The Moment That You Speak

The song linked "You Make Me Feel So Young" wasn't written until 1946, but it fits the section to me! Enjoy the read.

July 1941 

The sands of the beach that summer seemed particularly soft and warm. The ocean patted the shores in a lulling rhythm, and the afternoons Teddi and her friends spent there were usually filled with soothing lighthearted fun and lots of reading. Today, unfortunately, was not one of those afternoons. Samantha and her irritating cousin invaded their side of the beach late that morning and had not left. Laura buried her head in Sense and Sensibility upon Hugh's arrival, likely uncomfortable with his calivier cocksure attitude. Harper Cooper, who had a book too, however, spent the entire time bickering with him, while Teddi tried unsuccessfully to ignore the entire situation.

"So what if your article saved a bunch of orphans from being run out of town. What good does that do any of us?"

"The moment that you speak, I get sick to my stomach."

"To the bottom of my core," chirped Harper.

"Exactly.  Don't you have somewhere to be?" Teddi asked.

"I told you I've cleared the entire afternoon to spend with you lovely ladies."

Teddi sighed. "Calvin should be here any minute with our lunch, and I don't think there'll be enough for you."

"Aw, you have servant boy making deliveries for you.  How sweet?"

"He offered. He's a gentleman."

"You're speaking a language he doesn't understand." Harper said, not looking up from her book.

"I beg to differ, dear Harper. There have been times when I've been quite the perfect gentleman. The difference is I have the luxury of choosing when I want or need to be one."

"Sandwiches and lemonade anyone?"  Calvin's voice called from a short distance away.

Teddi noticed Laura's eyebrows lift as she stuck her nose further into her book. 

"What the hell are you doing here, Morgan?"

Laura shook her head as Teddi sprung to her feet.  "Calvin, be nice."

Calvin handed the food to Teddi and glowered at Hugh, who casually crossed his legs at the ankle and fitted his hands behind his head. "Oh, isn't it a beautiful day? Too bad you have to run back to scrubbing Mr. Lockhart's toilets so soon, Wynne. I'll keep the girls company for you."

Calvin folded his arms. "I say you get the hell out of here, and we'll all be happy."

Teddi sighed, knowing her boyfriend would not sit down unless Hugh was gone. "Hugh, would you just leave?"

"Yes, please put us out of our misery," said Harper.

Hugh held a hand to his chest. "Oh now, my dazzling heart of darkness, surely you haven't forgotten the night at the old lighthouse."

Teddi cringed. Harper had never mentioned anything about seeing Hugh alone, and she certainly never mentioned anything about being with him at the lighthouse. It wasn't as if Teddi owned it, but Harper knew what that place symbolized for her. Of course, Hugh could have been lying.  Why hadn't they met at the country club or better yet the rebuilt Chatfield manor that had doubled in size since the storm of '38?

"Yes, I remember you being drunk and jumping out of my car before I got you back to the Chatfield's."

"You let him in your car?" Laura dropped her book and her jaw. 

"Nobody's perfect."

"Maybe not, but sometimes you have to take the consolation prize," he said, leaning over to try and nuzzle Harper's ear.

Harper pushed him away at the same time Calvin came to tower over Hugh's lackidasical figure. "All right, that's enough, Morgan."

Hugh laughed, standing up and holding his hand up in a placating gesture. "Keep your shirt on, Dish Pan Danny.  Harper here can take care of herself," he said, looming over her and leering.

Calvin stepped forward. "I said leave the lady alone."

It was at that moment an odd twosome approached –  Ben Holliday, linked arm and arm with Samantha Chatfield.  Ben looked like he was about to speak, but Hugh beat him to it.

"Well, well, Miss Donovan, you come equipped with your very own white knight. Will Harper owe you any money for his services? Oh, I'm sorry," Hugh chuckled. "I'm sure you don't pay him with cash."

Calvin's fist landed pop against his jaw. Hugh stumbled then lunged at Calvin.

