Chapter 35

A/N: OMG I'M so unbelievably sorry that I took nearly a month to update! I was just so busy with school and applying to college. Then finals came and I barely had any time to focus on anything! BUT I'm on break now so I should be able to update not often now! Thank you guys for sticking with me! I know waiting for updates is the worst but I always try my best to get them to you guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter!  I'd love to hear some feedback! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy New year!


Life is a pretty funny concept if you ask me. One day you're living it up and loving everything, but then there's those days where you wish you could just disappear off the face of the earth. My current state definitely matched the second chocie. I hated that I was basically a prisoner in my own family and now I'm trying to escape the shackles.

James and I were currently sitting in the back of my dad's Range Rover on our way to our new home. I cringed just at the thought of being there for the rest of my life. Not only would I be deprived of everyone I've come to know and love, but I'd lose myself. I wasn't even sure if James had a full proof plan that would allow us to escape. I mean we were dealing with MY dad, the guy who tricked me into flying thousands of miles in order to take me away from someone whom he despised.

Staring through the window, I felt James snake an arm around my waist and pull me close to him. I was a little taken back by his suddenly affection, especially after what he admitted to me everything. But despite that, it actually eased my mind a little bit. I needed some sort of assurance that everything was going to be okay although right everything was far from okay. I looked up James only to find him staring straight at me.

"You alright?" James quietly asked.

"Just peachy." I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. A grin plastered across James' face as I said this.  He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "I promise we'll get away. Far far away." He sounded so determined and hopeful. As much as I had faith that'd we'd escape, I'm finding the idea of escaping hard to wrap around my head.

My thoughts were soon interrupted by the harsh screeching of tires against gravel. I looked out the window and noticed a white-brick medium sized home. The house was hoisted upon a hill, secluding it from the rest of the town. There were just a bunch of trees around us with a narrow rocky pathway leading to what I presume is the town entrance.

"Welcome to your new home." my dad cheered as he opened the back door for us. James slid out first,taking a hold of my arm and dragging me out. I took a look around us and noticed that there wasn't really much around us but trees and bushes. It's like a long lost castle in the middle of a forest.

"You're expecting to me live here away from the rest of civilization?!" I spat at my dad. He turned around to face me and just smirked at me.

"Oh Zoey, you'll never learn will you? Just accept the fact that this is your new life. Your old life is gone. No matter how loud you scream , how have you cry, you'll never go back." he replied coldly. I don't understand how I never noticed how cold-hearted and selfish my dad was. He was never like this unless he kept on an act throughout the last few years to fool us all.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. Up until this point I wasn't entirely sure why he was treating me like this. Sure I disobeyed him and I dated Niall, but that didn't mean forcing me to marry someone I didn't love and closing me off from the rest of the world.

"Do you honestly believe anyone in that town of ours will ever look at me the same if they found out my daughter was dating some band member?! Surely I'd lose my entire reputation !" he snapped. I couldn't believe he was doing all this for his fucking image. I've honestly never met anyone more selfish than him.

"You're a sorry excuse for a father. How could you be so fucking cold-hearted?! Do you not have a conscience?!" I yelled. My dad just stood there shaking his head before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pair of keys. He slowly walked two are the door of the house and unlocked the door. I stood there speechless at the fact that I was going to lose my mind yet my dad couldn't care less about me.

"Come on. The so one he's gone, the sooner we can leave." James said as he placed his hand on the small of my back and led me towards the house. What in the world was James plotting? We were in the middle of nowhere, there's no where for us to even escape to. To be honest at this point I could care less, I lost everything that actually meant something to me. Most importantly Niall. He was my everything,  I loved him with every fiber in my body and he was even taken away from me.

I slowly entered the living room and took in the surroundings. It actually wasn't that bad of a house. The furniture was simple yet modern. Bright colors like yellow and pink brought some light into the room and gave it a bit of an edge. To my left was a carpeted stair case that led to the second floor which seemed quite big for the size of this house. Then to my right was a small hallway that fed into the dining room. A large crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, lighting up the entire room. Right across from the dining room was the kitchen. It was your ordinary everyday kitchen with the addition of a marble island in the middle. To be honest this place wasn't half bad, but it just wasn't home. Home was back in London with a clumsy yet sweethearted blue-eyed boy.

"So how do you like your new home?" my dad exciditley asked. Was he actually expecting me to jump up and down and thank him. I just stared at him thinking of how cruel he was for doing all of us this.  You could practically cut the tension with a knife that way between us. Thankfully James butted in and said, "We really appreciate all of this Mr.Clemens, but it's getting late so you should probably head home before anyone suspects anything. " James urged. He was one he'll of an actor that's for sure. I guess that's the first reason I was here. I had actually believed mg sorry excuse of a father was dying.

"Would you look at that! But first I need to go over this spread sheet with you. It has to be faxed over first thing in the morning." my dad said reach in into his coat pocket to pull out a few papers. Before sitting down, my dad looked at me and said, "Why don't you have a look around your new home honey? Fetch us a couple drinks from the kitchen. My throat is so dry."

