Chapter 4

3rd person P.O.V

Dracula walked down the hall pausing for a brief moment as he passed Hectors room. He then carried on to Isaac work shop.

"Isaac" he said, gaining said mans attention "I feel like the tone of the war hall is turning against me" he looked away "even hector looks at me as if he doesn't know me" Isaac looked back down at his paper "I have some respect for Hector, but he is a gentle soul. He's still a little boy, probably the same little boy who didn't understand why he was beaten for keeping pets" Dracula chuckled before sitting next to Isaac on the steps 

"well his pets were reanimated dead animals. One can understand any parents discomfort" He said. "he only wants pets you see. He only really understands pets. Thats how he perceives your war. To cull humans back to small population and then keep them in pens,he understands that." Isaac said, rolling up the scroll. Dracula frowned a bit "That is partly my fault. He's a child in a mans body. That does make him easy to lie to" 

Isaac looked over at the male "You are Dracula. No one has a right to your true beliefs" "not even you?" "not even me" Isaac said. "what about (Y/n)?" Dracula asked with a raise of his brow. Isaac smirked at the question " I believe that without a doubt that you both cannot and would not lie to eachother. I can see it from the way you look when she speaks and the way she looks at you from afar" He said. Dracula looked away, his cheeks turning red.  "You gave us a purpose and treated us both with respect. A lie would never change that for either of us" Isaac finished. 

Dracula turned to him "you both, are the only ones I've told the truth to. Because I believe you are the only ones who grasps the necessity of it all" Isaac turned to face Dracula "you rarely come to my working place. How can I be of service to you Master Dracula" 

"Do you think..Lisa would want me to move on from her? to love someone else?" He asked. Isaac was genuinely surprised by the question. "I believe that she would not want you to mourn for her. To not be clinging to her soul but to move on and continue your life with love and happiness" He said " are you beginning to find love somewhere else?" Dracula gave him a side glance. "that is besides the point. but thank you for your honesty" He said and left.

Your P.O.V

I was in my  new study, reviewing all the books with such excitement anyone who walked in would have thought I were a child. I pulled off my reading glasses and blinked before placing them on the table. A knock on the door brought me out of my thought. "come in" I spoke aloud and stood up from the chair. Carmilla strolled in, looking around the room before meeting my gaze. "Do you have time to speak?" She asked. I nodded and placed the book down. "you are of Vampire aristocracy" I said, gesturing to the chairs. 

She gave me a small smirk that made my stomach drop as she sat down in  the chair. I sat across from her and leaned back. "What is it that you wanted to talk about?" I asked. "Dracula. His plans are a mess and so is his generals. You know a lot about him, do you know is intent or desired  path" she asked, fiddling with a book. I frowned as I watched her "I do not know his plans but I do not need one. Our intent is to rid of the human population" I said. Carmilla raised a brow "and how is it he does not wish to use our input into making plans or a strategic path for the war?" she asked. "I do not know, maybe ask him yourself instead of asking around and getting yourself into trouble" I said, standing up. "if that is all you wanted to speak about, my time is up" I said and walked away, continuing back to the books I were shelving. 

I heard Carmilla walk away and shut the door. I sighed and placed a hand over my beating heart, I thought for sure that she would have sliced my throat. I steadied my breath before leaving the study and hurrying my way over to Isaac's rooms. I heard thrashing and the movement of feet. I opened the door in time to see Isaac stab Godbrand on the chest with his dagger.  "thank you for showing me the truth" he said, watching as Godbrand turned to dust before he lifted his eyes to meet mine. 

His eyes were wide as he stood up. "how long have you been there" he spoke with uncertainty. "Just arrived, I see you found one of the betrayers. We have a problem" you spoke stepping closer. "carmilla came to talk to me. Asking if I knew if Vla-" I coughed to cover myself "if Dracula had any plans or what is course of action was" I said as I handed him a handkerchief to wipe his face off. Isaac smirked at your mistake before getting serious again. 

"We never speak of this. To us, Godbrand simply ran away like a coward" he said. You nodded and picked up a piece of Godbrand's medal. "he is a coward and frankly I'm glad to be done with him" I said, glaring at the piece of metal before handing it over to Isaac. "I didn't see anything. We keep this to each other until we can find out what's really going on, ok?" I said. Isaac nodded as we shook hands and parted ways.

I made my way back to the study and fixed the shelves in the order I wanted them in, I climbed the ladder and placed more books on the shelf, careful not to wake Vegthis as he slept on one of the shelves. I stepped off the ladder and took a step back, enjoying the way it look. "you've done amazing with cleaning this place up" I heard a voice causing me to jolt in surprise. I turned around and smiled seeing Dracula there. "Forgive me for intruding but I knocked and didn't receive and answer and I'll admit I got worried" he said. You smiled and rubbed your neck. "sorry I guess I was really focused" I said. "um would you like to help Vlad?" I asked, starting to get comfortable with his real name. He smiled and nodded, picking up books and placing them on the table. 

Vlad and I continued to place books in their respected areas an chit chatted for a bit filled with smiles and laughs. I was on the top ladder when a book falling woke Vegthis as he jumped, knocking me off balance as I yelped and tried to catch myself but I felt myself fall backwards. I covered my head, expecting to hit the ground but I landed In the arm of Vlad who looked at me worriedly. "are you ok?" he asked me, I only nodded realizing my arms were wrapped around his neck. I blushed at the closeness, trying to look anywhere but at him. He grabbed my chin softly and made me look at him. "are you sure your ok?" he asked me again, his voice low and soft. 

I blushed and nodded at him. "y-yes, I'm ok. Just a bit startled is all" I said, I was getting a little nervous that he was still holding me but something made me feel even safer in his arms, I couldn't help but get comfortable in his arms. I stared in his ruby eyes, the colors like jewels I've never seen before. I couldn't help but glance down at his lips as I bit my lip, meeting his eyes as we both stared into each others. I felt myself lean in and before I knew it, His lips were on mine as he moved one of his hands to the back of my head.

He placed me down on my feet, never pulling away as he backed me into a wall, my hands still around his shoulders. We pulled away from each other, as I panted softly from the sheer amount of excitement running through me. His cheeks were red as were mine as we stared into each others eyes. "i'm in love with you" he said, caressing my cheek. I leaned into his touch, smiling at him. "I feel the same way" I said shyly, smiling up at him. He gave me a toothy grin before kissing me again. I loved every second of it.


A/n: Your welcome for your kiss and confession ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I'm thinking of making the next part a lemon but I want your guys advise on it, do you want a lemon and if so, comment below. I hope you guys enjoyed this!