Samantha screeched at the scene, pushing her companion forward. "Ben, do something!" The women scattered as the two men brawled. 

Teddi, who had her hand covering her mouth, gasped when she saw the normally docile Holliday boy grab the back of Calvin's shirt in an effort to pull him back from Hugh. Calvin whirled on him and shoved him down. "Back off, Ben!" he roared.

Ben sat back and watched as the very tall Hugh pulled Calvin backward. Calvin managed to shrug Hugh off and then with a quick jump forward, tackled him to the ground. They tousled, scrapping elbows and knees against the unforgiving sand as fists flew.

"Calvin, please!" Teddi finally cried. "Hugh! Stop it!"

"Over here, officer!"

Teddi whipped her head around, surprised to see Samantha leading one of the local police officers down the beach, holding her very large sunhat down with one hand and pointing toward Calvin and Hugh with the other. How had she managed to slip away so quickly and return, Teddi would never know.

"Calvin! Stop it! Please!" Teddi pled desperately as the policeman came closer.


Something in her voice broke through Calvin's rage, and he backed off of Hugh, panting. Hugh, to Calvin's surprise, suddenly began straightening out his clothes and hair, trying to look nonchalant. When Calvin saw the reason, his stomach soured.

"Officer," Hugh said, sounding as collected as ever when the man approached, "this riff raff attacked me without any provocation, and I'd like to press charges."

"Excuse me, officer, but that is not true," Teddi interjected. "He most certainly did provoke Calvin. We have witnesses."

Laura and Harper, who were standing together behind Teddi, both nodded.

"Fine," snorted the cop. "Both of you come with me."

Samantha moved quickly in front of the policeman. "He's not under arrest too, is he? He's my cousin. He hasn't done anything wrong. It was that boy," she sneered. "He attacked him and then he attacked Ben Holliday. Isn't that right, Ben?"

Ben, who had been watching the scene unravel with trepidation, merely shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Ben!" Samantha shouted.

"Samantha, calm down, all right?" Ben said, surprising Calvin with his attitude.  Teddi didn't look too impressed with him.   He reached his hand out for her, and she took it.

"Well, we'll straighten this all out at the station," said the cop. "You're that Wynne kid, aren't you?" He looked Calvin up and down. "Old Reverend Wynne's kid?  I remember you being a piece of work when you were at that orphanage.  I guess some things never change. You shouldn't be bothering these kids.  And..." He trailed off finally taking in Teddi's face.  His eyes shifted to their entwined fingers. "That is not a good idea."

"We don't have to answer to you."

"As a matter of fact, kid, you do.  Now drop her hand, and let's go."

At his command, Calvin clutched Teddi's hand tigther, and she squeezed his back.

"You two have got to be crazy.  Come on," the policeman said, but when Teddi tried to follow, he stopped. "Oh no. You best get home, little lady. Wouldn't want the judge to know his granddaughter was involved in an altercation."

"It's okay," Calvin said, trying to communicate that he really would prefer it if she did stay away for the time being. It wasn't her fault he was a no account orphan who couldn't control his temper. But the bastard deserved every punch he'd thrown.


Teddi was about to retort when an idea flickered in her mind. "Grandfather." When she looked up, Calvin, Hugh, and the cop were already halfway up the beach. "Damn it."

Laura gasped at her friend's uncharacteristic choice of words. "Teddi, what are you going to do?"

Dark hair flying wildly in the breeze, the bathing-suit clad Donovan girl looked determined and fierce as she gathered her things and began up the beach.

"Wait a minute!" Harper called as she and Laura picked up the remainder of their belongings and beat behind Teddi's fast moving form, breathlessly. "Where are you going?"

"To see my grandfather."

"In that?" Laura exclaimed.

 Teddi stopped when they'd reached the sidewalk and looked down at herself with a grumble.

 "Come on, I'll drive you," said Harper. "We'll stop by your house and change on the way."
