XXII. Bait

Chapter Twenty-Two

The three of us make our way back through the factory as quietly as possible, not wanting to draw attention to ourselves.

I feel shaken to my core. We have now seen the battle droids the separatists are creating, and we know that they will combine to make more. That alone is enough to make anyone quiver in fear. But even worse, what Dooku has planned for Taris makes me feel sick. I knew he would mind Irum if he got his hands on the planet, but hearing him say it makes it feel to real. He also said he will kill Genevieve, which I will not allow to happen. Fallon and Aiden look even more afraid than I do. This is their home, their queen, their people. I can't imagine what they must be feeling right now.

As we walk through the main part of the factory, I slip my hand into Fallon's, trying to comfort her the best I can, like she did for me on Tatooine. She smiles at me softly, but her mood doesn't increase. She continues to hold onto my hand as we make it to the exit of the factory, only letting go when she sets eyes on our ship. Her hand falls down to her side abruptly, her eyes widened in shock. I look away from her and towards the ship to see Geonosians inspecting the ship, speaking to each other in a gut weak language I don't recognize.

As soon as they set eyes on us, they point their blasters our way, approaching us slowly. I could try to fight our way out of this, but even if I manage to kill all twenty of the Geonosians, there is a factory filled with battle droids right behind me. We don't stand a chance. If it were just me, I might go ahead and try to fight my way out anyways. But Aiden and Fallon are here, and I have to keep both of them safe.

Letting out a sigh, I hold my hands up in surrender, watching Fallon and Aiden do the same. Three Geonosians put their blasters away and bring our binders, clicking them around our wrists with loud clicks. With a few words exchanged between the Geonosians, they usher us back towards the entrance, back towards the factory.



I keep trying to focus on the book I am reading right now, but it's extremely difficult. Today is the day of the senate vote. Today is the day whether we declare war on the separatists or not. In fact, I am pretty sure the senate is in session this very moment.

Sola is sitting next to me knitting while Obi Wan is sitting across from us on the opposite couch reading a book of his own. He's reading 'The Rise and Fall of the Old Republic', his eyebrows knitted in focus as he reads the text in front of him. His legs are crossed and he has his elbow resting on the arm of the chair, his hand resting beneath his jaw. He's been like this for a few hours now and I keep catching myself staring at him. This time he does too; his eyes glance up and meet mine, making me abruptly look down at my book, a blush forming on my cheeks. Out of the corner of my eye I think I see him smile to himself.

I glance over at Sola, finding an amused look on her face as she glances back and forth between Obi Wan and me. This certainly doesn't help my blush.

I am so wrapped up in my own embarrassment that the beeping sound of my hologram projector makes me jump. I fish into my pocket and bring it out, reality sinking back in and my heart beginning to beat rapidly in my chest. Padmé appears on the projector, her face very serious.

"What happened?" I ask her, watching Sola sit closer to me and Obi Wan come and stand behind the couch we sit on.

"The debate went on for some time, but a decision has been made. The murder of a republic monarch cannot go unpunished, so the senate voted to declare war against the separatists. The Jedi council was present during the vote and I managed to talk to Master Windu afterwards. He told me that Master Yoda is going to Kamino right now to see the clones for himself."

I look over my shoulder to see Obi Wan nod, rubbing his beard. "I will contact him as soon as we are done here."

I find myself feeling slightly lightheaded, my heart sinking so low I think it might hit the floor. My people have already been through enough with Dooku stopping our trade and my father being murdered, but now we will be at war. All people suffer from war, which is exactly why Padmé and other senators fought so hard to prevent it. But Dooku wanted a war and that's exactly what he's getting.

"We should call Anakin, Fallon, and Aiden. They will want to know this."

Padmé nods. "No doubt they are anxious to go to Geonosis and confront Dooku. They will get their wish. Master Windu told me that they are planning to go there as soon as Master Yoda gets back."

"Let's call them now, they need to be apart of this." I say, looking to Obi Wan.

He nods, fishing out his own hologram projector and clicking it on. His eyebrows crease in confusion as he stares at the small disk. No one's hologram is appearing.