I didn't even bother answering him, I just turned around and walked towards the kitchen. Pulling out one of the chairs from the kitchen table,  I took a seat and laid my head down for a bit. I hadn't even realized I was crying until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I lifted my head a bit only to see it was James.

"Hey I told you everything was going to be okay didn't I?" James said.

"But how?" I said barely above a whisper. James came closer to me and whipped my tears with the backs of his thumbs.

"I have a plan and if everything goes well then you'll never have to worry about this palce again and-" he was cut off by my father's footsteps clattering against the marble floor.

"What happened to the drin-" he was cut off by noticing James and I. "Am I interrupting something ?" he spectically asked.

"Erm.. I was just telling Zoey how excited I am to call her mine forever." James said intertwining our fingers together and lifting our hands to show him. I looked up at James and gave him a weak smile. It felt weird to be holding someone else's Han other than Niall's. Whenever I held Niall's hand, I felt a sense of security and comfort. Now I was just experiencing fear and anxiety.

"Ahh young love, the best kind of love." my dad winked. "Well I'll leave you two to get accustomed to the house. I'll stop by tomorrow afternoon to make sure everything is okay. Take care of her James. Don't let her slip." was the last thing he said before walking out. It wasn't Lon before I heard the tires of his car grind against the gravel and maneuver away from here.

"He's gone. We only have so much time to get away from here." James said as he walked over to one of the kitchen cabinets. I looked at him with a confused expression as he continued to search for whatever it was in the cabinets. "Ahh!" he exclaimed before pulling out a white iPhone. 

"James what the hell are we doing?!" I whisper-yelled.

"Shhh I got it covered. I'll tell you in sec."he said as he dialed a number and waited for it to answer.

"Hello?" James said.

"Can I speak to Tom? He told me to call him around this time."  I heard another deep voice on the end.

"Yeah we're all ready. Just calling to make sure we're still on."

"Alright thank you so much! I can't tell you how much I appreciate this!"

"See you soon." James said as he hung up. I raised an eyebrow at him. I was utterly confused as to why he just used a hidden phone to call some mystery man.

"Alright so there's a train that passes right behind this house at exactly eleven thirty every night. The conductor is going to come to stop here and we're going to hop on the cart that's open. From there he'll take us to the airport to drop a couple shipments off. You sneak off and head into the airport. There's going to be a ticket waiting for you to take off back to London at the front desk. Just tell them your name." James said as he ran a hand through his hair. I looked up at the clock in the center of the kitchen and noticed it was already eleven fifteen.  I didn't even care that I didn't even have anything with me. I just wanted to get away from this hell hole.

"Wait what about you?" I asked realizing that James had no where to go after this. I couldn't leave him here with my dad. That would be absolute torture. Who knows what he'll make him suffer through after letting his daughter escape?

"Haven't thought about that yet." James shrugged. "You just need to get out of here." James said.

"No you're coming back to London with me. Stay with Niall and I until you get yourself settled." I said

"Your boyfriend hates me as it is. I don't think he'll enjoy the fact that I'm living with you." James chuckled.

"When he finds out you saved me, he'll have no choice but to accept." I smirked. I highly doubt Niall would object to this. Despite his overprotectivness, he's still a kind and caring person.

"Fine we'll figure that all out once we're on the train. Come on we need to hurry before anyone sees us." James said grabbing my hand and leading me towards the back door. After making our way through several bushes and branches we reached the metal train tracks. I looked head of me and said the train's bright light slowly approaching us. I looked over at James and couldn't help but smile. I really appreciated the fact that he went through all of this just to help me. He risked losing his job with my father to get me back home.

My smile got even bigger when I remembered home. I was finally going to be back in the flat with Niall. Wake up to his warm embrace around me, his beautiful eyes, his perfect smile and most of all that contagious laugh I had become addicted to. I just needed this entire thing to go off well. A little miracle was all I needed right now.

I was startled a bit when I heard the loud train horn ring through my ears. The closer it came the louder it got. My ears could have fallen off from how loud that sound was. The train slowly came to a halt. A dark red cart slid in front of us. The door was slightly open and there was a small blanket in there. I assumed this was the cart we were riding in to the airport.

"Well our ride is here. After you." James said as he helped me into the cart. We got settled in the corner of the cart, sitting up against the cold metal. James tapped the right side three times before the train roared back to life and started moving again. That must have been his signal to let the driver know we got on.

"Thank you." I said as I played with my fingers.

"I told you I was gonna help you didn't I?" James said.

"Not just for this but everything.  For keeping me calm, helping me leave my father's shackles and getting me back to London." I said. "I owe my entire life to you."

"No you don't. You didn't deserve that life back there. You deserve one a million time better and I know that life is back in London with Niall." James said, cracking a small smile. I wasn't expecting him to say any of this to be honest.  He just keeps surprising me.  That was probably the sweetest and most selfless thing he's ever said. I know it took a lot of courage out of him and I could never thank him enough for basically saving my life. I would have never thought James and I would be put into a situation like this.

