Forced Chapter 16

Here's a question. The first person that answers correctly will win me as a fan (if I'm already not one of yours) and votes and comments on whatever book of theirs they want. The monster holding Vladimir is a combination of what/who?

Chapter 16: Battle

"I highly doubt that." The son of a bitch smiled, "You can't even break free from my most prized creation."

"You created this damn thing?!" While talking, I was trying to find a way to kill it. So far, nothing was really coming up.

Yeah, you can't kill it. Argo thought to me.

Thanks for the vote of confidence.

 Mindless of my inner conversation with Argo, the prick continued, "Of course. I've got to have the perfect guardian for my abode, don't I?"

It's got nothing to do with you. The warrior scoffed.

Then spill! The snarl was filled with my command. Aloud, I grunted, "I think a dog would have sufficed." He laughed and I immediately hated the sound. "Why did you take her?" My voice was a snarl.

"Simple: I had a claim on her first. Damien was supposed to have her. Through him, she was mine."

"But why?!" I insisted in a hiss.

Argo responded with, Only a devil can really kill what binds you.

Then get snapping! I want to get Arbella back. NOW!

Alright, alright, alright. I've got a plan...In a kaleidoscope of images, he relayed a plan to me. It just might work.

Go for it. I ordered.

"Why is it that you ask so many annoying questions while your sweet love lies in a pool of souls?" The king's brow furrowed as he took a step closer to me, "What are you planning at, dear Vladimir?"

A grin slipped across my features. Just a little closer, asshole.

Argo slunk into the room without a breath of noise.

Another step.

With him now in the perfect position, Argo leaped up and tackled the man he had sworn to serve and protect. They fell to the ground in a tangle of limbs. His arm constricted around the higher devil's throat while the rest of him pinned the man down to the ground. The action was swift and well practiced.

Confused, the demonic creation around me accidentally loosened its grip. In the split second that it came to, I was released, and all six mouths roared and leaped at Argo. I grabbed its tail and flung it near the entrance. Bricks fell on the body and heads, temporarily crushing it. The victory would be short lived. The pile shifted. Shit!

Waisting no time, I dashed over and took Argo's place. "Finish it. I'll take care of this scum."

Bricks flung across the room, barely missing us as we ducked. Angry hisses vibrated the air around us. Nodding, Argo switched with me then danced with the guardian in a fight to end its life.

"You and I have unfinished business." With the grace that my kind was gifted, I stood us up. Then we made our way to the glowing chasm. The sight of Arbella swirling alongside so many other girls was heartbreaking. She looks dead. The thought was unwelcome. Those eyes that I had grown attatched to were closed in mock slumber. Her whole form was slightly transparent. All color was faded from her body and the dress she wore. An invisible wind brushed at the bell bottom and every strand of her hair. My body froze at the sight while my heart clenched painfully. Wrong move.

Stupid body.

------------------------------------------------------Victoria's POV--------------------------------------------------------

Vlad's roar hurt my ears and heart. Sure, I hated my brother at times, but I'd never wanted to hear him in such a loss. Were we too late? Was Arbella dead? My mind raced with the thoughts I never wanted to think again.

 I'd never done much fighting in my years of living. Thankfully, I didn't really have to. Argo and his loyal devils took care of most of our enemy while I weaved through bodies. They were everywhere: armored and unarmored men with the fallen littering the ground and the living struggling to survive.

My head almost got lost within the fray about ten times. By a struck of luck, one of Argo's followers was always quick enough to save me. That's not to say that some of my blood wasn't drawn. Shallow cuts from stray sword tips or sides tattooed my body only to be supernaturally healed and made marks on what was left of my dress. When the fallen double doors came in sight, I ran faster. Not fast enough.

A body slammed down on my own, hard. I struggled but stopped when something cold laid across my throat. Hot, heavy breathing danced across my ear. "Who brought the vamp in?" A masculine and husky voice sickeningly grinned, "It's a shame you're against us, pretty."

"It's not polite to be over a lady without her permission." I grunted.

"No, it's not." Another voice snarled. With a yelp, the pressure around my body was removed.

My throat only suffered a thin slice from the small blade my attacker had held. Instinct had my put my hand to it as I gasped, but it was unnecessary-my vampire healing was already taking place. No blood fell. Turning my head, I watched as my rescuer swept his blade across the other man's neck in one fatal movement. "Thank you." I gulped as the head rolled.

"Go, princess." He nodded curtly then took off to join the larger fray.

I rose and entered the awaiting room silently. The sight beyond the empty frame froze my blood. Without any thought in my mind of what I was doing, I dashed forward to aid Vladimir, my dumbstruck jerk of a brother.


Chapter 17 shall be the epilogue.
