Ch. 3: Pitchers (Part 4)

"Fancy meeting you here," Miyuki called as he rested a hand on the handle to his room. He looked down the stairs at Alexia as she made her way to him. She was smirking.

"If I didn't know better I'd say you were stalking me," she said teasingly. Miyuki chuckled as his eyes were drawn towards her thigh. Unintentionally, he was staring. Alexia chuckled. "I know I'm hot, dude, but do you really have to stare?"

Miyuki jerked his gaze back up to her face and felt a light blush creep onto his cheeks. "Sorry, I didn't mean to. I just didn't realize that you had a tattoo." Alexia blinked at him, not quite understanding. "On your thigh, there's a tattoo."

"Oh!" she exclaimed, recognition showing on her face. "Sorry, I didn't realize you could see it with these shorts." She looked down at her own leg and sure enough she could see the bottom part of her tattoo. "Huh." She looked back at him and waved her hand in front of her face. "Anyway, why didn't you tell me about Eijun? His pitching is amazing."

Miyuki snorted. "That's not quite the word that I would use."

"No, no. I mean, his potential." Alexia's face was lit up and she spoke. "His form is horrendous and his control is worse. Doesn't have much power either, but... he's got a real weapon. If it's honed, he could probably be an amazing pitcher." Alexia's eyes were now dancing with stars and Miyuki felt drawn into her enthusiasm. "I've met and played against a lot of different pitchers, good ones, the best in the nation, but he's different. Furuya is great, too, but there was a guy on my team that could throw almost as fast. I've seen ones like him before, but something, something, is different about Eijun." Alexia paused, catching her breath. "I've only caught a few of his pitches, but I'm fairly certain that at some point he could learn several types of breaking balls."

This caught Miyuki's attention. "What do you mean by that? Didn't you just say you've only caught a few of his pitches?"

"Yeah I have," Alexia confirmed. "But his style is pliable." Miyuki's look of confusion prompted her to explain better. "His form is unique, and he holds his leg higher, but that's at his perfect comfort range. I could tell that he's self-taught and that leg height is what's best for him. Then there's the fact that when he throws, how he twists his body lines his arm up with the plate almost directly. He seems to be extremely flexible, too." Miyuki nodded, letting Alexia continue spewing her thoughts. "I've done a lot of studying about pitching forms that are ideal for different pitching types. Like how Furuya's ideal form would be different that Nori's. If my gut feeling is right, then Eijun's form is ideal for throwing breaking balls. Not to mention, his natural moving fastball."

Miyuki hummed to himself, mulling over what Alexia was saying. It made sense. The little bit of time that Miyuki had spent catching for Eijun, he could tell that the kid had potential. He didn't put the same type of weight on his potential that Alexia did, though. "Well, he certainly has potential," Miyuki said, indecisively. He was hesitant to agree entirely and Alexia didn't push him for it either.

She scratched the back of her neck with her hand and Miyuki realized that she was carrying a shower bag and towel in her left hand. "Sorry for going off like that. I just got a bit excited," she said sheepishly.

Miyuki smiled. "That's alright. Just back from the showers?" He realized after he spoke that it sounded a bit off. 'Well, it's Alexia. I doubt she'll be upset,' Miyuki thought to himself, remembering that she seemed to not care about things like that.

She nodded. "Yeah I am. You too?" Alexia noted that Miyuki was also carrying a shower bag and his hair was slightly dripping. He nodded, then narrowed his eyes slightly. "What is it?"

He turned away from her as he asked, "Where are you showering? We don't have a girl's bath in the dorms..."

Alexia chuckled internally as his voice faded out. He was obviously nervous asking, but his curiosity was stronger. "There's a small bathhouse at the back of the guys'. I was told it used to be for the managers but hasn't been used for a few years. They said it was mine." Miyuki nodded in understanding. Alexia remembered what was waiting for her in her room and she sighed.

It was Miyuki's turn to ask what was wrong. Alexia just shook her head. "I feel fairly confident about most of the subjects in school, and I know that I can pass English in my sleep, but Modern Literature and History are a different issue." She smiled nervously at Miyuki. "I've spent the last five years learning jack shit of Japanese, although I am still fluent, and the history of an entirely different nation."

