4: Befriending Breakfast


Dipper POV
×The forest

Who is that girl? Why was she so scared?

"Dipper," Mabel's voice woke me up from my thoughts, "Can we go back now?"

"No Mabel," I told her, "She might need our help."

We went everywhere in the forest to find her. There has to be a reason why she was so scared!


I jumped from tree to tree, trying to find those two.

"Dipper," I heard someone say.

I looked at where the sound came from. They were right below me.

"Can we go back now?" The girl asked the guy.

"No," The guy told her, "She might need our help."

Wait... Help who? Me?


I climbed down behind them. I was about to attack them, but before I could jump to them, The guy turned around.

"There you are!" He exclaimed.

They were looking for me!

"Why were you looking for me?" I said, "I don't need anyone's help."

"But you looked really scared. Why?"

"None of your business."

"What are you doing in the middle of the forest?!?"

"What are YOU doing in the middle of this forest?"

"Looking for you!"

"You were already here before you saw me."

"Umm... Walking around!"

"You know, you might get lost, or even worse, become some vampire's lunch."

"YOU might get lost! And wait... Do you know anything about the vampire? Did it hurt you?"

"No, I'm not hurt. Because I AM the-" Before I could finish and eat them, the girl said, "Hey! I'm Mabel! That's my bro, Dipper! Can we be friends? "


"I never had friends before." I said, looking down at the ground.

"Then let's be friends!" She exclaimed and hugged me.

I pushed her off me before I bite her.

"Okay, friend." I said, "But I need to go now."

And I ran away again, back to my cave.

Can I trust them? What if they know?

I thought, befriending my breakfast?

They can't know,
You shouldn't show,

I began to sing, singing always made me feel better.

The monster inside,
That monster you should hide,
The monster they all hate,
The monster that'll change your fate,
The monster inside.

I sat on my bed,

They won't understand,
Nobody will lend a hand,
When they'll burn you down
When you'll try to escape this town,
When you need them

Tears escaped my eyes, I'm so confused! I don't know if I should really be friends with them or not!

They can't know,
You shouldn't show,
The monster inside,
That monster you should hide,
The monster they all hate,
The monster that'll change your fate,
The monster inside

You can't trust them,
They aren't really on your side
You're not one of them
They won't help you hide
The monster inside

They can't know,
You shouldn't show,
The monster inside,
That monster you should hide,
The monster they all hate,
The monster that'll change your fate,
The monster inside

I wiped my tears away and looked outside the lonely cave,

You should always hide
The monster inside...

I stood up, and reached my hand out of the cave, it burned, I pulled my hand back and it healed.

...The monster inside...

Did you guys like the song?

It's called “The Monster Inside". I wrote it just for this very chapter :)

You see, I love writing songs! If you want more songs in the other chapters, just comment!

Don't forget to vote and follow!

See ya next chapter!
