#O19 - Bathe

Ohma stared at the ceiling light, waiting for F/N L/N to finish doing her girl things. Honestly, he didn't care much for this pool party she was so eager to attend. He just wanted to eat some good food.

Finally, after what felt like forever, your hotel room's door opened, revealing you in Ohma's hoodie covering yourself up as you carried a tote bag.

He moved to rest his arm over your shoulders, his hand dangling off from the other side. He tried not to look at you too much, but you were wearing a very cute star clip on your (H/C) hair. He couldn't deny it, you looked adorable.

He listened to you talk about whatever you wanted. He only replied whenever it was needed or whenever he felt like it, this was how it's always been. He liked it this way and you didn't mind either. You knew his social battery, he preferred to be alone, as how he'd lived his life as a child in the "inside", but these days he enjoyed even just idling around with you.

Talking to you, worrying for you and loving you altogether has made him feel emotions he had never felt before. Lust, love and other feelings he hadn't recognized until he got with you.

When Kiryu Setsuna had attacked you, he was ready to murder. He didn't like killing, but something inside him snapped when he had seen your pale frozen face, but you stopped him because you knew he would have to pay hell for it later with his own guilty conscience.

You both arrived at the pool party. Ohma's hungry stomach grumbled as the appetizing aroma of the food on the table near the area trailed under his nose.

Ohma's lover had finally spotted her newly found friends within the Kengan association, beaming as you waved hello to them.

You had suprisingly gotten along with Ms. Rino from Gold pleasure group and a few of the other female managers and CEO's.

"Go ahead, i'll go get food." He said, giving you a soft push. You smiled at him before leaving, making your way to the nearby chairs. You took Ohma's red and black hoodie off and put it down.

You joined your friends in the pool, giggling endlessly at whatever you guys found funny in your chatter.

Suddenly, you heard a cheerfully high pitched voice calling out to you.

"Ri-Chan~! N/N-Chan~! You guys!!" Makio Yamamoto waved to you all with a beaming grin on her face.

This moment made you feel so happy. You had friends, friends who were girls and friends who you could relate with. You recalled you haven't smoked nor felt lonely in quite a long while. You'd have to thank Ohma soon for helping you have these moments by dragging you into the Kengan Association.

Meanwhile, Ohma filled his platter with a mountain of food. Grinning at his meal, he made his way back to where you were, occassionally stealing a few bites now and then.

He stepped into the LED light lit pool party, girls giggled endlessly and Rei Mikazuchi being the only male diving in a pool as well. It seemed like Ms. Rino made him go and of course, being Rei, he didn't refuse.

Ohma looked around for his (H/C) girlfriend amongst the place, looking over heads and squinting to check if the person he was staring down at a distance was actually you.

Then, he saw his hoodie on a white chair near him, with that sight came along you. He smiled as he walked over to where you were.

"F/N L/N." He called.
"Ohma! Great! I was getting kind of hungry." You said, walking up the stairs of the pool revealing what you were wearing. Ohma almost dropped both his plate and his jaw.

You wore a triangle bikini, black and golden chain-linked, it shimmered as you dripped wet in water.

He eyed you down, top to bottom. He couldn't tell if your swimwear caught his attention because of how good you looked in it or if it worried him to death considering other men thought of you that way too. (At least he thinks so.)

"Why are you wearing that...?" He whispered. Your eyebrow raised.
"Excuse me? You chose this." You retorted back, slightly offended.
"I wasn't looking, I just pointed randomly." He confessed. You wanted to punish and scold him so badly but the girls were here so you spared it for later.

"Well, uhm, I hope you don't think it looks too bad."
"It doesn't. It's just...revealing." He said. His hoodie caught his eye as it sat still on the white sunchair.

He picked it up, wrapping it around you to cover you up. He couldn't stand the thought of other guys looking at you, thinking of whatever disgusting thoughts they could be thinking. You both sat down as he fed you with an angry look on his face as his imagination furthered fueled the fire inside his head.

"Ohma, you eat too! I heard your stomach earlier." You told him, taking the spoon from his hand and scooping up food to stuff in his mouth without warning.

"Delicious, isn't it?" You smiled.
He looked at you in surprise before he nodded.

Suprisingly, Ohma actually does get jealous too. He's pretty good at hiding how he feels but he still shows it through the little things.

You two ate whilst chatting, the other girls leaving to go and eat as well. Ohma chowed down on his meal. You stared at him, cracking a laugh at how he can never eat enough.

"What?" He asked.
"No, no, it's nothing. Eat well, my love." You smiled. The nickname caught him off guard. He didn't know what it meant, but he didn't mind it. In fact, he actually kind of liked it.

"Ohma, the jacuzzi feels really nice." You said. He grunted but didn't say anything else. You pouted.

"I even bought you new swimwear, can you at least swim with me?" You requested, your chin in your palm. He swallowed the last of his food before speaking.

"Fine." He groaned.
"Yay, Go change quickly!" You celebrated, reaching into your bag and handing him his new black swimming shorts before pushing him all the way to the changing rooms.

Ohma sighed. He didn't particularly dislike swimming, but right now he was feeling lazy. He made his way into one of the changing rooms, fitting into his newly bought shorts from his overly excited girlfriend.

He made his way out, the door shutting behind him. Ohma returned to where you were, the small crowd slightly delaying him.