"Thank you that means so much to me." I said. " Do you mind if I call Niall to let him know I'm okay?" I cautiously asked. I wasn't sure whether or not I was allowed to use that phone James brought but I needed Niall to know I was fine.

"Of course." James said, fishing the phone out of his pocket and handing it to me. I quickly unlocked the phone and dialed the number of the boy who's voice I was dying to hear. It rang four times before I heard a groggy voice answer the phone. Shit I forgot the time difference over there!

"Elloo?" he answered.

"Hi Niall." I said.

"Zoey?!" he exclaimed. His voice sounded a lot more clear as if he completely woke up.

"The one and only." I chuckled.

"Where have yah been?! I've been a fuckin' mess without yah! What da hell happened to yah?!"he practically screamed through the phone.

"Niall, I'm fine I promise. My dad was being a dick as always. He wasn't even in a car crash!  He forced me to call you that day and break up with you." I nearly cried. James put a hand on my shoulder in a comfort in manner in order to calm my nerves that were beginning to rise.

"Dat fuckin' bastard." Niall cursed allowing his accent to become heavier. "Where 're yah now?" he questioned.

"In a train on my way to the airport. Then off to London." I breathed out. I couldn't believe I was actually saying these words. It felt as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders.

"Fuck Zoey. I'm in America right now. The airport tah be exact. I came lookin' for yah. I was worried sick." Niall breathed out.

"It fine Ni. I'll meet you there and then we'll go back together. Yeah?" I hopefully said.

"Of course babe. I can't wait tah see yah." Niall said.

"Neither can I but I gotta go now. I'll see in a couple hours." I said. I knew James and I needed our rest plus Niall needed to go rest since he probably just got off the plane hence why he sounded so tired when answered.

"Alright Zoe. Take care. I love you." Niall said.

"I love you too. Bye." I said before tapping the end button on his phone. I handed James his phone back and leaned my head against the cool metal of the train cart.

"Are you excited to see him?" James asked.

"More than anything." I smiled. "Thank you again. This means so much to me." I smiled before leaning my head against the wall.

"Let's get some rest before we get to the airport. We have a long flight ahead of us." James said looking at me.

"I take it you're coming back with us?"I asked almost jumping off the walls with joy.

"Everyone needs a bit of change in their life right?" James chuckled before closing his eyes.

For once I was actually feeling happy. Everything was going the way they were supposed to be.


I woke up to a loud screeching noise.  I slowly opened my eyes only to be blinded by a small ray of sunshine shining through the cart's sliding door. I no longer felt the train moving which probably meant that we've arrived at the airport. That also meant I was one step closer to see Niall. I couldn't wait to wrap my arms around him and take in his cologne smell.

"I think we're finally here." I heard James mumble as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Finally." I breathed out. James and I slowly got up and carefully jumped out of the cart. In no time were James and I entering the familiar terminals of O'Hare Airport.  Hundreds of people were swarming past us, rushing to get to their flights. I searched the entire waiting area for the familiar blonde hair that I desperately needed to see. After a few minutes if searching, I finally found his head and ran full speed towards him.

"Niall!" I yelled as I ran towards him. He immediately turned around and focused his eyes on me. In no time he had his arms stretched out and was running full speed towards me. Within seconds I was reunited with the boy I was hopelessly in love with. Being in his warm embrace brought the biggest smile to my face. I buried my face in the crook of his neck and took in a sharp breath.

"God I missed you so much." I breathed out. Niall pulled my head back and leaned his forehead against mine. I was expecting him to say something but instead he crushed his soft lips against mine. The kiss wasn't urgent or hungry, it was soft and slow and filled with so much passion. I had definitely missed this. I brought my hands up from Niall's neck to his hair and slowly tugged on the stands poking out. As cliché as this sounds, his lips molding with mine brought the familiar butterflies in my stomach and reminded me how infatuated I was with Niall.

"I hate to break this love fest apart but if we're catching the next plane to London I suggest we get a move on." I heard James say as he cleared his throat from behind. I reluctantly pulled away from Niall and looked him in the eyes. He seemed a bit angry.

"What is he doing here?" Niall said through clenched teeth. I could feel his embrace tighten around me as his angle pulsed throughout him.

"Ni, calm down. Without James I wouldn't be here. He's leaving for London with us. I'll explain everything on the way. But I promise he's no threat. Nothing to worry about." I said before kissing his cheek. He seemed to calm down a bit after I reassured him he had nothing worry about. As we made our way towards the ticket counter, I heard my name being called. I was all too familiar with that voice.

I slowly turned around  and came face to face with the person I was most dreading to see right now. My father.

"You think you won Zoey. You thought you outsmarted me. Sorry honey but I never lose." he smirked before coming closer to me.

And this is where I could use that miracle again.