Miyuki chuckled. "Sounds like you have a lot of catching up to do."

"Yeah," Alexia breathed out. "Do you know any people who might be okay with lending me a hand?"

Miyuki looked back towards his door, contemplating. He was looking forward to relaxing after practice, but his subconscious was telling him that Alexia had saved him from the boisterous pitcher earlier. He groaned inwardly. Curse his conscious. He looked back at Alexia. "I could help you a little bit tonight, if you wanted."

Alexia raised her eyebrows at him. "You're volunteering to help me? Since when are you this nice?"

Miyuki rolled his eyes. "Since my subconscious tells me you saved me from a headache earlier. And this offer is just for tonight."

"Guess I have to make sure to take this opportunity then," Alexia said smiling. "Thanks. If you want to drop your stuff off and then come over, that'd be great."

Miyuki felt himself hesitate a little at the invitation to her room before he reminded himself that it wouldn't be the first time he had been there and that Alexia didn't seem like she could care less. "Alright." He nodded at her and then turned to enter his room.

Once inside, he set his shower bag underneath his bunkbed and tossed his clothes into his hamper. He set his towel on top of his head and ruffled his hair, drying it quickly before hanging his towel over the back of his desk chair. Out of curiosity, he glanced in the mirror to see how much water was sticking to his white and red shirt. 'Not much.' He decided to shuffle through his own bag and grabbed his History and Modern Language books and homework before leaving his room. He hesitated, thinking to lock it since Kimura wasn't back, and then remembered what Alexia had said before. He shrugged to himself, figuring that he was only a couple rooms down anyway. He turned and walked the handful of steps to Alexia's room and raised his fist to knock on the door.

Alexia heard the knocking just as she finished pinning her still damp hair to the top of her head with a large clip. She adjusted her towel that was hanging from the bunkbed across from her own as she called out, "It's unlocked. Come on in."

She watched from the corner of her eye as Miyuki hesitantly opened the door slowly. He poked his head into the room and saw Alexia smile at him before coming the rest of the way in. Alexia chuckled lightly as he closed the door behind him. "This isn't your first time in here, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah," Miyuki said offhandedly. Alexia noticed that he had brought his own Modern Language and History textbooks. "So what did you want to work on first?"

"I was thinking History. I can bumble my way through Modern language at first. I don't think my American history knowledge will be of much help, though," Alexia said with a smile. Miyuki laughed at that and seemed to relax a little and Alexia was glad. She didn't want him to be uncomfortable. She turned and dug through her own bag and pulled out her History book and notebook. She turned back to him and found him still standing near the door.

She waved her arm towards the table set in the middle of the room. "Have a seat. Make yourself at home," she urged him. Miyuki nodded and took a seat at the table with his back to her towel. Alexia sat across from him and opened her notebook first. "Once I found out I'd be moving to Japan, I went through and found what history was taught in junior high. I tried to catch myself up." She spun her notebook around to face Miyuki and he leaned over it, scanning her notes. "This is just a brief overview of what Seido teaches to the first year students. Is there anything of note missing from this list?"

Miyuki read through the different topics and hummed to himself. "I don't think so."

Alexia nodded, satisfied. "Alright, so in that case, I've done the work for about halfway through that year."

Miyuki raised his eyebrows at her. "What do you mean by that?"

She scratched the back of her neck. "Once I got accepted, I asked the teachers if I could get some history work to do to catch myself up." She pulled a file folder from under her bed behind her. "This is the work I've got done and this is the work I have left."

Miyuki looked at the stacks of paper in surprise. He had though that she would just learn the history as they went along. He certainly wasn't expecting her to be doing work from last year. "Alright, so what do you need me for?"

"I'm going to continue doing this work along with my current work so that I get caught up, but I was wondering if you could go over the practice quizzes in here and just tell me if I got them right. I check the homework as I go, but if I get a question wrong on the quiz, I'd like to have another chance to try again."

Miyuki nodded. "Simple enough."

She smiled at him and pulled out a thin stack of papers that she handed to him. "These are the quizzes and these are the answer sheets." She handed him another stack and then pulled a pen out of a pocket in the folder. "Just mark the ones I get wrong, please. I'm going to work on the homework we were assigned today." Miyuki agreed and they both fell into a comfortable silence as they worked.