I stare at the projector too. "Odd. They have never missed a call of ours."

Obi Wan sets it down, letting out a sigh. "No. No they haven't."

I turn my body around more and grab onto his hand, squeezing it lightly. "They are probably just in the middle of something. I'm sure they are fine."

He squeezes my hand back, his eyes glazed over as he stares down at the projector, lost in thought. "Let's hope so."



"I told you guys this was a bad idea." Aiden remarks.

I roll my eyes. "I really don't need this right now."

The Geonosians took us to the lower levels of the factory where more of their kind reside. I don't know why they seem to live within the factory but this seems to be the case. We passed by a hall where Geonosians were sleeping in pods against the wall, the only light coming from the machinery making droids in the distance. The dark rooms where they reside matches the overall personality of the species. I have to say Geonosians aren't a very pleasant species. Past the sleeping Geonosians and the conveyor belts of assembled battle droids is a prison room. It isn't like other prisons I've seen; there aren't any cells, instead there's a machine in the middle of the floor that suspends a person in the air and freezes them there. Aiden, Fallon, and I are suspended in air back to back, our bodies completely immobile.

It feels like hours that we have been here, with only the occasional Geonosian passing by or standing by to guard us. I start to wonder if anyone will come to speak with us when the door to the room opens and closes, revealing a well dressed, sophisticated, and psychotic to the core Sith lord. It's Count Dooku.

He looks at the three of us, his attention lingering on Aiden. He approaches Aiden, his face filled with disappointment. "Mr. Parr, how unfortunate. If only you had stayed on Taris then perhaps you would have gotten a position of power when the separatists took control."

I can't see him, but I hear Aiden scoff. "Power at the cost the the lives of my people? You're a monster. I never should have trusted you."

"I was the only one helping your people."

"You are the reason our people were starving in the first place. We only needed help because of the damage you had done."

"It was only a matter of time before something happened to Taris, I just moved things along. King Willard was weak, no better than the other members of the republic. He did nothing when your people began to starve. He hoped the republic would fix it and did nothing else. You should be thanking me."

"The republic may not be perfect but it isn't corrupt like the separatists are." I comment.

Count Dooku makes his way around to me, his cold brown eyes staring up at me. "Don't be so sure. The republic is more corrupt than you know, young Skywalker. What if I were to tell you that the republic was under the control of the dark lord of the Sith?"

"Then I would think you're even more psychotic than I thought. If that were the case then the Jedi would know about it."

Count Dooku smiles, a sick, twisted smile that makes my stomach churn. His eyes study me as he grows a bit closer, almost like he's reading me. "The dark side of the force has clouded their vision. Hundreds of senators are now under the influence of Darth Sidius."

"I don't believe you."

Dooku looks around at all three of us, his eyes still analyzing me as he says; "The corruption and arrogance of the republic and Jedi will only damage our galaxy. If you join me, together we can restore the galaxy to peace. We can destroy the Sith."

Fallon lets out a laugh. "And how many will you murder to achieve the peace you speak of?"

"As many as necessary."

"Why don't you do us all a favor and jam your head in a door, because we will never join you and you're just wasting your time trying to convince us." Fallon spits out, saying the words like they're poison. I feel a smile creeping onto my lips by her comment, but Dooku doesn't share my amusement.

He brings out my hologram projector and my communicator, holding them both up to me. "Your master has called you several times. He must be getting worried that you haven't returned his calls. Lets fix that, shall we?" Dooku says, clicking a button on both my projector and communicator.

"What did you do?" Fallon asks cautiously.

"I sent a distress signal to Master Kenobi. When he gets it he'll see that it came from Geonosis and will come to rescue you. But he isn't alone is he? Queen Genevieve Daulton is with him. From what I have heard, she is loyal to a fault to her people. Well here are two of her subjects being held hostage. She will come to help aid Obi Wan in your rescue. You three are the perfect bait."

I can feel the fear that flows through Aiden and Fallon, and so can Dooku. He smiles as he makes his way towards the door, his icy cold chuckle echoing around the prison chamber long after he has gone.
