichigo trying to help him break free his zanpakuto from the wall.

"What are you doing Ichigo, hurry!" I yelled.

"Mageru! Rubienerugi!" Eita shouted summoning his zanpakuto.

We finally got the zanpakuto free just as Eita blocked the oncoming attack from the hollow. The hollow jumped back and spat some green looking goo out.

"Kat watch out!" Ichigo yelled, pushing me out of the way.

I rolled onto the ground and something soft, warm and heavy was on top of me. I snapped open my eyes and was surprised to see Ichigo's straddling my lap, his concerned amber eyes stared at me.

"Are you ok?" He whispered out of breath. His breathe blew all over my face and I was positive my face was bright red right now.

"I'm fine." I managed to squeak out.

"Hey love birds! This isn't time to be ogling each other!" Eita shouted trying to keep the hollow away from us. The hallway was so narrowed it made it impossible to land a killing blow on the hollow without crashing into the ceiling or the wall.

"Shut up." Ichigo snapped angrily getting up.

I yelped surprised when I was dragged up with Ichigo too. I looked at my left hand shocked. My left hand was stick to Ichigo's right hand which held his zanpakuto with a green looking goo. I tugged on my hand trying to break free, but it was no use.

"What the hell is this?!" Ichigo shouted trying to break free from the green goo too.

"Damn it, Eita, we are stuck!" I yelled still trying to break free.

"What?!" Eita shouted annoyed. In the split second he was distracted the hollow spat the green goo at him. His right hand slammed onto the wall, sticking him to the wall. "What the fuck?!" Eita shouted trying to pull his arm free.

"Eita!" I shouted concerned.

"Damn it. It's no use we can't break free. How good is your aim?" Ichigo questioned me seriously.

I smirked at him.

"Excellent." I confirmed smugly.

"Good because we are going to need it." Ichigo said seriously looking up ahead. "Here it comes, get ready Kat!" Ichigo ordered loudly.

I looked up ahead. The hollow jumped towards us. Ichigo and I moved his zanpakuto at the same time trying to slash his mask. We missed and instead hit his shoulder.

"Damn it. It's no good, we can't aim right!" Ichigo hissed angrily.

We tried to pull his zanpakuto back. But it wouldn't budge. Oh crap. The hollow suddenly started to jump around taking Ichigo and me with him. The hollow jumped out a window taking us out through the window too.

I looked down at the ground getting ready to scream for dear life. But Ichigo wrapped his free arm around my waist pulling me towards his chest.

"Hold on." He ordered sternly.

My free hand grabbed a fist full of his shinigami clothes. I noticed the zanpakuto budged itself free. Ichigo swiftly landed on the roof. I gently pulled away from his embrace standing beside him with his zanpakuto in the middle.

"Kat! Kurosaki!" I heard Eita shouting as he jumped up onto the roof.

He ran over to us standing beside us.

"How did you break free?" I questioned confused.

"The old man wasn't as useless as I thought." Eita said grinning. "Let's take care of this already." Eita said happily, cracking his neck.

"I couldn't agree more." Ichigo said, looking at the hollow.

"DON'T WORRY BOY!" We suddenly heard Don Kanonji shout busting in through the roof door.

"How the hell did he get up here so fast?" Eita questioned annoyed.

"Don Kanonji move out of the way!" Ichigo yelled running towards him.

I yelped as Ichigo dragged me along with him. I stumbled a little but was finally able to get my footing back and I ran after him.

I saw the hollow about to attack again, "Watch out!" I yelled while the hollow shot its green good again. Ichigo and I yelled as we got stuck together again slamming into the railing.

I tried to break free from the goo but it was no use we were stuck to the railing.

"Kat are you ok?" Ichigo groaned concerned.

I groaned softly looking at him, "I'm fine." I muttered softly.

I looked up scared when the hollow launched itself towards us.

"Damn it." Ichigo cursed trying to break free.

