Stina's POV

Stina wasn't angry. She wasn't confused or annoyed. She was just...well, embarrassed. I mean, it's not like she got turned down every day. Usually, whenever she asked someone out, they said yes. Often because they were scared of her.

Stina wanted revenge. She wanted to make Keefe regret the rejection. She wanted to make his life hell.

And she had a plan.

Fitz's POV

Fitzroy Avery Vacker.

The name that all in the school knew. The name that would make girls swoon and beg for autographs.

And Fitz would give it to them.

Fitz wanted a reputation as the "good" popular kid, not like Keefe, who was regarded as the "bad boy". Of course, being the "bad boy" had its perks, but Keefe had an advantage in that role - after all, his signature smirk made fangirls squeal.

All of a sudden, he heard the voice of a girl. "Fitz~"

"Of course, I'll give you an autograph," Fitz said, turning around to see who was there.

"No, no, Fitzy, I'm not here for an autograph," the girl said.

Fitz froze.

That girl that was all over The Foxfire Gossipers, a student-run newspaper that was hidden from the school board. Technically, the official Foxfire paper was The Foxfire Times, but that was partially teacher-run (the teachers were the editors and decided whether an article made it into the newspaper or not - but they often changed the whole article and put it on, so The Foxfire Times wasn't very popular).

The Foxfire Gossipers contained all the juicy stuff that the students picked up at school. And this girl was the main focus for the recent gossip. She was the one that Keefe had turned down in front of everybody. And she was coming to Fitz.

He walked away.

For the first time ever.

Sophie's POV

Biana dragged Sophie off to their dorm, squealing in delight. "C'mon, Soph, we've still got half an hour before class!" she exclaimed as they hurtled through the halls towards their dorm.

Sophie reluctantly followed, thinking about the consequences if she didn't. Biana seemed like a nice, soft girl, but she was serious about her fashion. And a bland dorm was probably in her nightmares.

~Two minutes later~

Sophie opened the dorm door, panting. Biana gasped, clutching her chest as though she was having a heart attack. "Soph! Look. At. Our. Dorm."

Sophie looked up momentarily, and what she saw shocked even her, the girl who didn't even care about anything related to fashion or design.

The dorm was incredibly plain. White walls, white beds, wood floor, wood desk, plain TV, plain bathroom...everything. Biana looked as though she might faint. "We've got to fix this," she said with determination in her voice.

And for once, Sophie agreed.

~After decorating~

Sophie grinned when she saw the finished dorm room. There was elegant teal wallpaper now. Sophie's bed had a sky blue mattress, a teal blanket, a navy comforter, and baby blue pillows. Biana's bed, meanwhile...was a different story.

Biana had insisted on a hot pink mattress, a magenta blanket, a dark pink comforter, and light pink pillows. In Sophie's opinion, it looked ridiculous - too much pink - but she had to admit that it went well with Biana's style.

Biana changed into a new outfit after decorating, insisting that she needed to "primp up" for the Start of the School Year party tonight.

She wore a glittery pink maxi dress and a tiara. Sophie nodded in approval. Usually, she hated this style of clothing, but she had to admit that Biana looked good.

"Let's get your outfit ready!" Biana squealed. Sophie groaned, but she let Biana drag her into the dressing room to change.

Biana grabbed several different lacy, embarrassingly short dresses, but Sophie refused all of them. As her new friend searched through her extensive closet for more similar dresses, one of the gowns caught Sophie's eye.

The dress that Sophie had spotted wasn't too long or short, which was good. It was an ice blue (Sophie was reminded of Keefe's sparkling blue eyes) one-shoulder dress with fake flowers.

"Is this one good?" Biana asked excitedly, handing over another ridiculously short dress:

"I like this one," Sophie told Biana, pointing at the ice blue dress she had seen earlier.

"Oh. My. God!" Biana squealed. "I know who you likeeeee!!!"

Earlier, Sophie had told Biana that she had a crush, and now she completely regretted it. Sophie groaned. "Biana, stop -"

"Oh, don't be silly," Biana said, grinning widely. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Sophie let out a sigh of relief. "But I will be telling everyone that I ship you two!"

"What if you guessed my crush wrong?" Sophie challenged, but Biana just shook her head.

"Ohhh my god, you'll be sooo happy when I get you and Keefe together!" Biana squealed.

"Wait - Keefe?" Sophie asked, surprised.

"Um, you like him, don't you?" Biana said, confused. Sophie shook her head.

"No, my crush is -" She stopped, not willing to let Biana know who her real crush was. Sure, Keefe was cute and all, but she was really crushing on Fitz.

Biana frowned. "C'mon, I'm your BFF now, tell me!"

Sophie shook her head hard. "Nope. Besides, we only met today! We can be friends, but we're not officially BFFs yet."

"Then who's your BFF?" Biana asked, hands on hips.

"Don't have one," Sophie said stubbornly. "Besides, we should go. Oh, and by the way, what did you think of the dress I chose?"

"Oh, I think it's totally cute!" Biana exclaimed. "Yeah, you should so wear that to the party. All right, lemme just get you some shoes, accessories, and makeup for you!" Sophie sighed. She thought that this stuff was way too much, but Biana was pumped for the party, and she didn't want to ruin her friend's mood.

The rest of Sophie's outfit (picked by Biana and criticized by Sophie):

Sophie looked at herself in the mirror, and she had to admit that she looked nice. She had convinced Biana to go with a simple hairstyle, but she couldn't stop her from giving her makeup and accessories that, in Sophie's opinion, were way too fancy.

"Just for tonight," Biana had insisted. She, herself, had dressed up as well.

Biana's makeup, shoes, hair, dress, and accessories:

"Wait - it's not the party yet!" Sophie exclaimed, remembering that it was still midday.

"Oops," Biana said. "Well, I'm not gonna do that all over again, so you're wearing this to class!"

Sophie blushed. "No way!"

"Well, if it makes you feel better, I'll have to do it too," Biana offered, looking in the mirror.

"I am not doing that," Sophie insisted.

"Fine, then you owe me," Biana huffed and began to undo Sophie's makeup and hair.

After she finished, Sophie changed back into her casual clothes but kept the necklace because it wasn't very noticeable and she liked it a lot.

Biana strolled out of the dorm in her dress, but a few seconds later, came back. "I can't do this," Biana muttered. "My outfit has to be a surprise."

"You're lucky no one saw," Sophie teased, laughing as Biana stomped off to the bathroom to change.

A minute later, Biana came back out in a pink shirt, a matching skirt, red low heels, and fancy crystal earrings that complimented her teal eyes.

The teal eyes that reminded Sophie of Fitz.

Sophie pushed these thoughts out of her head and walked off to English class with Biana.

(A/N: Omg 1K+ words!!! Pls don't expect this from me every day)

Edited (lol I forgot to add Biana's dress hehe)
