19. Bigger fish to fry

Chapter song- Blackbird -cover by James Smith


With all the drama that had ensued with Ruby, and then the first pangs of heartache at having to break things off with Gilbert, Anne had been completely oblivious to an unseen disquiet that had been bubbling away in Avonlea that had nothing to do with her personal difficulties. 

It was two weeks after things had been brought to an abrupt end with Gilbert, and he had almost become as silent as Ruby was towards her. 

"I don't understand why he's being so pig headed!" Diana muttered as they walked to school.

"He's not Diana, he's just angry with me, he thinks I'm sabotaging both our happiness, he's within his rights to keep his distance." 

"Honestly Anne, do you think it's the right thing to have done?"

"You and I have gone over this plenty for you to know my feelings. I'm made my decision, I think in the long run it's the best thing for everyone."

"But Gilbert is miserable, and you can't tell me you're happy Anne, and Ruby still isn't speaking to you anyway, so it's not exactly helped has it?" 

"I love you dearly Diana, but I won't be moved on this and I don't want to talk about it anymore. That's the end of it." 

Diana pursed her lips and tried to decide if there was any point in saying anything else, but decided against it. She nodded and linked arms, humming quietly as they strode towards the end of the lane.

Filing into the schoolhouse they were in the awkward position of getting to the doorway the same time as Ruby. Anne held back, and allowed her to go first. She held Anne's eye for a split second and nodded her head curtly, but didn't say a word.

"Well, it's a start!" muttered Diana quietly. 

Class continued as normal for the majority of the day, although Anne could feel Gilbert's eyes on her from time to time. She had no interest in a quarrel, and was quite happy to remain friends, but he seemed to not be able to settle for that. She missed him a great deal, but she wasn't about to force him to be friends again.

At the end of the day, not all that long before the bell was due to go, there was a sound outside that seemed to indicate a number of feet travelling in haste towards the school. As the sound got louder, all the children in their turn swivelled around to face the back, straining to see, wondering what the noise was. Miss Stacey stopped mid-sentence also hearing the sound, and scowling she started for the door. She rather cleverly closed it firmly behind her and there were a number of voices which, due to door being shut, were now mostly muffled; leaving the children frustrated and unable to fathom what was going on. There was a louder voice which sounded like Miss Stacey, however they still couldn't make out what was being said. 

Anne felt her heart sink. Miss Stacey never raised her voice, not even at the naughtiest boys in the school, and so it couldn't be anything good.

Every one of them had their faces fixed on the door, waiting for Miss Stacey to return and tell them what had happened. They didn't wait long for here return. 

She re-entered the school her face flushed and grim, slamming the door behind her, and holding a piece of paper in her hand. 

"In all my days, I never!" she muttered indignantly.

"Miss Stacey, is everything all right?" Moody asked, clearly not reading the mood.

"No Moody, it is not!" she snapped, then noticing his shocked face, she recovered. "It's not your fault though, please excuse me." She ran her hand through her now dishevelled hair and announced "Class dismissed, everyone can go home a bit early." With that she sunk into her chair, unfurled the paper in her hand to glance at it, and then closed it again, looking away. 

The children all rose slowly, and silently left the school, keeping their whispers and speculations at what might have happened until they were outside. Anne hung back a little, not wanting to leave. 

"Miss Stacey" she said softly, "Is there anything I can do to help?" 

Her teacher looked around at her for a moment and her expression softened. "You really are a dear thing you know that Anne?"  Anne merely smiled back, trying not to blush. 

"Here, you may read it" she said grimly, and handed Anne the paper in her hand.

Anne took the paper and read it slowly.

 It seemed that some of the parents wanted to formally register their displeasure at the unorthodox teaching methods Miss Stacey used, and were calling for her to revert to more 'traditional, godly methods' or they would be forced to demand her resignation. It was signed by no less than fourteen of the parents. 

Anne handed back the paper silently and then finally said "They can't do this!"

"Yes they can, I am at the mercy of the parents and governors Anne, it's how it works." 

"Well it's not fair! And it's ridiculous anyway, you're the best teacher we've had- you even got Charlie to master his spelling properly, and me to understand geometry, and none of the 'traditional, godly methods' managed to do that before. We will fight this!" she exclaimed passionately.

"That's very sweet of you, but that's now how this goes. I'll have to deal with it in my own way. Now, time for you to head home or Marilla will be worried" she smiled, making it clear the conversation was over.

"See you in the morning then" she conceded, making her way out of the door. 

She was surprised to see that Diana had hung back and waited for her, so all the way home she caught her up on the situation, allowing moments of silence for Diana to gasp or comment accordingly, and then she set her mind on coming up with a plan to help save Miss Stacey. She wouldn't allow the small minds of the town drive out the best teacher they'd all had, and especially a kindred spirit at that. 

It was only when she dropped into bed that night, exhausted but with an outline of a plan that Anne realised she hadn't had time to think about either Ruby or Gilbert once that evening.