"Leave them alone!" Eita shouted kicking the hollow across the face. The hollow flew across the roof. "Hurry up and break free Kat. Use your damn zanpakuto." Eita shouted running after the hollow with Don Kanonji.

I was about to summon my zanpakuto when Ichigo spoke up.

"Kat." Ichigo said softly.

"What?" I asked looking at him confused at the sudden tone of voice.

"About yesterday." He started off slowly. I stared at him flustered suddenly.

"You seriously want to talk about that right now?" I questioned dumbfound.

"I can't stand you avoiding me." Ichigo admitted seriously. I stared at him sympathetically. "I have been thinking about this all night and all day today." Ichigo said softly, still trying to break free.

"Listen, Ichigo, it doesn't have to mean anything. I just, that's just the way I feel. If you don't feel the same way, then..." I whispered softly looking away.

"I do, I mean, there are a lot of things I feel for you, but I just don't understand them that well just yet." Ichigo admitted honestly.

"You do..." I wondered lividly.

My heart was beating like a jack rabbit. I couldn't believe it. He liked me too. He was still confused about what he felt but, in some way, he probably likes me too like I like him. I smiled happily.

"It's over!" Eita screamed.

We watched Eita slash the hollow's mask and the hollow slowly disappeared.

"Hyuzu, Mangekyo no Hana." I said softly. "Inazuma!" I said loudly. Lightning shot out from my body burning the goo away. We finally were able to break free.

Ichigo and I looked at each other and just smiled softly at each other. I didn't know what this meant for us. But I knew we weren't going to be friends forever. There was something there. We just needed to admit it. We just needed to explore it.

"You did it! You did it!" Don Kanonji cheered happily snapping us from our thoughts.

We walked over to Don Kanonji and Eita. I stood beside Eita looking at the poor disappearing hollow. This wasn't his fault.

"You shouldn't be celebrating, idiot." Eita hissed angrily, looking down at the hollow.

"Why not? you defeated the monster?" Don Kanonji cheered happily.

"Look closer Don Kanonji." I whispered softly.

I stared at the hollow as it slowly started to fade back into the earth-bound spirit from earlier.

"What..." Don Kanonji whispered looking at the disappearing spirit.

"That's a hollow. When the chain of fate is detached from a spirit they turn into a hollow." Ichigo explained.

I looked at Don Kanonji who suddenly fell to his knees ashamed of what he had done.

"What have I been doing all these years?" He questioned himself.

Don Kanonji was talking to himself, questioning everything he had been doing these past years.

"Hey, hero this isn't time to cry." Ichigo said happily, "Your fans are waiting for you" he continued pointing to the edge of the roof. I could hear people cheering for him and I smiled softly.

Don Kanonji looked up ahead where he could hear everyone cheering. He slowly stood up walking towards the edge of the building showing off for his fans.

"He may be an idiot, but I'm still a fan." Eita admitted happily.

I looked at Ichigo happily while he stared at Don Kanonji.

Eita leaned towards me whispering into my ear, "So what? Are you guys together now?" Eita questioned smirking at me.

"No, not yet. But maybe someday." I replied happily.

"Boy, Boy and Girl." Don Kanonji said happily walking over to us. "I hope to count with your help in the near future." Don Kanonji offered excitedly, extending his hand towards us.

"Why not." Eita shrugged shaking his hand excitedly.

"I guess once in a while isn't bad." Ichigo also replied shaking his hand.

"I'm good." I said, denying his stretched-out hand.

"Excellent! From here on forth you two will be my apprentices!" Don Kanonji exclaimed happily.

"What?" Ichigo and Eita screamed at the same time.

I burst out laughing while Ichigo and Eita just glared at me. I dodged a bullet there!

[To be Continue]

Another chapter down another chapter closer to them going to Soul Society! I'm so excited. I have been receiving a lot of feedback about Kat getting her memories back before she goes to Soul Society.

Hopefully you guys liked the little moments between Ichigo and Kat.

Thanks to everyone who comments and likes the story, means a lot!

Love Violetta