"Ohma!" You greeted him inside the pool. He couldn't help but smile at you. He actually really liked the bathing suit you were wearing, the gold chains shimmering almost as bright as your grin. But then again, his own consciousness turns on him and reminds him that other men who see you probably think the same way too. This painted his face another mad look.

You crossed your arms on the side of the pool beside where Ohma sat, half of his legs dipped in the water.

"I expected it to be cold." He said.
"Oh, the water? Yeah, no, it's pretty warm!"
"Probably cause you pissed in it-"

Suddenly, it splashed loudly as Ohma was now soaked in water and finally had his whole body in the pool. He looked at you angrily after you had just pulled him into the pool by his arm.

"You had it coming." You replied, inching closer to him, slicking his hair back so it wouldn't get in the way of his face.

You smiled.

"My husband has such a handsome face. Such a shame he has a pretty crappy personality." You teased, lightly resting your arms around his neck. He smirked at you, his eyebrow raising.

Underwater, his arms wrapped around your waist. His face drew closer, half lidded eyes suggesting a kiss. You closed your eyes as you felt his lips making contact with yours. They were moist and soft. You were getting cuteness aggression from this guy. The urge to bite his bottom lip overcame you.

He flinched, his eyes opening before he pulled away in surprise.
"What was that?"
"What? I bit your bottom lip."

He gave you a confused expression. You were going to ask if he disliked it, but a fellow acquaintance of yours both had interrupted when they had spotted the two of you.

"Y/N-Chan! Ohma-San!" Kazuo Yamashita called out whilst he approached you both, his plate that he held filled with food.

"Kazuo!" You smiled. You hadn't seen your new boss in a while.
"Wow, it's great to see you two!" He said.
"Kazuo Yamashita." Ohma called. Kazuo grinned.
"Hey, Ohma!" He said. You realized you two were in a bit of an intimate position in front of Kazuo so you motioned to distance yourself away from Ohma. However, he restricted you from doing so, pulling you in back close by his grasp on your waist. You pouted. Kazuo had noticed this.

"O-Oh, well I must get going now! See you!" He said before leaving, secretly shooting Ohma a thumbs up.

You sighed.
"And he's gone, just like that! What a busy life he has." You said, turning around as Ohma now embraced you from behind like a teddy bear.

He took the both of you near the stairs so he could sit down, with you sat in between his legs. He buried his face in the crevice of your neck, occassionally giving it short kisses whilst you talked to him.

"Ohma, can I be honest?" You asked him. He hummed, his voice sending vibrations through your neck.

"I know you'll win this tournament, but unscathed? I'm afraid that i'm not sure, and you know that too." You muttered in concern. He kissed your cheek, resting his chin on your shoulder.

"I'll be fine." He reassured you. Your heart ached and your expression tensed.

"If you get too injured...could you please forfeit?" You asked, your voice wavered, unstable and worried. Ohma didn't say anything. You knew this was most likely a no. You let out a heavy sigh.

"I'll be okay." He said after another minute of silence, concluding the conversation and ending it. You knew Ohma loved his sport, but you've seen the blood on his sink that he forgot to drain down. You've seen him have intense nosebleeds that were so bad he felt light-headed.

"I trust your word, hon." You told him as you turned your head to give him a peck on the lips.

You returned back to your hotel room since it began getting late. You and Ohma were in your hotel room, he stared at you as you looked for Ohma's bag that you had left somewhere in your room that you forgot to move to his.

"Ah, here it is." You said, handing him his bag packed with his things inside. He eyed you up and down, you still hadn't changed out of your bathing suit since you wanted to dry up first.

You noticed him stalling.

"Uhm, did I forget anything else...?" You asked, confused as to why he was staring like an idiot. You sighed, maybe he wanted a hug or something?

You walked closer to him, wrapping your arms over him for a hug, needing to slightly tip-toe to be able to reach him.

"Thank you for accompanying me today. I had a lot of fun." You thanked him. He pulled you in closer, his hands on your waist. He merely hummed acknowledgely before his hands slithered their way down lower, trying to slowly but sneakily breach in.

"What are you doing?" You whispered.
"Nothing." He whispered back. "I just thought that you looked really good in your swimwear today."

You giggled.
"So that's what this is about." You smiled.
"But!" You interrupted as he looked at you. "We can't be doing this. I want to shower up and get clean." You said, attempting to pull away and walk off to the bathroom, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back in closer to him.

"But you already bathed in the pool." He bargained.
"Ew, that's not the same. Pools have chlorine in them and it's shared with other people as well. Anyway, let me go." You said, looking away and avoiding eye contact thinking that it would maybe discourage him at whatever he was trying to do.

"Well then, i'll join you."

Your head snapped back to look at him with a shocked expression on your face.

"Since when were you so bold?!"
"What? I just want to get clean at the same time. It's smarter to do it together."

You pouted, cheeks red from the sudden suggestion he had made.

"I'm not gonna allow that." You said. Despite your disapproval, he wouldn't let you go.

"I told you- Mmph!"

His soft and moist lips crashed onto yours, not letting you finish your sentence. His rough hands rubbed your waist. You didn't realize it, but you were kissing back, maybe even kissing him more than he was to you.

He pulled away but kept his face at a close distance with yours.

"I think you look really good in that swimsuit."

You stared at him before bursting out in laughter.

"You think so?"
"Yeah. Why are you laughing?"
"Nothing, nothing!"

You held his hand and opened the door to the bathroom, leading you both inside. You had filled up the bathtub beforehand so there was no waiting needed to be done. You locked the door behind you.

"I'll give you what you want then."
