Chapter 1.

For threeclaw. I hope you enjoy!

I groaned as I woke up. I moved a little bit and I could feel that I was wearing something big, poofy, and uncomfortable. It feels like a diaper. I am instantly filled with rage. I know this is Curtis' doing. I bet Curtis is doing this because of what I said last night, about me refusing to be his baby.


I smirk as I read a part of this zombie book where a girl gets eaten and then her leg torn off. I continue reading the amazing zombie book when Curtis walks up to me and says "Erik"
"Yes?" I respond. Curtis has this slight smile on his face, it is a hopeful smile. He looks at me and says "I want to be a daddy and I want you to be my baby" I was shocked, I'm not sure if I heard that correctly.
'What did you say?" I ask and when Curtis repeats himself I am kind of disturbed, but what Curtis says next officially disturbs me.
"It will be fun. You get to wear onesies and other baby clothes. You get to drink from a bottle and sleep in a crib. You also get to use dia- No! Hello no!" I interrupt him and then say "That is fucking weird. No way in hell am I doing any of that stuff" Curtis looks hurt and sad. I get up and walk upstairs to my room. I am pissed and very disturbed. And Curtis is a freak. How dare he ask me that? I get in bed and, even though it is only 4:23PM, go to sleep.

*End of flashback*

I sit up in my bed and rub my eyes, I am going to kick Curtis' ass. Soon I realize I can't get out of bed because I am not in my bed. I'm in a crib! I am so angry I yell "CURTIS! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE RIGHT NOW!" I hear Curtis walking up the stairs and soon he enters my room and says "Good morning, Erik. Did you sleep well?"
"What the hell is wrong with you?! Get me out of this damn thing right now!" I snap, Curtis just looks angry and he says "If you don't stop swearing then you will be punished. Now calm down" Curtis says and walks over to my crib. He lowers the side to the crib and before he can pick me up I immediately try running away. Sadly, Curtis grabs my arm and says "No running away. Bad baby"
"I am not a fucking baby! Fuck you!" I snap, Curtis looks really angry now. I try and glare at Curtis but I soon realize he is actually a lot taller than me and he looks stronger than me which now scares me.
"I told you to stop swearing and you didn't. Now you are getting spanked" Curtis said and dragged me over to the rocking chair in the corner of the room. I just realized Curtis has redecorated my room. The carpet is the same tan color but the walls are now pastel purple. There is a play mat on my floor that he designs of teddy bears on it. There are shelves filled with stuffed animals and children's books. There is a cradle by the window and in the corner is a rocking chair. Curtis sit's down on the rocking chair and pulls me across his lap. I start squirming. I can't let this happen.

"You can't do this to me! I'm an adult!" I snap,
"You are not an adult, you are a baby" Curtis says and swats my bottom. I was expecting it to hurt a lot but it only stung a little cause the diaper provided protection. Curtis swats my bottom a few more times before saying "Are you going to behave now?"
"Let go of me you fucktard!" I snap. Curtis pulls down my diaper and starts to spank me bare. I let out a yelp cause this hurts a lot worse. I start to kick but the only thing I accomplished by doing that was getting spanked harder. I am trying so hard not to cry and Curtis keeps spanking me. Sadly, I think he isn't going to stop until I cry. I try not to cry for as long as I can but after a full minute I break down and start bawling my eyes out cause the pain is so bad. Curtis pulls my diaper back up and makes me sit in his lap.

Curtis holds me close and rubs soothing circles on my back.
"If you swear again I will not hesitate to do this again" Curtis says,
"I'm an adult!" I snap, and of course Curtis says "You are not an adult, you are a baby" I want to swear and call Curtis all the bad names I know but I know what will happen to me if I do and I don't think I'd be able to handle it again.

I cant stop crying. The pain is excruciating. Curtis sets me down in the rocking chair and grabs something from a box on my dresser. He walks over and puts the thing in my mouth. I soon realize it is a pacifier. I immediately spit it out but Curtis then dips the pacifier in something and puts it back in my mouth. I was going to spit it out again but the pacifier tastes like chocolate. I realize he dipped the pacifier in chocolate powder. It was so sweet that I couldn't help but suckle. After a bit of suckling on the pacifier I was a bit more calm. Though I refuse to admit that the pacifier is helping because it is not. Curtis picked me up and cradled me in his arms and started to rock me which is easy for him to do. Curtis carried me downstairs and set me down in a playpen. When I sat down in the playpen I spit the pacifier out and let out a pained cry and start to bawl again. The pain has reignited. Curtis frowns and says "My poor baby, let me help you" I don't want Curtis' help but if he can make the pain go away then I will begrudgingly accept it.

Curtis carries me upstairs to his room. He set me down on his bed and left. He soon came back with a bottle of lotion. Curtis pulls me over his lap and pulls my diaper down. I'm scared that I am going to be spanked again though that fear went away when Curtis started to rub the lotion on my sore and hot bottom. Some of the pain actually went away as Curtis was rubbing in the lotion. Soon a lot of the pain was gone and I was practically asleep. Once Curtis was done, he pulled my diaper back up and made me lay down on his bed on my stomach. He then goes and washes the lotion off of his hands and then comes back in the room. He lays down next to me and holds me close. I want to fight and get away from Curtis but I am too tired to do anything. I am so tired I just fall asleep.
