➪ 𝗖𝗵𝗽. 𝟮

Present time..

"Yesterdays brawl was so tiring.. my arms are literally so close to falling off." Chifuyu whined, stretching his arms as him and Baji were walking to school on a Monday morning. They were now in Upper secondary school.

"What're ya on about? Yesterday was so boring!" Baji said as the blonde boy deadpanned him. "At least you weren't fighting and dodging a knife at the same time!" Chifuyu said as Baji rolled his eyes cackling. They entered the school and went to their lockers to change their shoes.

"Also, did you do the homework?" Chifuyu asked. "We had homework?!" Baji repeated as chifuyu sighed.

"How are we in the same grade again?"

"Hey! Are you calling me dumb?!"

Chifuyu ran to his class before he could say another word. "See you at lunch!" He yelled from the hall as he rolled his eyes and walked to his class. Which was math.

"Hell here I come."


Baji was now seated on his assigned seat as he took his books out, being the "nerd" he is, as he looked outside the class window, waiting for the teacher. A few minutes passed and the teacher finally came and set her stuff down.

"Good morning class! Before we begin, we have a new student joining us today! Please treat her with kindness and respect." T/n informed the class as all eyes were now up front, including his. "Please come in!" T/n said as a girl with (h/s), (h/c) walked in the class. Baji stared at the girl and studied her features. "She looks familiar.. almost like— no it can't be.." he thought, shaking his head.

"Hello! My name is Y/N Hanagaki, I hope we all can get along!" She said as Bajis eyes widened when she mentioned her name.
"Y/N?!"  He thought as he stared at her. The teacher was making a boring speech about treating others with respect whilst y/n gazed around the classroom and stopped at the long haired boy who was staring at her.

He quickly reacted and looked away as y/n didn't flinch and kept looking at him. "He looks.. familiar." She thought but she soon snapped out of it when the teacher called her name, asking her to sit at the empty seat beside Baji. She walked over and placed her stuff down. T/n continued the lessons after.

During the class, Y/N was mostly the only one answering the questions with the right answers and the teacher praised her for it. Baji kept sneaking glances at her once in a while without her noticing. "Could it really be her?" He thought as he was scribbling on his paper.

He wasn't listening to the teacher at all to the point where he didn't even hear them call his name. "Mr. Baji! Are you listening to me?" T/n asked as Baji finally snapped out of it. "Uh, yes?" He hesitated. "Really? Then why not answer the question using the formula you came up with?" T/n said, pointing the chalk at his paper. He gulped, "fuck how am I-"

Y/n raised her hand, "T/n there's a student outside looking through the door window." She said as the teacher went to check. She quickly switched her paper with his and before he could say a word, the teacher came back. "I didn't see anyone but thank you for letting me know." T/n said looking at Y/n as she nodded. "Now where we're we.. oh right! Baji, the answer?" T/n asked again as he looked down on the paper with the answer circled for him to read. "It's ...."

The teacher raised a brow and nodded "good job." Baji nodded and sighed quietly as he turned to his right to see her writing something on his paper before giving it back to him. He looked at her and smiled and turned back to the front. Baji just stared at her for a little, he soon looked down on his paper to see what she wrote.

"You're welcome :)"


A few lectures later, the teacher let the class have a free period before the next bell rings. Baji stretched his arms out as he turned his head to the side to look at y/n again. He was in no doubt that that wasn't her, but he didn't know how to confront her about it.

"You like staring at me a lot huh?" She asked which startled him. "How did you-" he asked as she turned her head to face him. "I have instincts. Do you need something?" She asked him. "Oh uh-" he started as he glanced at his paper, looking at the "you're welcome" message written by her. He was silent for minute. "Thanks for helping me I guess, that was kinda cool of you to distract that annoying teacher" he said.

Y/Ns eyes grew slightly wide as she nervously laughed. "Well I figured you'd need it since I saw that you weren't really paying attention to her.." she confessed looking away. "So you were staring at—" before he could continue, the bell rang. "Damn this bell." He annoyingly thought.

"Ah, I should get going, I have English next." She said grabbing her stuff as he nodded. "What about you?" She asked as he looked up. "I have science next.." he sighed as he also stood up. "You don't seem so excited" she giggled as she looked up and caught him staring at her again.

"Uh Baji?"

"Hm? Oh yeah I definitely am not, who would be so excited to sit in a class for 4 hours? It's so boring." He said as they both started to walk out of the class. Y/n started to silently laugh as he looked at her. A small smile formed on his face. "Damn, I missed that laugh.. wait no stop idiot, your not even sure if it's really her." he thought.

"Uh.. Baji?" They both heard someone say. He didn't realize that he had actually walked her out of the classroom. They looked up to see 4 guys staring at them both, switching their glances from Baji then to y/n. One guy was short with blonde hair with snacks in his hand. One was really tall, also with blonde hair with a tattoo at the side of his head. One was also blonde with blue eyes who seemed a little taller than the first one. And the last guy was the same height as the guy with blue eyes but with lilac, coloured hair and eyes.

Everyone didn't say a word till y/n cleared her throat. "I'm guessing their your friends.. I should get going then." She said looking at him, "oh ok, I'll see you later then." He said. "Later?! Really Keisuke?"

"Sure! I'll see you then, Baji." She said, giving him a wave goodbye as he nodded. After she disappeared, he slowly turned his head to his friends who was all flabbergasted.

"Did you actually just talk to a girl?!"

"And walked out of the room?! together?!"

"Is she your girlfriend that you never told us about?!"

"Baji has a girlfriend?!"

He was basically bombarded by questions thanks to you. "Can y'all shut up?!" He asked the four as they all smirked and shook their heads. "Not until you answer every question we just asked!" Mikey nudged.

"I hate y'all so much."

"Liar" all four of them say as he rolled his eyes.

Baji felt a tap on his shoulders, he looked back to see her standing there again. "Hey Uh, I actually need help finding my class.. could you maybe help me find it?" She asked, feeling embarrassed. "Yeah sure, let's go." He said without thinking twice, walking towards her. "Oh great! Thanks so much." She thanked him as he just nodded. "Yeah." They both started walking as she followed him.

As for the rest, they just stood there and watched, processing what just happened. "Who was that man just now?" The guy with lilac hair asked. "It's like someone possessed his body." The blonde boy with blue eyes said as everyone agreed. "10 bucks if y'all think they dating." The shortest among all of them said.

D: "Mikey, you can't just—"

"Deal!" the blonde boy with blue eyes agreed.

D: "Chifu—"

"Shush ken chin!" Mikey said after slapping the guy with the tattoo at the back of his head.

"You shouldn't have done that." The guy with the lilac hair said as Mikey quickly sprinted out the door. "Get back here you short bastard!" He yelled now chasing the short "bastard"

"Should we-"

"They'll be fine, we have class still"


